I am a 24 year old female college student, I am a bit over weight but losing. I have no serious physical health problems, no diabetes or anything. I do sometimes get lower back pain, right shoulder pain and other aches and pains in my legs and have broken a few of my fingers in different ways from being clumsy. The past two weeks my right hand and foot have been numb. I can still feel hot and cold, but they have a strange tingling feeling that feels like when your foot falls asleep. I tried to do some stretching, and since I thought it was a pinched nerve I was doing some stretches to relieve that. This has only made it worse, it has turned from feeling just numb and uncomfortable to feeling tight and painful. Over my ribs on the same side (right) feels really tight, so combined with my leg and shoulder/arm, it feels like I can’t move and it’s painful to do anything. It’s only progressively gotten worse since it started. I’m not sure what I should do to get help with this problem, should I call my doctor, go to a chiropractor, or go to the emergency room?

u seem to be having vitamin B12,calcium and vitamin D deficiency.
get their blood levels checked.
start on dietary supplements with calcium tablets.
you can consult a physician if symptoms do not improve.
In my opinion you have spinal canal stenosis, I recommend Spinal MRI,
Physical therapy can help but do the MRI First
Good Luck
U need to undergo complete physical neurological exam.
X ray and MRI for cranial and spinal should be done, MRI is better
U need to do more exercises، gonna make ur condition better
in my opinion ,there are many possibilities for your case, you need to be examined and need some investigations to confirm a diagnosis..
I am thinking about a vascular problem actually that could be causing these neurological symptoms, i recommend brain MRI,blood tests for Prothrombin time and INR,and a normal examination by a neurologist for your back problem to exclude disc lesions..