42 year old female with family history of breast cancer with both grandmothers and Aunt with breast cancer abnormal mammogram shows areas that need further evaluation and very dense breast tissue I have burning sensation under left armpit swollen lymph nodes on left side left breast is slightly larger than right stabbing pain occasionally in left breast pulling sensation left side neck what’s the chances I have cancer
For 8 months I had an infection. I started going to do the doctor and I had abnormal cells. The cells were pre cancer and hpv. I had to have some of my cervix cut out while this was going on my doctor quietly told the nurse what kind of infection I had. After he told me it’s not a yeast infection but it does act like one and that’s why over the counter meds for test won’t help that’s all he said about it. He gave me meds to get rid of the infection but 2 weeks later it came back. The man who gave me meds and did my cervix stuff was my Normal doctor. My gyno refuses to touch me even for check for my 6 month check up for more pre cancer. What can I do? The only doctors I can afford are not helping me and talking to me about what my own body is doing. How can solve me infection? By the way I’m 19 and this has all happened this year
I am an 18 year old female with no history of smoking. As far as I can think back I’ve had a little piece of skin connected next to my uvula. It was small and the exact same color as the skin around it. I never felt or noticed it until I coughed and realized it was sticking to the roof of my mouth. Just recently, I was coughing to clear mucus out of my throat and I felt like something was stuck back there so I looked back and the piece of skin had detached from the uvula and was hanging right next to it. Since then I feel it every time I swallow and it seems appears larger then it was before. It’s making me gag all the time and I am really concerned as to what it could be. The only other abnormality I’ve noticed is that I had one small tonsil stone, which I don’t often get. I contacted my GP, but should I be worried? I’m paranoid about cancer.
I’m a 52 year old women in pretty good health. I just found out I have a parathyroid adenoma and several nodes on my thyroid. I had kidney cancer several years ago (healed with surgery) and then a couple years later, melanoma was found on my back over my spine about the size of a fifty cent piece. It was removed. I just had a doctors app with an Endocrinologist and he said because I was over 50, he wouldn’t remove the adenoma. I’m confused. Why would it be okay to leave the adenoma, especially with my history with cancer?
I took my husband to a doctor he never seen he put a glove on and put his fingers in his anus for a couple seconds walked to his desk and said you have cancer I am 99.9 % sure .could you tell me how accurate this is?
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