My mother has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytes Leukemia in the B cell in August (we got her a bone marrow biopsy) and the blood film was detecting 65% blasts in her white blood cells . She didn’t take any treatments but cortisone since then. and when we got her CBC last week, it was all in the normal range.
Her white blood count was 7, though it was 52 when we first checked her CBC. And the blasts went from 65% to 20%.
We did a Philadelphia chromosome gene test and it was negative.
And I’d like to add that she don’t have any physical symptoms or tiredness! Is it possible that she had a leukemiod reaction?!
If she has had no symptoms even after getting diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia then its less likely that she may have had leukamoid reaction.
Even if she had it may be subclinical and of a pretty mild variety.
Presently if all her reports are normal then there is nothing to worry about.
Just keep checking her blood regularly at 3 month intervals.
Thanks dc mahaveer for your reply.
I want to add that we did a cbc and blood film yestetday. Everything is in the normal range. Plus theres no blasts seen in her blood film and the leucocytes are normal.
We will keep checking her blood regulary as you have mentioned. But do she have to keep taking the cortisone? She is taking 20-30ml per day.
Hi haya
Cortisone has very bad side effects on our body on almost all organs.
You can taper off the dose gradually and then stop it if everything is normal.