We are trying to conceive, should I think of IUI (Intrauterine insemination) as an option

I have been married for 2 and half years now. We are trying to conceive after first year of marriage. I have tried TVS scan for tracking ovulation which happens between 15th and 16th day counting from my first day of periods. Recently i had undergone some tests which resulted i have high antisperm antigen value and also TB of uterus. My husband’s sperm analysis is normal according to my doctor. I am taking medications from past two months for both the conditions which are AKT-3, Prednisolone 10mg, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 40mg.

We tried last month and i did not concieve. My periods cycle vary from 31-37 days. i am 27 y.o and my husband is 32 y.o , I want to know whether we should try naturally or should i think of IUI as an option

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10:02 am

considering that you have uterine tb and anti sperm antigens, its better to go for IUI.
this will result in early pregnancy with minimal side effects and a healthy baby.
you should not waste time trying the natural way. thanks