Idiopathic intracranial hypertension?
I have had IIH in 2014 been on meds, number of lumber punctures and surgery but have not been successful. Again same in 2015 and 2016. I get severe headaches, eye swelling, affects my left side more. I lose vision at times, total black out, weakness in legs and dizziness. Drs do not know what is causing this and why it comes, unsure of what is actually going on. These problems are continuous all day everyday for more then 8 weeks

In my opinion you need to perform a surgery to insert a shunt to prevent complete blindness , causes can be jagular veins obstruction ,kidney problems , too much vitamin A supplements, autoimmune disease , also some hormonal replacements and antibiotics can cause your problem , i recommend shunt as soon as possible
Good Luck
All the symptoms are normal complications secondary to intracranial hyprrte sion … You need to discuss the surgical treatment ..with your doctor ..
if the medical line of treatment is failing then decompression surgeries with shunts is the best option.
You need to act early to avoid the irreversible vision complications.
What about your intracranial pressure ??
Have u done cranial US
Aslo u need to do fundus examination urgently , i am thinking of papilledema ..