I had my gallbladder removed in April of 2015, I am still having severe pain?

I am a 46 year old female. I had my gallbladder removed in April of 2015. The doctor said it was not working. I am still having severe pain, that I have to go to the ER. What is going on? Is there a medical term used for this type of condition? I had the scope done in February, and nothing showed up but two polyps and both were benign. I am really getting scared because nothing has been found. The last visit to the ER, they did blood work. Would the blood work have shown if I have cancer or not, or is there a certain test they have to do to check for cancer? Also my blood pressure was up and my heart rate was 138. Please help!

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Ahmed Fawzy
7:04 pm

Can you do pancreatic enzymes amylase and lipase as I suspect that you have pancreatitis
Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
7:49 pm

I need to know where exactly is your current pain ?
Why are you mentioning cancer as a possibility?
Have you done ECG? Is there any other symptom?

Dr.Honey Arora
1:30 pm

Thanks for the query..

Please specify the exact location of pain..
If the polyps were non cancerous then you need not to worry about cancer to rule out cancer Biopsy shall be done and not blood test
Blood test​ might be due to ruling out Infection or causes related to other organs..
Get a full abdomen sonography done along with liver function..

Hope this helps..
