Hematoma after mini face-lift, caused lips and eyes to be swollen shut?

Female, age 68, non-smoker, excellent health until hematoma following recent mini-facelift. Hematoma caused drainage into my lips and eyes (even though neither was a part of the surgery). My eyes were swollen shut, but have now opened enough for me to see. The hematoma was suctioned out, but the problem now is that my lips remain huge. I can’t close them so I drool like a baby. My surgeon is so nice, I don’t want to hurt his feelings, and he has literally been seeing me in his office every day to re-check the hematoma. He thinks it will go away over time;however, my lips remain unchanged. IIs there anything that can speed up the process?

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I’ve had rapid breast growth, want breast reduction surgery, what age should I typically get this surgery?

I am a 17 year old female who isn’t over weight and a healthy weight at that. Since I was in middle school I’ve had rapid breast growth considering my genes but I have overgrown all my relatives even the overweight ones. Because of this I’ve had tremendous back pain which I’ve seen a chiropractor which hasn’t helped much. So I’ve come to decide the choice of a breast reduction, I will be going from a DDD to a C. I was wondering what age I should typically get this surgery and if I do plan on getting pregnant will that effect the reduction. I also want to know if I can put the tissue from my breasts into be butt.

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I got dermal fillers for my lips, after accident, I noticed a little ball/bump inside it?

HI! I got dermal fillers for my lips in May and everything was just fine for 4 months, I was very happy with the result. However, in the beginning of October I fainted, hit my face really hard and damaged my upper lip. It got swollen and bruised. In a few weeks I noticed a little ball/bump inside it. I’ve been visiting a cosmetic clinic since then and trying to dissolve it. I’ve had 4 treatments already, I can see the progress but the ball is still there. I’m just scared that it might not dissolve because of the scar tissue that is probably wrapped around that piece of filler. Have you ever had the same kind of situation in your practice, what treatment would you recommend? I’m very young and scared and don’t want to get any kind of plastic surgery. Thanks in advance. Look forward to hearing back!

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