Cold room temperatures give me headaches and migraines?

I am searching for the medical term or explanation to a condition that I got ever since the following happened:

I was renting for a couple of years a flat (in a relatively new development/house) from a landlord, who refused to fix anything in it, including the heating, which was not working at all (from the very beginning) all winter long.
(I live in Europe by the way)

I was forced to sleep in a room with cold air. And then would get up with horrible headaches and migraines, because of that.

The thing it, it is now already a couple of years after I no longer live in that place, but the health damage still remains!

I am now sensitive to any somewhat cold room temperature (I believe already anything below 25 degrees Celsius), and still get up with forehead pain if having slept in anything but a warm room.
It is always the forehead that aches afterwards.

Please could you advise me what this is, if there is any medical term for this (it’s not hypothermia is it?), and if there is anything I could do in order to reverse the permanent damage which was caused.
(I never before, prior to living in the said flat under the described conditions, suffered from this phenomenon)
It is very impairing and debilitating to me and I cannot have a normal life (without needing to worry about if a room is warm enough, and without suffering forehead pain) anymore due to this.

Thank you very much in advance for your help and advice.

Question: Is it possible to have fake periods during amenorrhea?

I’m 19 and I have secondary amenorrhea from anorexia (recovering and getting help) but I haven’t gained weight yet or changed my eating much but all of a sudden I got a period after not having one since June this year. Can I really just suddenly get my periods back irrespective of eating, weight and exercise because I’ve never had them at this low a weight before? I am currently 45.6kg and 168cm tall. I know that what looks like “periods” can mean a whole lot of other things. Is it possible to have fake periods during amenorrhea? But isn’t the pill the only thing that causes fake periods?

This Question Is Open to Answers -Post Your Comment Below

I see all pregnancy symptoms came back. I feel nauseous, light headed and shooting pain in lower abdomen. there was weird test in my mouth. Can I be pregnant?

Hi, I’m XXXX. I’m 26 years old. I was 10 weeks pregnant when i had D&C on 11th June. I was too depressed and haven’t had sex since. but we had unprotected sex a night before d&c. I didn’t bleed much that day. only a day or two after d&c. later all pregnancy symptoms went away. I started to bleed on 7th July. But that was not like periods. my periods are never regular. 15 days cycle or 2 months gap. there was not much flow this time. only little and fresh reddish pink for some time a day. it continues for 3 4 days. 1 st it was just spotting. was that implantation bleeding again? am I pregnant again? Can I be pregnant again? I see all pregnancy symptoms came back. I feel nauseous, light headed and shooting pain in lower abdomen. there was weird test in my mouth. Can I be pregnant? please say yes. is that possible?
It is possible to become pregnant after D&C. After a D and C, you may experience mild cramping and staining. Light cramping and bleeding can be expected from a few days to up to 2 weeks. Ibuprofen is usually suggested for treating cramps. You should not insert anything into the vaginal area (including using a douche or having sexual intercourse) for at least 2 weeks or until the bleeding stops. Consult with your doctors if you should experience:
Dizziness or fainting
Prolonged bleeding (over 2 weeks)
Prolonged cramping (over 2 weeks)
Bleeding heavier than a menstrual period, or filling more than one pad per hour
Severe or increased pain
Fever over 100.4 °F
Foul smelling discharge

I had sex 2 weeks ago and i haven’t gotten my period…

I have a question, i had sex 2 weeks ago and i haven’t gotten my period…. and i have cramps below my stomach… but im on birth control… idk what to do..

There are a number of reasons for experiencing cramping but no period, including:
Eating Disorder
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ovarian Cyst
Autoimmune Oophoritis
Cervical Stenosis
Ovarian Cancer

consult with your doctor for an accurate diagnosis, beginning with a pregnancy test