I am a 51 year old woman. I have not had a period in 9 months. I do experience occasional hot flashes, as well as mood swings, but nothing that I can’t live with. I am in good health, I don’t take any medication on a regular basis (ibuprofen sometimes, multivitamins when I remember, Alleve every once in a while), I weigh 118 lbs, I eat pretty healthy; I’ve been a vegetarian for 26 years. I rarely get sick, although I do suffer from some bad headaches every so often. Recently (in the last 4-5 months), I have been experiencing headaches that make me vomit. Fortunately, it’s only been once a month, but the headache was painful enough to wake me from a deep sleep, the the pain was such that I felt like my face was going to crack open. Each time I’ve gotten this headache, it’s been the same thing: Middle of the night, horrible pain in my face, at the base of my skull, and my forehead. Each time, it has made me vomit, but not right away. I suffer for a bit before the nausea kicks in. Also, when I do vomit, it’s bile-nothing that I had eaten the night before. I’m wondering if this could be hormonal, considering that fact that it only happens once a month, and I am not getting periods any longer. Thank you in advance for any information you can give me!
My boyfriend has head trauma on the forhead and temple. There is bruising and redness. There is possible memory loss and dizzyness and pain in the top jaw. Inflicted areas are tender. He is a 21 year old male..
Hello sir my name is (…), I want some suggestions about my health problem. Seven years back I had TB tumors in left side brain and I used FORECOX tablets two years. After that repeatly i was getting small disturbance with one month duration but didn’t consultant any one.Six months back I had consult neurology doctor and he said those disturbance were FITS and he suggested EPITOIN tablets 3 caps every day. And that tablet is working and disturbance almost cleared but today first time I get unconscious due to that disturbance. What happens to me? And what should I do?
My wife is 27 years old. Weight 75kg. Height 5′-3″. Recently she was suffering from serious headache since June 2016. Before that she had not this type of headache. (…)
The pain is right side temple position. Sometime right left both temple sides. Only this position and it’s not spread. Very few time its go back side of the head. It happened basically early in the morning when she woke up. Or sometime she woke up with headache or someone broke her sleep. And gradually it decreased with time. Now at present its not gradually decreased. All the time headache. The pain is like that someone hitting with hammer in the pain side and push and pulling the nerve. With long time sleep or rest nothing happened.
It’s also happened with tension and shouting. When she can’t tolerate she took two pain killers at a time. But even-then its not try to stop.
She is crazy women when she gets angry she through whatever in his hand and shouting. She is introvert type. She hides her sorrow nothing shares with anyone. Her appetite was good but after headache she lost her appetite.
We married September 11, 2015. After marriage due to my ED problem we are unable to do sex. But we were happy she never blames me for this. She always supports me one day we will. Now last four month I able to perform sex. But I missed her due to her headache.
Her some cousins and aunts have migraine. But doctor told this not seems like migraine its some kind of mix headache.
we do CT scan, MRI and MRA-MRV but everything is normal. No blood clot, tumors etc.
Pls let me know your advice I can’t bare her this situation.
Was having a bad bout of OCD and anxiety and it was going on 2 weeks maybe , I was having lunch then came out to have a smoke , felt a weird sensation in my head and I felt like normal again seemed like the OCD and thoughts just stopped . Woke up the next morning back to the usual OCD , my question is that normal or should I see a doctor and does it sound like a minor seizure or something ?
Female, aged 51
Fatigue, sometimes foggy memory, lower back & headache pain, occasional chest pain with difficulty breathing, chronic nearly daily headaches sometimes severe migraines.
Any ideas of what is going on and what I should do now?
Kidneys functioning at less than 50%, EGFR has since dropped 7 more points and creatinine has risen again since the above 50% figure.
Right kidney smaller in size,
Both kidneys irregular edges – not smooth.
2 different ANA+ tests,
Urea Nitrogen (Bun) 20,
PTH at 51,
Albumin 4.8,
AST high 40,
Chloride 100,
Calcium high at least 3x in a row 10.4, 10.6, 10.9 which could indicate parathyroid tumor.
Potassium too high 5.9
Platelets 475,000
Diabetic 180
Sodium 136
Erastase 2+
I’m male 24 years old. I started having intense sharp constant pain behind my right eye, right temple area, and backside of the right side of my head. It started in early September about once a week for the first 3 weeks. Then I started having the intense sharp pain every other day. And now it’s EVERY DAY. It’s a very intense sharp constant and persistent pain. It gets very painful during the nighttime. I went to go get it checked out when it started occurring every other day. The doctor asked what my symptoms were. Symptoms: intense pain on the right side of my head behind my eye, right temple, and backside of right side of head. I DONT have any other symptoms like vomiting, light sensitivity, etc. Just pain in my head.
My doctor prescribed me fioricet and didn’t do anything. She had me get a CT scan which ended up showing nothing. After that she prescribed sumatriptan which had little effect. Then I had an MRI done. The MRI showed I had a little bit of sinuses on the left side of my head (kind of near my eye brow). She said it was probably unrelated to my head pains but she prescribed me 2 weeks of antibiotics (amoxicillin/clave potassium 875mg) for the sinuses anyway; and decided to refer me to a neurologist for my head pain.
