I had an acute EBV antibody test done can i rule out the very rare fatal disease SCAEBV?

Hello doctors, Recently i had an acute EBV antibody test done. all 4 panels came back negative, even though i am very symptomatic. With these results can i rule out the very rare fatal disease SCAEBV (Severe Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus Infection)???

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Ahmed Fawzy
10:02 pm

If you have done a nuclear antigen test and came back negative then yes you can role out Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus Infection
Thank you

Ayman Darrag
10:21 pm

Since 4panels are negative then you can exclude ebv ,what symptoms do you suffer now?

4:54 am

yes,if all 4 panels are negative then SCAEBV is entirely ruled out.
dont worry.
just continue symptomatic treatment from hereon.
thanks u

Masr Fawzy
9:39 am

How long have u been suffering the symptoms,??

I believe u should take the medication with no need for further investigation,
However nuclear ag test is gonna be useful if u want…

Dr.Honey Arora
10:07 am

Thanks for the query..

If all 4 panels are negative then it is not probably Chronic Active EBV.

Please provide details about the symptoms that you are facing.
