Had surgery on my tail bone first the doctor stitched it and it blew open then my wife packed it to heal from the inside out but it won’t heal all the way and did surgery October 31 what can be done doctor looked at it 2 weeks ago and said was good but it’s not.

Non healing of a surgical wound can be caused by wound infection !!
What is the type abd surgery was for?
Have you taken antibiotics?
it doesn’t seem to have healed till now.
infection in the underlying tissues or osteomyelitis of the underlying bone are the 2 possibilities.
Get a Xray done
If there is discharge coming out of it,send it for culture sensitivity and start on appropriate antibiotics.
Unfortunaly this type of surgery takes from 3 month to even a year to heal , so when your doctor says it looks good he means it is not infected
Good Luck
Tailbone surgery is a minor one, its main problem is the long healing process. Generally, it takes three months to a year after the surgery before patients see any relief, and sitting is difficult throughout the healing process.u need to wait and also u need a goon pain managment