My eldest daughter is suffering excruciating pain, need second opinion?

My eldest daughter, she is 16 years. Last year (2015 December) she was having pain at the right back of her neck. I took her to Dr. Dr. told that it is an allergic or cold problem. He prescribed antibiotics. Then she was ok for about 3 months. After 3 months the same area was paining and a lump can be seen like tumour. I took her to a renowned Dr. He said, may be it’s an allergic problem and gave some blood test n FNAC test. The reports were normal. Dr. prescribed her medicines, which helped her to be ok for another one n half month. Again it started paining and this time it was unbearable. Surprisingly, I saw 4 more lumps at the right and left side of her neck. Her spinal chord started paining n she was having a bit fever. Immediately I took her to Dr. This time we did her FNAC again and some blood test, but result nothing. Again and again we r going to different Dr’s, tests, medicines but no improvement. One of the Dr. told to do biopsy. Then we consulted a neurosurgeon but he told that its a sensitive area to operate. He needs time for it n gave medicines.

Finally in the end of December I took her to India (New Delhi). There we appointed a medicine Dr. He gave tests. In the reports he found a huge deficiency of vitamin D. After that we consult a neorology Dr. He gave for MRI test. In the report ARACHNOID CYST can be found. He gave 6 months medicine. Now my daughter’s spinal chord and the lump is paining. My daughter is now screaming out of pain. As a mother it’s very painful to see my daughter in this condition. Please, please n please help me out. Help my daughter. Suggest us something. I am attaching the reports n prescription. I will be grateful to you dr. If u can suggest us anything.

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Ahmed Fawzy
6:37 pm

How was allergy treated first time by antibiotics? What is its name?
I need also second medication name
You need to do autoimmune profile ,
Until then epicotil can help in the pain but it is very dangerous I recommend using it under supervision
I will wait for your answer
Good Luck

4:56 am

from the history,i personally feel that the FNAC / biopsy test of the lumps should have been conclusive.
These appear to be enlarged lymph nodes or an onset of lymphoma.
arachnoid cyst,if large,needs to be operated.

Dr.Honey Arora
6:24 am

Thanks for writing to us..

As per your complain please make it a bit clear that has the make it clear that is the Arachanoid cyst is ruled out, as it is a bit unclear as you have written that it can be ruled out..

So please make it clear..

In case if it is ruled out and is not being managed with medication then surgical drainage of the same can be planned..

So it will be better to immediately consult your Neurosurgeon and get evaluated..

Hope this helps..


Ayman Darrag
6:49 am

In my opinion the cyst should be drained if it is causing pain..
Can you tell me what medications she had taken since she got Ill?
You should consider doing ESR,CRP,AnA tests for autoimmune disease possibilities..