Looking for advice regarding interactions between CBD supplements (for pain relief) vs bisoprolol, ramipril and apixiban.
My mother is in extreme pain for a detached rotator cuff but suffers from heart problems and taking medication. Pain meds are doing little and considering CBD as an alternative

ThanKs for the query..
CBD supplements can help in chronic pain and also suitable in cardiovascular problems..
So you can consult your mother’s Cardiologist and get evaluated and after a proper consent and advise only you can opt for taking the same..
However CBD supplements are helpful..
Hope this helps..
There is no interaction between the supplements and the heart drugs
Good Luck
No interaction according to studies however u should be aware of the side effects like any drugs and precautions and what u should monitor every now and then
Discuss these points with your doctor
It is better to try physiotherapy modalities to relief the pain like laser and tens.. Though there is no interaction between both drugs.
Yes reflux can cause this if it is severe enough to have bleeding esophagus but I Dont think this is the cause,mostly it is due to the cough itself and nothing to worry about..just keep him hydrated and salt water gargling is good, ginger and anise,guava leaves lemon ,honey are good remedies ,,if the blood persisted ..get a culture sputum done..
there is no interactions as such.
tramadol,paracetamol and etodolac are considered to be safe.
you can talk to ur physician about this.