my mom has always had trouble with her bowel working right.nov22,16 she had surgery to remove a lymph node in stomach area for was a 1 hour surgery that took 31/2 hrs due to adhesion.dr said adhesion were so bad he had hard time find lymph node but finally did.she was in hospital 3 days home 2 days then readmitted due to a bowel blockage.they put tube down her nose to give her some relief.dr said she needed another surgery but he wont do it cuz he feels she wont make it it to tough for her.she is drinking prune juice,taking bowel softener everyday and then every other day she takes 4 exlax still no movement except a little very little watery brown stuff.her abdominal is so bloated and she has lots of pain.when we ask doctorhe says keep doing what shes doing.but it not helping what else can we do? please she needs relief.she is 79 and has cancer of lymph nodes

sorry for her pain, i understand your feelings..
in this age it is not recommended to try surgeries as it is not guaranteed that the patient can tolerate it vitally… also having many lymph nodes involved and adhesions means that a surgeon will be unable to help inside… so in this case just keep on the prune juice and all anti cancer remedies, also stick to alkaline diet and avoid acidic diets and foods…
(you can get a full list of alkaine foods online from many sites)
This is postoperative ileus,
I believe its better for ger to be admitted , her electrolytes should be measured, parentral feeding with half strenght enteral feeding as drinking prune juices ,
Close monitoring of her vitals is imp.
Make her chew gum, its effective for improving the motility
Laparoscopic intervention is of good results if conservative lines failed..
Hope she gets better soon
In my opinion Avoid risking a surgery , ask your doctor if an enema can be used to relief the constipation
Sorry , good luck
considering her age,the doctors opinion is correct.
Its a critical surgery and dificult to perform.
High risk is involved and results are poor with a bad prognosis.
non operative options should be used as far as possible- like chemo / radiotherapy.