I had breast reduction, my doctor took 550 g from right and 450g from left breast?

I had breast reduction when I was 20 years old, my doctor took 550 g from right and 450g from left breast. I am 6 months post op and my left breast looks bigger and not as tender as right breast. Will my breast get more symmetrical?

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Masr Fawzy
9:54 pm

It ‘ll not grow
U need to do plastic surgery to the bigger one , u May also inject material in it like silicon in the smaller one…

Consult dermatology specialist

Ahmed Fawzy
10:23 pm

Sorry no they won’t get symmetrical without another surgery
Good Luck

5:01 am

i do not understand the reason for asymmetrical removal of breast tissue during the surgery.
Was there any specific reason to do so?
spontaneous correction won’t occur in breast size.
may needs a re-surgery.

Dr.Honey Arora
6:14 am

Thanks for the query..

If after the surgery also the breasts size is not the same then it will not get better on its own.
As well as now the tenderness must have subsided..
So my suggestion is that you should consult a Plastic surgeon or a Cosmetic surgeon and get evaluated, so that they can perform either breast reduction surgery of the left breast or augmentation of the right breast to make them symmetrical..

Hope this information helps..


Ayman Darrag
1:59 pm

Nothing can help but another surgery to correct the problem ..