Question: Unexplained headaches … does MRI show problem?

I have been having unexplained headaches and nausea for about five years now and recently have lost a bit of use in my left hand. I had an MRI a couple of days ago and i will be seeing my regular GP in two weeks time. I was wondering, do you think there is anything on the MRI that might indicate a cause of the headaches?
Thank you for your time.


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3:01 pm

I have seen the image you sent. It shows a lesion in lower cervical vertebra.
But such lesions usually do not cause headaches or nausea.
It may be the cause of less use in ur left hand though.

The film doesn’t show more of brain tissue so cause of headache cannot be diagnosed. U can try attaching more films in various angles and planes so that i can help u more. Thanks

Jean Claude
3:40 pm

Nothing to be seen that can explain the headaches and nausea that you have been having for the last years

Dr. B. Lewis
3:48 pm

Unless other MRI pics show other problem, seems to me that you may be suffering from migraines that cause nausea (nauseating migraines). The lesion – the cause of loss of use in your hand – would be a separate issue.

12:35 am

What could the lesion indicate?

Dr. B. Lewis
2:12 am

A lesion is an abnormality seen in the MRI. It may be nothing at all. As it may be something to deal with. Which is why it MAY be the cause of reduction of use in hand.