Two years ago i was diagnosed with Chondromalacia Patella and was given 600mg motrin. The pills was working but for the past few months they stopped working. What can i do to relieve this pain because the pain in both of knees is getting worse.

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Definitely you should start physiotherapy to treat this..
Ultra sound therapy .
Street Hong ilitibial band .
Strengthening vastus medialis obliques muscles and stretching of hamstrings ..
Kinesiotaping is magical in chondromalacia patella.
Can you see tell me where in the knee is the pain? Back front, medial lateral?
Any way treatment is to focused on strengthening vastasmedilis to avoid Patella friction on lateral surface or femur .
Good Luck
chondromalaciae is a gradually progressing cartilage disorder.
If it is progressing at a faster rate,then it indicates underlying metabolic connective tissue disorder.
take chondroitin sulfate+MSM+diacerin combination drugs.
Physiotherapy with knee strengthening exercises will help.
LASER therapy has shown promising results recently.
Is there any redness or inflammation.. ?