CT scan & diagnosed with diverticulitis, is it safe to have colonoscopy

CT scan & diagnosed with diverticulitis abscess 1.5cm on 11-1-17. Took antibiotics 10 additional days second CT Scan 11-20-17 shows no abscess but diverticulitis with inflammation. If pain is mostly gone, is it safe to have colonoscopy December 13? Can I take mesalamine 800mg, or entocort ec to get rid of inflammation completely, or should i take more antibiotics?

Re: Colonoscopy

Medications: none now, only herbals

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Dr.Honey Arora
11:32 pm

Can you please first upload your colonoscopy report?
If abscess is completely healed I do not think you need more antibiotics but first I would like to see your both the colonoscopy reports.


Arti Sharma
11:36 pm

Hi there,
It is recommended that you should not get colonoscopy done in diverticulitis since it can lead to perforation and peritonitis.You may postpone the procedure.Meanwhile take care of your diverticulitis in form of rest, liquid diet and antibiotics.Take care and keep us posted!

Original Poster
Original Poster
11:52 pm

I have not had a colonoscopy, but I’ve had 2 CT Scans, one with barium. What about taking mesalamine for inflammation?

12:01 am

Moderator Comments:
“Colonoscopy” report(s) in first doctor answer should have read “CT Scan”

Original Poster
Original Poster
12:03 am

Last CT Report: (Inflamed appearing diverticula)
Impression: Mild diverticulitis involving diverticula seen within sigmoid colon along with mild circumferential wall thickening of the distal descending & sigmoid colon which is felt to be reactive

Ahmed Fawzy
10:03 am

It is safe to have colonoscopy
No reason to worry
Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
12:50 pm

In my opinion you are worrying for no reason to get the colonoscopy done while there is inflammation.. it is diagnostic and any inflammation is normally expected.