26 year old female. Regular relationship, no kids, birth control since 16. Around three months ago I had a dull pain in my lower right stomach pop up followed my what seemed to be two heavy periods in one month. I have been checked for appendicitis and it wasn’t that. I haven’t had a period since. My blood tests were only slightly off leaning towards diabetes. My white cell count was slightly off then seemed to get better. The pain began moving to and from my groin. I went back to the doc and it seems my inguinal lymph node is swollen and won’t go down. I’ve noticed my left boob feels heavy and fuller but doesn’t hurt. The doc thinks I have pcos and may have a cyst but would it give me trouble for this long? Also I’m supposed to get my thyroid checked, could this be related?
I am a 54 yr old who had stage 4 anal cancer the aggressive tx (treatment) of radiation and chemo saved my life but left me with radiation neuritis of my sciatic nerve causing pain in buttocks and at first my r leg now I had to have my r hip replaced twice within 2 wks this past July due to spontaneous fx. I have been dealing with this pain since may of 1999 (I began tx sept1998) my Dr had been treating monthly for this pain…now he is returning home to lebanon after treating me for 18+ yrs. He had told his replacement to to send me to a pain clinic I went back to the doctor last Monday he did neither he did not write pain meds or refer me to a new pain doctor… (what do you recommend?)
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