Hello. I am a 36 year old female experiencing an ongoing cough producing phlem/mucus for around 4 weeks now, drenching night sweats, every night for the past couple of weeks. I have to change my clothes 2-3 times each night. I am generally cold, so this is strange for me. I am also experiencing weight loss and poor appetite, but was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism 17 years ago. I have been able to maintain my weight at around 110 pounds, but the last several months, it has been very difficult to keep it up. I was diagnosed with Cervical cancer a little over a year ago, but was able to get it surgically removed and my pap smears have come back normal since. I have some lymph nodes that are swollen and slightly tender in the neck and groin area. I also have Ankylosing Spondylitis. I don’t know if these are related, but my research thus far shows that they may be linked. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to look this over, and offering some advice!

this may or may not be related.
you need to get a chest CT and spirometry to confirm.
get tumor markers done to rule out malignancy.
sputum examination will rule out chronic inflammatory disease
Hi ,
In my opinion you could be suffering from Tuberculosis or viral infection , a sample from lymph nodes should be taken to analyse, however most of your symptoms are related to hyperthyroidism not the infection , i recommend you seek a permenant treatment for it
Good Luck
İ really do not think it is the tumor again it is more chst related I suspect T.B or viral …so you need chest xray and culture of sputum to confirm.
Painful swollen LNs is a good sign that its most probably not cancerous, obviously you have respiratory infection
Also u should repeat the thyroid profile v soon
And regarding the fear of having cancer, you need to do routine check up for it