Once I started taking the antibiotics my head pain basically all but went away. 12 out of the 14 days I took the antibiotics I was pain free. 2 days of the 14 days I still had pain. But once I ran out of the antibiotics the miserable intense sharp pains came back… so I made other appointment to see if I could get some more of the antibiotics. It took 6 days after I ran out (which was this last Monday) to get into my appointment. I told her the antibiotics had a huge effect leaving me pain free 12 out of the 14 days when I took them. She said that was really good and that I probably just needed to be on the antibiotic longer to completely eliminate my symptoms.
So this last Monday she prescribed me 3 weeks of the same antibiotic with the same dosage. I started taking them Monday night. It’s now Wednesday night and the antibiotics are having no effect on me whatsoever now. My head pain is still very intense. I don’t understand why. I originally thought I had cluster headaches, but she prescribed me fioricet and sumatriptan and they didn’t work. Then I thought the sinuses that showed up on my MRI scan was linked my head pain since the pain went away first time I took the antibiotics. But now, for whatever reason the antibiotics aren’t working. I still have my neurologist appointment on November 30th.
What’s wrong with me?
What causes intense sharp 10 out of 10 pains on the right side of head behind right eye, right temple, and right side of back of head?
I’ve had this for almost 3 months now. I’m only 24. It’s so agonizing and exhausting. I’ve been taking Tylenol everyday. It’s effecting my everyday life.
33 year old female. No diagnosed medical conditions. No medication. Family history of thyroid disease. Current BMI 23. Diet reasonable. Moderate drinker. Social smoker.
I have suffered from random intermittent neuropathic pain in my left upper arm for approx last 2 years. It will occur causing me to clutch my arm the happen a few times throughout the day then not happen again for weeks or months. It happened recently and during an episode my left index finger jerked. I know I should see my GP but would just like to know what you think first of all. Does this sound like early symptoms of MS?
I am a 30 yr old female and started having a pain in a very specific part of my head. On the back right middle head and it’s only in a spot about the size of my fingertip. I’ve also begun seeing a blue flash every now and then (couple times a week) out of my right eye. The pain isn’t bad, probably a 2 out of 10 and it just lasts about 5 seconds then goes away and might come back a few time throughout the week. I’ve had thorough eye work ups with an ophthalmologist and so I do not have any eye problems. I just found it weird that the pain is in such a small isolated spot and keeps coming and going. It has not gotten worse since I first noticed it about a year ago.
I am a 31 year old female with 4 children. I am having old people health problems. i exercise daily and eat healthily yet never lose weight, 3 years ago I started having weakness in my wrists and hands, I also had a colonoscopy bc of pain and many precancerous polyps had to be removed, I’ve always had horribly painful uterus issues. For the past 8 weeks I’ve had persistent numbness in on the right side of my face and right leg. Brian MRI was normal except brain signal associated with elderly. I’ve also for 8 weeks have had shooting nerve pain from my back to leg and sometimes to my arms as well along with constant low back pain. Back MRI shows moderate degenerative disc disease This past year my pulse has been 38-45 each doctors visit along with my heart skipping beats. im young not a heavy drinker or drug addict and I do no smoke. Is there anything that could explain why im having so many elderly issues? Taking ibuprofen when desperate but it does not help. Gallabladder removed 2008
Ovarian cyst removed 2013
csections 2006, 2007, 2014, 2016
I am 19 years old, male, and suffer from daily to near daily headaches that vary in pain, change location throughout the day, and don’t always follow a pattern of occurrence (Some weeks it will be every day, other weeks it’ll be every other day, and some weeks it’ll be a couple days in a row and then nothing the next day and then one after that) I have had no previous traumatic head or brain injury, and have not yet consulted with a doctor/neurologist. Ibuprofen/other pain killers will work for short amount of times sometimes and other times they will not work at all. I wanted to know why I receive these constant headaches.
I am a 31 year old female with joint pain and muscle spasms since 2011 all limbs and back. Have periods were i have no symptoms and periods were i can barely walk or carry out daily activities.Been to drs a few time prescribed Naproxen tramadol etc but no diagnosis. Have now developed numbness in legs on and off and have burning and tingling in face. Have also has shingles in face 3 times in 8 months. Any ideas what could be the cause? I’m very bad pain wise at the minute.
today, while playing soccer I couldn’t stop and hit my head to a tribune stand, I immediately ran to locker room and put some ice on the area where my head was hit then went back and continued playing soccer. Now, it’s been 8 hours since this happened and I still have the numbness in my arms and hand, which started after 20-30 mins after I hit my head. How concerned should I be?
I am a 18 yrs old male, with 185 cm height and 72 kg weight. I don’t use any pharmaceutical drugs. There’s a little pain, I’d rate it 3/10, but it’s mostly numbness in my arms and chest where I also hit while playing football.
Hi, I do not know whether this requires medical or not but I guess it worth a try. The thing is that my hand shakes or as I’ve research known as tremor especially the right one. I believe it started around the age of 16 or 17. In the beginning I didn’t think that I should be concerned with it. However, the tremor continues until now. I am now 18 going 19 this month. It doesn’t affect my writing, drawing but it shake when i rest my hand. It doesn’t when i sleep. However when i rely on my right hand to carry stuff such as holding the phone on one hand (right), my right hand shakes. It got a bit visible these days that my friends and family noticed it. Could it be due to coffee?When it comes to coffee, my dose is quite high ( ristretto bianco) and i had start drinking coffee at the age of 15. What do you think about it?
Hi I’m a 20 year old female, a couple days ago I woke up to numbness and tingles from the waist down from my butt to pelvic area and to my left leg and foot, I thought it was from a lot of walking the day before but it’s been almost a week now and I don’t know
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