I am 33 years old female. To start, for the past week and a half I have had a pre-existing vein injury. I was given an IV incorrectly in the ER which gave me superficial thrombophlebitis. My hand and forearm on the right side were affected. I was almost healed when today I smashed my right thumb by accident. After smashing it the pad of my right thumb turned purple and my hand begin to tingle, traveling up my right forearm. I immediately ran it under warm water and elevated above heart level like instructed when I first got the vein injury. I am concerned that since I had a pre-existing vein injury that smashing my thumb could have caused complications in my nerves. I do have some swelling in the whole right hand again now, mostly In the thumb. But the tingling is traveling through my whole hand and forearm. I was looking for insight as to whether or not I should continue to care for it as I did when I first got the vein injury by applying heat and keeping it elevated or if I should see my doctor as soon as possible. I have attached photos