I’ve started to get heart palpitations and food makes me nauseous?

My entire life I’ve gone without health issues and then suddenly this year it’s been like I’ve become a completely different person.
It started about 10 months ago/at the start of the year.
Food makes me sick and nauseous. The smell of it, being near it and even when eating – I’d say 90% of the time.
That has been my biggest issue but in the past 2-4 months I’ve started to get heart palpitations that last up to 10 yours straight and just random heart flutter.
I get enough sleep but my undereye circles are insane. Sometimes I’m abnormally pale but then suddenly my face starts burning up and it feels like it has a fever. (Only my face, my body does not feel feverish.)
Generally I regularly feel nauseous and sick, even without food causing it. Just randomly.

Note that I am not pregnant or anything of the sorts.

Age: 20
Medications: Nothing

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Ayman Darrag
1:14 pm


In my opinion you could be having anxiety disorder , no other signs refers to a pathology.
it is common in your age to get such problems like anxiety and stress..
Do you practice any type of sports?
do you have stomach ache or abdominal pain?

Ahmed Fawzy
4:27 pm

My opinion this is sever stress, I recommend seeing a psychiatrist
Only other cause is that you have thyroid nodules causing hyperthyroidism
Good Luck

Dr.Honey Arora
12:54 pm

Are you going through any personal or professional stress?

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