For the past months I am experiencing pain on my upper abdomen?

Good day, I would like to ask about stomach issues. For the past months I am experiencing pain on my upper abdomen which happens to occur at the same time in the afternoon until the evening. I feel bloated and burps every now and then. It made me very uncomfortable especially when I am at work. I tried several home remedies which includes ginger tea,horseradish etc. to alleviate the pain but still it would come back. Sometimes forcing myself to vomit helps a lot for it reduces the pain until the morning. My question is as to what condition am I suffering to? And what is the best way I can do to counter such pains. Thank you.

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Ayman Darrag
6:24 pm

You mostly are suffering gastritis and GERD, how hard is the pain and how old are you?!

Ahmed Fawzy
9:26 pm

Try drinking hot drinks every 30 min for 2 days, if you are not okay by then, then I recommend using lactulose and bran ,
I also recommend doing an endoscopy to investigate.
Good Luck

2:51 am

these are symptoms of gastric ulcer or gasrtitis.
get a gastroendoscopy done.
Take antacids with prebiotics.
avoid tea and spicy / junk food.
consult a gastroenetrologist.

Dr.Honey Arora
2:51 pm

Thanks for the query..

It looks like acid reflux or Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD..
Consult a Gastroenterologist and get evaluated and upper G.I Endoscopy can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly..

You can be advised antacids along with proton pump inhibitor like Omeprazole..
Probiotics like Yogurt should be taken in abundance..

Hope this helps..
