I managed to get Epididymitis after a fall whilst showering?

Good afternoon. I managed to get Epididymitis after a fall whilst showering. 2 days ago. I did a short work shift afterwards in absolute agony. My question is how long would it be wise to remain at home resting until it is safe to return to work? I work in a commercial kitchen as a kitchen porter, and some degree of heavy lifting, as well as a large amount of walking around is required. My pain is still present, and severe today, with pain relief barely helping, and my next work shift is tomorrow morning. What should I do?

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2:55 am

you need rest for minimum 5 – 7 days.
depending upon the extent of relief you can decide about joining the job again.
unless there is complete relief,do not join work as it may aggravate problems.
consult a doctor for faster recovery.

Dr.Honey Arora
2:45 pm

Thanks for the query..

Well, post traumatic epididymitis can take from a few weeks to a few months to heal completely depending upon extent of injury..

Exertion can aggravate the condition..

Consult an Urologist and get evaluated and a recent ultrasound can be done.

A course of antibiotics can be advised to prevent infection and along with it anti inflammatory painkillers can help in relieving pain..

Avoid long hours of standing or walking and take sufficient rest..

Hope this helps..


Ahmed Fawzy
3:26 pm

You should not carry weight , try wear a scrotal support and stay rested for at least 3 days, you should be able to go back to work afterwards
Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
8:12 pm

It might take several weeks for the tenderness to disappear whilst you should rest for a week .. Resting, supporting the scrotum with an athletic strap, applying ice packs and taking pain medication can help relieve discomfort.
It is not recommended to get involved in work tomorrow..