How to treat leiomyosarcoma and rectal cancer at the same time?

My 54 year old wife had been battling stage 4 leiomyosarcoma for the past 10 years. She has tumors in about 8 locations, lung, stomach, limbs, bone. It has been slowly advancing and is chemo resistant. Now if you can believe it she has rectal cancer with invasive adenocarcinoma. It was removed w/o clear margins through TAE. It was 5 CM, poorly differentiated cells, invaded perirectal tissue, invaded perineural, and has suspected lymphovascular invasion. How in the heck does she attack both at one time. TY

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Ahmed Fawzy
9:31 pm

I really paused for some time before answering your question.
Adenocarcinoma is highly invasive, radiation therapy should be added to chemotherapy , you can ask your doctor to add Aldesleukin (IL-2, Proleukin or interleukin 2) to your treatment,( it is highly toxic )
….i wish you good luck

2:40 am

this seems to be highly agressive tumour and as u said,it is very difficult to tackle 2 different tumors at the same time.
for multiple tumors,local excisions followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the best options available.

Masr Fawzy
7:37 pm

Its all about tumor metastasis, tumor can migrate frkm one place to another, also there is a genic predisposition..

I am really sorry for this