Cold room temperatures give me headaches and migraines?

I am searching for the medical term or explanation to a condition that I got ever since the following happened:

I was renting for a couple of years a flat (in a relatively new development/house) from a landlord, who refused to fix anything in it, including the heating, which was not working at all (from the very beginning) all winter long.
(I live in Europe by the way)

I was forced to sleep in a room with cold air. And then would get up with horrible headaches and migraines, because of that.

The thing it, it is now already a couple of years after I no longer live in that place, but the health damage still remains!

I am now sensitive to any somewhat cold room temperature (I believe already anything below 25 degrees Celsius), and still get up with forehead pain if having slept in anything but a warm room.
It is always the forehead that aches afterwards.

Please could you advise me what this is, if there is any medical term for this (it’s not hypothermia is it?), and if there is anything I could do in order to reverse the permanent damage which was caused.
(I never before, prior to living in the said flat under the described conditions, suffered from this phenomenon)
It is very impairing and debilitating to me and I cannot have a normal life (without needing to worry about if a room is warm enough, and without suffering forehead pain) anymore due to this.

Thank you very much in advance for your help and advice.

Should I take Pertussis vaccine in order to protect baby from whooping cough?

Question: What is the general rule for a Pertussis vaccine? I have no symptoms. I am asking because my daughter is having a baby and she asked me to get the Pertussis vaccine in order to protect the baby from whooping cough. Is this necessary?

Answer: Today, vaccines have become a “hot” debate in today’s politicized world, but in regards to your question re: Pertussis (whooping cough), vaccination is in fact the best protection and helps to reduce the risk to yourself, vulnerable infants, and pregnant women. Recommendation: Tdap; one dose for an adult (for adults who haven’t received it before). This is a standing recommendation issued by many governments, including CDC and Canada Health.


Dr. D. Zluf
Dr. D. Zluf

I had an allergic reaction to lip balm, what can I put on it safely?

Question: I had an allergic reaction to lip balm and by the time I got home and washed it off,
all the skin on my lips slushed off. Most regrew normal, but the center was puffy and yellowish. I thought it was from my Shea butter lip mask, but when it got torn just now it reeked. So, infected. But what can I put on it safely?

I am a male with weak ejaculation. Are there any remedies?

Question: 39, male with weak ejaculation. Much remains in the urethra and has to be urinated out. Sometimes there is irritation and urge to urinate but no urine to flush. Currently taking antidepressants and beta blockers which I must continue. Are there any remedies? Thank you.

Best Answer: I would recommend you do pelvic floor exercises. Pelvic floor exercises are a specific workout that intentionally engages, strengthens, and tones your pelvic floor muscles that are involved in bladder, bowel, and sexual function. To quickly identify the pelvic floor muscles try to stop the flow of urine while emptying your bladder. Do this once for a second or two, this is the correct muscle. This is the muscle you need to exercise.

Start the exercise by sitting or laying down. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for up to 10 seconds, then release. Do a set of 10 squeezes. Repeat the exercises two or three times a day. As your muscle strength improves, you can hold each squeeze for longer or add more repetitions.

Dr. Xavier Trepanier

What is the difference between complementary and conventional medicine?

Question: What is the difference between complementary and conventional medicine?

Answer: Hi and thanks for your question. Complementary therapies are used alongside conventional medicines or treatments. These include: 1. Alternative health approaches such as traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy. 2. Mind and body practices like acupuncture, massage therapy, and tai chi. 3. Natural products like herbs, dietary supplements, and probiotics.

People often use complementary practices along with care from their medical doctor to deal with chronic health problems, treat symptoms, or stay healthy.

In the U.S., the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health was formed within the National Institutes of Health to test the safety and effectiveness of these treatments. The center has guidelines to help you choose safe treatments that are right for you.

In other countries, complementary medicine is used regularly and may also be officially recognized and subsidized by governments.

One benefit is that many people who practice complementary medicine take a “whole person,” or holistic, approach to treatment.

In some cases, this type of medicine works as well as standard medicine. Also, these treatments may cost less and have fewer side effects than standard treatment.

Talk with your doctor about any complementary health practice that you would like to try or are already using. Your doctor can help you manage your health better if he or she has the whole picture about your health.

Please take advantage of the expertise of complementary medicine practitioners – they can sometimes prove to be invaluable – especially when conventional medical intervention provides unsatisfactory results.

Dr. D. Zluf
Dr. D. Zluf