My body hasn’t been feeling good at all What can be wrong?

31, women.
My body hasn’t been feeling good at all, I’m having back and neck tightness and I can also feel it in my head. My head feels heavy quite ofter and I have migraines but it feels as though it’s my neck that’s causing my head to feel this way. my ears feel like the after effect of being on a plane and ur ears pop, my throat feels tight also my neck I can also feel a weird feeling from my throat traveling to my jaw little bit like a numb feeling. I have this weird feeling just below my left and right ribcage that also travels round to my back not sure if it’s muscle weakness. My neck is also bit stiff and a little swollen and when I move it left to right I can feel the strain and hear a crunching sound. When I put my chin to my chest I can feel the strain from my head going down my neck down to my back. All my body clicks like the joints. My friend is a osteopath and she tried to work on me, when I crossed my arms over my chest for her to click my back when she leaned on me it felt like from my neck upwards was filled up to the point where it felt like my head was going to explode. I am not emptying my bowels frequently i feel that my digestive system isnt working properly. What can be wrong?

I have had blood test for gallstones which was fine and a ultrasound to see what is going on inside my belly which was fine. I had a blood test for thyroids which was also fine and I am waiting for ultrasound for that.

When I was around 5/6 I was really ill and almost died. I was in hospital for about 3 months, couldn’t walk or anything, my knees were swollen. I had water in my brain.

I had a miscarriage at 3months January 2016 the baby wasn’t growing properly.

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Ayman Darrag
8:08 am

Most of your symptoms refers to your neck and back..musculoskeletal problems with almost confirmed cervical spondylosis which causing the sound in your neck and stiff muscles as well as headache and may cause dizziness also..
You seem stressed so I recommend stretching yoga and relaxation techniques ..a professional physiotherapist can help you through a program which helps posture correction ..stretching and strengthening and antiinflammatory modalities..

Ahmed Fawzy
10:26 am

In my opinion you have a viral infection accompanied by some degree of spinal spondylitis or stenosis
Do you have any rash ?where ?

I recommend CBC to confirm viral infection , next step will be testing for specific antibodies
You should also do a cervical and lumber MRI check your TSH, T4 levels , ast, alt levels too
Show me the results if you do the tests
Good Luck

6:54 am

you seem low on immunity with local spondylitis problems.
get a detailed blood examination done.
Xray of neck with / without an MRI will help rule out disc related issues.
Physiotherapy and exercises are the mainstay of treatment.

Masr Fawzy
1:26 am

I would prefer to repeat your thyroid test work up, i am suspecting hypothyroidosm , and let me know the result of the US