I am a 25 year old female. A few months ago I started getting upper right abdominal pain when I ate. It would move to my side and back. I lost my appetite and lost about 10 pounds. It went on for about a month before I went to the doctor. He sent me for an ultrasound of the gallbladder, which came back normal with slight sludge in the gallbladder. I decided to wait a few weeks to see if it would improve, but noticed at least one each week I would have an episode when I ate a large meal. I had blood work to check for H. Pylori, which came back normal, so was sent to a gastroenterologist. While I waited for an appointment, the pain improved some, but I would wake up with what felt like morning sickness most mornings. Eating would help some, as long as it was something light. I had a HIDA scan last week, which came back as an ejection rate of 76%. Technically this was viewed as normal, though my doctor still wants to refer me to a surgeon to see about having it removed.
My question is does this sound like it could be gallbladder related issues? I am young, work out at least three times each week, and have never had health problems. I have been getting frequent cramping feelings in my stomach, and it constantly makes noises (gurgling sounds). Of course I have asked around, and several people have mentioned that it sounds like IBS, stomach ulcer, etc. I will say my bowel movements over the past three months have gone from regular (everyday) to every three days. If i drink coffee, it is more regular. Sometimes though I will have four bowel movements in one day. My upper abdomen hurts when I press it. I had a fatty meal (fried chicken, fries, and a biscuit) last week, and I hurt for hours after.

This is gall bladder related, I recommend an ultrasound and CT scan to recheck your gall bladder to identify sludge nature
Good Luck
seems more of a IBS. I suggest not to undergo gall bladder.
After all the usg was normal with minimal sludge.
this does not warrant gall bladder surgery.
In my opinion you are suffering a gall bladder related symptoms plus IBS ,generally avoid fatty foods,chocolate and caffeine ,eat a lot of fibers and get and try to eat smaller meals during the day instead of three large meals. You should eat a small breakfast every morning to help prevent the bile that has been sitting in the gallbladder all night from having a chance to separate once you are up and about. You should also limit the number of calories you eat a day and limit drinks and foods that are high in fat content. abdominal USG and… Read more »