How accurate are ultrasounds to determine gestational age?

Hello, I have a question: How accurate is the ultrasound concerning determination of gestational age and the date of conception? I had my LMP on 01.12.16, cycles 26-29 days (usually 27-28). The first ultrasound showed GA 7.4 hbd (CRL 13.2 mm) and the gestation age coincided with the LMP date, fertilization around 14 XII, which matches perfectly – unprotected ratio 14.XII. However, all subsequent ultrasounds shows that the pregnancy is 2-3 days older. USG 11.4 according to LMP => CRL 52.5 = 12 week, USG 13.1 hbd according to LMP, CRL 74 = 13.4 hbd. Another 14.4 according to LMP according to BPD (28.2), HC (105) and AC (87) = 15 hbd. At the last USG 18.6 according to LMP => FL (2.95) 19.1 hbd. The ultrasound at 24 weeks – terms according to Ultrasound and LMP are equal. Does that mean I got pregnant earlier, had a previous ovulation? 09/12/16 I was at a party, I drank too much and I do not remember how I got home. By these results I began to fear that maybe something happened to me and I do not realize it and I do not even know who the father is. I am already in 8 months and the stress of this situation becomes unbearable. Of course I’m going to do DNA testing after birth but until then I would like to know the expert’s opinion. In fact, if I had an ovulation on 14 day of my menstrual cycle the GA according to Ultrasound and LMP must match ideally? (In the previous cycle I think my ovulation was on the day 13 but this cycle was quite long – 30 days). I also did Beta Hcg examination: 4 + 1 (according to LMP) 158; 5 + 1 (according to LMP) 3299. Thanks in advance for help, this is very important to me


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Had a vasectomy done, very painful, was it done properly?

47, Male-
Went in for vasectomy, during procedure;
Right testicle went perfect & painless.
Left testicle procedure was extremely painful.
Afterward left side was very bloody & Left testicle is very swollen.
Went back in 4 days later; Dr says- no infection- most likely a hematoma but will clear up in time.
Why was my procedure so painful?
Should get ultrasound?


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I have come off the Depo-Provera contraceptive injection in march and I have many secondary effects, is this normal?

I have come off the Depo contraceptive injection in march and i have been perfectly fine, yet still no periods. Recently i’ve become extremely emotional over the slightest thing, Ive noticed my breasts are sore to touch and have become bigger, I have put on abit of weight also. are these normal symptoms when coming off this?I was on the injection for 5 years


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I was diagnosed with bacterial epididymitis cause by enterococcus faecalis?

I’ve been dealing with this problem since March. I had pain in my left testicle and lower lumbar as well as my abdomen and lower abdomen right above my groin. The pain sometimes would radiate into my leg or legs and I’ve had to buy bigger pants in just the last month.

I was diagnosed with bacterial epididymitis cause by enterococcus faecalis testing positive on 4 unine tests for it. Was put on Cipro for 7 days. I felt great on it. Towards the last day i felt NORMAL again. Then 48 hours after my last dose it all came back. My last two unrine tests have been negative but my pain has now changed and unfortunately for the worse. I still have pain in my left testicle. Lumbar pain and frequent upper flank on the back pain below my ribs. The abdominal pain is now worse and i constantly feel bloated. Theres a burning sensation now in the abdomen, penis and when i urinate which i did not feel before. Also pain in the perenium and feeling like i have to make a bowel movement. Now i also get a burning sensation in my legs and abdomen and headaches are frequent.

I havent had sex in over 3 years and my blood tests have come back negative for any stds. In fact almost all my results were good except low b12 and slightly higher than normal triglycerides which i was told some mild exercise would help. Ct scan (non contrast) reveals no abnormalities in my kidneys or any of my abdominal organs. However the ct was not done in the groin region. My urologist says it cant be my prostate but has no clue how i got a enterococcus faecalis infection. Im only 32 years old and this is ruining my life. I cant sit at my desk at a brand new job for the time i need to be. Im urinaring more frequently than before and always feel like i have to poop. I dont want to eat because that aggrivates the bloating feeling. And ive already taken a lot of days off to go to doctors and waiting for weekend only appointments is slow. I cant afford a hospital visit to just sit there and run a battery of other tests that i keep waiting 1 and 2 weeks for and then need to wait a week to go get my results.

If its not prostititis then what could it be? And ive already done cipro so now if its a deeper infection ive already exposed it to cipro. Im scheduled for q cystoscopy but im worried my urologist isnt even going to check my prostate and says i should be fine but i am far from it.


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I may have had a miscarriage, please advise?

