How to enhance taste buds in geriatrics and enjoy food again?

I am a 74 year old woman and I have lost the taste for food. As a result I am not eating as much and losing weight. How to enhance taste buds in geriatrics?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I am too thin and need to gain weight fast, how can I do that?

I am too thin and need to gain weight fast, how can I do that?

I am 23 years old, female and I am way too thin. How can I gain some weight? Should I be using orotein shake powder or pills. Eat more sugar? Please adise me and give me some tips and information.
Thanks (…)


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I am 42 years old and obese, how much does Bariatric Surgery cost?

I am 42 years old and obese. I’ve been trying to lose weight for so long without any success I just decided to give up, how much does Bariatric Surgery cost?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I have ME Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and finding it impossible to lose weight?

I have ME: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and finding it impossible to lose weight which is making my condition and self esteem worse.

I am a 19 year old with ME: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I desperately want to lose some weight but I am struggling to get any exercise because it is far too painful. I have been in physical therapy before but because of my hypo mobility they pretty much told me exercise wont help my muscle pain and signed me off. I understand that diet is also important but I also have a eating disorder which I have had from being young so I eat really poor food and no matter how hard I try I cannot change that. There are foods like meat, potato or fish that i physically cannot eat without being sick.I only work 2 days a week because I can’t handle any more and I frequently use a wheelchair or crutches. I seem to be putting on more and more weight and I don’t know how to lose it.

When I stretch the skin under my left rib sinks in a noticeable amount and when I bend it sticks out but the other side don’t do it. When I have questioned it before I was told that everybody’s body shape is different but I feel like it’s more than that. It just don’t feel right.

I’m not obese but it feels like someone has strapped a sack of spuds to my stomach,weighing me down and giving me lots of pain. I need to loose some weight for myself physically but mentally too. I’ve missed out on a lot because of my illness and don’t want anything else getting in the way of me finally being able to enjoy my life.

Age:19 Female

A few months ago i started to noticed that my eyes was starting to get puffy?

hi, i’m 23 years old, i’m 5’7 and 116 pounds. a few months ago i started to noticed that my eyes was starting to get puffy and i’ve got bad eye bags. it got worse every day and now i have horrible puffy eye bags. i also have extreme sensitive eye and when i am out i always feel like i’m completely tired, out of my self, without strength and my eyes are really heavy. i eat 2000 calories a day (mostly vegetable with legumes, chicken, protein, yogurt and fruits) i drink a lot of water and i exercise 6 times a week. i don’t drink alchool, i don’t smoke or eat salt. i’m desperate. even when i was skinnier i never had eye bag, and i was anorexic. i don’t understand what is happening. i’ve done a lot of blood exams but it’s everything normal except for my period that after anorexia is never came back.

I’m swollen through the stomach neck and face. I have no energy like I used to?

Before u say it I know I should have already went to the doctor but I’m not really doctor type.

Im 21 yr old male I own a hay brokerage company and a 2300 head cattle operation also have several semis on the road so I have a ass load of stress.

Heart problems is a big problem on fathers side few people have had cancer on mothers side. I have high blood pressure. 240 is the heaviest I’ve ever been at 6ft tall. And I weigh 216 now and I look bigger than I’ve ever looked I’m swollen through the stomach neck and face. I have no energy like I used too I’m the type of guy that works 20 hours a day and sleeps 3or 4 hours and it don’t affect me not me to work 10 or 12 and be tired like I have the last 4 months I’ve had diarrhea and throwing up off and on for about 3 weeks nothing taste good and everything I eat kills me. And this week I’ve broken out in big whelps look like huge boils that are dry. Just wondering if any suggestions to what it could be and how worried I should be and what kind of doctor I should see I do not have a family doctor