I am 46 years male. I have been experiencing unsteadiness and imbalance for about 2 years now. This is the main symptom. I also have severe sleep apnea. My right hand has a reduced swing while walking. I have a postural tremor, but it has been there for many years. My speech sometimes chokes up suddenly while talking, and i have to clear my throat to continue. I also feel light headed once in a way, this is diff from the unsteadiness and is independent of posture etc.
My doctors suspects it is early Parkinson’s.
A spine MRI showed cervical compression in c6-c7, c5-c6 with myelopathic changes last year. This year I repeated MRI, but now it says myelomalacic changes in c6 c7. A spine surgeon advised me surgery.
Can my symptoms be due to only spine issues or Parkinson’s or both? What are myelomalacic changes? What will it lead to if I do not have surgery? I don’t have any significant pain symptoms. But hand is slightly weaker (weaker grip). Doctor says 4 out of 5 (strength).

In my opinion physical therapy can help you avoid unnecessary surgery, regarding your symptoms I suspect they are parkinsonism related
Good Luck
parkinsonism usually causes tremors and involuntary movements.
Your symptoms seem to be more related to neck pain and slipped cervical discs.
Take cervical traction,LASER therapy with neck muscle strengthening exercises and cervical collar will help.
The unsteadiness..imbalance and hand issues may be strongly caused by cervical disc herniations as they can be causing vertebrobasilar insufficiency..but the symptoms of speech and posture tremor are more relevant to early Parkinson ..
I recommend physiotherapy for both.
Myelomalacia is a condition in which the spinal cord softens. This softening is often the result of a lack of blood supply to the spine – due to an acute injury (sporting injury, car accident injury, etc.) or degeneration of the spine over time. When the spine softens, the nerves are put at an increased risk. Nerve damage from bulging discs and other conditions become more probable. Myelomalacia can happen at any level of the spine, though it is most common in the neck and low back regions. Symptoms in the upper part of your body like weakning of your… Read more »