I have suffered with pain behind my left eye for a month now everyday after being attacked and suffering with a subconjunctival hemorrhage.. the blood in my eye has cleared away now but im getting really nasty pains behind my eye and i dont know what to do.. there are no local eye doctors and i do not wish to go to the emergency department at hospital

I recommend using over-the- counter artificial tears like NanoTears MXP Forte or any other substitute you can find
Good Luck
Regarding your question,
I recommend you to go to an eye doctor,
It’s important, May be your are suffering increase in the pressure inside the eye,
Until then , let me ask you some questions,
Are you suffering from any sinusities, ear troubles, vision problems, on any medication, any medical hx..
Waiting your reply,
recurrent episodes of subconjunctival hemorrhage is not normal and warrants medical attention.
Are u on blood thinners?
Tear substitutes will help relieve the pain.Add analgesic tablets if the pain is unbearable.
Rule out raised intra-occular pressure .
Consult a ER
First, I recommend further evaluation, including workup for systemic hypertension, bleeding disorders, systemic and ocular malignancies, and drug side effects.
Do you use contact lenses. ?
Any medical problems?
Do you sleep enough or are you under stress recently?
I expect your reply ..