I have a tiny mole, is this cancer?

I am a very healthy 22 years old Female.
I just have a question I was unknowingly scratching a tiny mole that I have and noticed a tiny crust growing on it (maybe from scratching?)Should I be worried?

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Masr Fawzy
2:54 pm

No worries Only suspect something wrong if you found the ABCDE mole rule u ll need to investigate at that time  A = Asymmetry One half is unlike the other half.  B = Border An irregular, scalloped or poorly defined border.  C = Color Is varied from one area to another; has shades of tan, brown or black, or is sometimes white, red, or blue.  D = Diameter Melanomas are usually greater than 6mm (the size of a pencil eraser) when diagnosed, but they can be smaller. E = Evolving A mole or skin lesion that… Read more »

Ayman Darrag
2:57 pm

Unless there is change in size or shape or bleeding ..no need to worry at all..
Wait and see..

Ahmed Fawzy
6:19 pm

You should be concerned if it is growing ir itching which is the case , i recommend that you see a dermatologist to check it
Good Luck

5:27 am

only itching and crust formation over a mole are not indicative of a malignancy.
Increase in size,change in color and its texture are the alarming signs.
Keep a watch on these issues.
Consult a dermatologist to confirm.