My 18 yr old daughter had a spinal fusion in June, now 7 months later she gets choked when eating?

My 18 yr old daughter had a spinal fusion in June. Two days afterwards she had bilateral swelling in the supraclavical area of neck. They are the size of lg eggs. The size changes daily. Now 7 months later she gets choked when eating and says the areas hurt. We have been to family Dr three times, two different ent’s, an endocrinologist. She has had ultrasound, MRI & been tested for Cushing’s. All of which were negative. Neurosurgeon says not from surgery. We have been told not going to die from it since it’s both sides, that its just fat, andi have noidea but its not normal. Please help my daughter! We are so tired of no answers!

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Ahmed Fawzy
6:16 am

Hi , in my opinion
It could be Cystic Hygroma (which can show up after surgury ), simple lipoma or Lymphoma from a viral infection
I recommend a sample is taken by aspiration to be analysed , also a ct scan can identify help narrow down the possibilities

Good Luck

11:47 am

from the history it does not seem to be a result of surgery definitely.
neither does it seem normal as u mentioned.
we can do 1 thing,we can get a endoscopy done to rule out intramucosal causes of choking.
this will give an idea as to whats wrong.

Ayman Darrag
6:05 am

May be it is not related to the surgery but these symptoms should not be neglected as you said it is impairing swallowing ..
I recommend a sample puncture.

Consider also an aneurysm of either the common carotid or brachealcephalic artery, or venous obstruction in either the jugular or subclavian vein.
Is there any alterations in arm or hand coloration ?temprature?

prashant gaikwad
11:44 am

may be a lymphoma or may be related to surgery.
needs further evaluation
sample aspiration and analysis will help

Masr Fawzy
3:35 pm

As its painful, i believe its viral infection,
CMV , toxoplasmosis…

Also do fine needle aspiration. But the diagnostic ix is CT