Hello, I am asking about something that happened awhile back and I think I had a miscarriage. This happened back when I was a teen and it’s really bothering me now and need clarification. Back then I did have unprotected sex and he did not pull out, I missed 2 periods and assumed I was pregnant but I did not take a test to confirm. Then one day I was awoken by a sharp pain followed by a lot of blood just dripping out and puddling onto the floor, when I went to the bathroom I noticed a firm little greyish and kind of skinned-toned mass that seemed like a little “ball” for lack of a better description. That was unlike any clot I had ever seen before and have never seen anything like that again. I wish I had gone to the doctor to confirm, but since I did not, does this seem like it could have been a miscarriage or just a very odd cycle ? Age: 26


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I’m having issues with my bladder, please advise?

It seems i’m having issues with my bladder! I have always been one for regularity in going to the toilet especially when drinking it becomes more regular in fact every 5 minutes, however over the past 2 years when out on the town i’m still wanting to go to the toilet but only urinating small amounts, and when i go to sleep i’m up regularly having the same symptoms of still urinating in small amounts.

I went to my local Dr. and had a prostate examination and that was confirmed as clear, so i need to know what could be causing this issue.

Age:54 Male


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I am currently on the Depo (Depo-Provera), had a termination, please advise?

I am currently on the Depo and have had a termination at the start of the year I am currently in the middle of my second dose of the Depo and I began light bleeding had a few small clots and brownish blood this had been occurring constantly for the past 3 weeks, the clots have stopped but it would go light bright red bleeding, brown blood back to red and keeps working in a cycle like that.


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I am pregnant need to know if abortion tablets are safe?

Sir/Madam I am (…)21 years old from India . I had an unprotected sex with my gf on 19th day of her period( counting from first day of period), but I didn’t ejaculate in her vagina (…) and now her period is yet to come it’s three days delayed already. What should I do, she is also 21 years old , in case of any pregnancy are abortion tablets (like Mifepristone and misoprostol) safe for her future?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I have terrible abdominal pain…is it a urinary tract infection?

My doctor prescribed me ciprofloxacin for a urinary tract infection because my psa was elevated without doing a urine test. I went to a urologist and he felt my prostate and said it felt normal but want me back in two months for another psa test. I’ve been having pains all over and lower abdomial pain in the ground. My question is could it be after effects of cipro, Ive been off it for two weeks. Or could something more serious with my health. By the way my urologist did a urine test, came back negative for a uti.


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I have been diagnosed with (PID) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, what should I do?

I have been diagnosed with PID and have been prescribed azithromycin, doxycycline, and metronidazole vaginal gel. My symptoms prior to fx were malodorous light green/yellow discharge, and itching. I am on day 4 of the doxycycline and metronidazole gel and am experiencing chunky white discharge with no odor, but unbelievable itching. I am also experiencing pretty bad nausea with the doxycycline. What should I do and do I need to see my doctor again?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I have had 5 episodes of what I thought was food poisoning, please advise?

I’m having a second episode of a problem that 1st occurred 10 months ago. Started with moderate/ severe pain in the groin with reduced urine flow and swelling of the vaginally tunnel. Pain felt like squeezing in left side like something might bust. It turned excruciating with me screaming in pain. I went to ER. They referred me to gynecologist. Pain levels went up and down but never left. Doctor did all tests including exploratory with no results. I was put on doxycycline for 3 weeks. It worked. Since then I have had 5 episodes of what I thought was food poisoning. But really, 5 times, not likely. Starts with no warning, no ill feeling, no stomach pain, then diarrhea and then awhile after vomiting. For about 8 hours. Then I’m weak but fine. Currently I’ve been treating myself. I started with a liquid diet for 3 days and bactrim (what I have available). Pain eased alot but now is coming back strong on left side. I can point to the small but excruciating spot. What do you think?
Age:45 Female


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

Question: I am 50 years old, doctor says no need for contraception?

Hello, I am 50 years old, my 2 last periods were 6 months apart and very light – spotty. blood test – TSH 4.26; t4-free 1.0; FSH 81.5; Prolactin 11; Estradiol (E-2) 24.67. I had my IUD (one with no hormones – NovaT) removed last week after 10 years of use (5 years each time) and am not taking any sort of hormone therapy. my gynecologist said I don’t need any form of contraception any more.
I would like a second opinion…Given this background information, would you reach the same conclusion, that I no longer need contraceptives of any kind?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

Is it possible to have a false positive pregnancy test?

Can you have a false positive pregnancy test?

Hi I just wanted to know if it was possible for me to get a false positive pregnancy test at home or otherwise.


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

After reconstructive surgery, I have extreme pain when I relax bladder muscles?

Extreme pain when I relax muscles to urinate.

I’ve recently had reconstructive surgery done on my bladder and right ureter as a result of a cold knife cone gone wrong. All while I had my catheter in, there was still a lot of pain if I relaxed my muscles. I’ve recently had the catheter removed and when I go to urinate, there is a god awful pain that is intolerable. Is this common? I’m taking my pain meds just to be able to use it, but it’s not working.

I received a urethral bulking procedure with the Coaptite injectable implant, now in constant pain, doctors don’t know why?

On February 8th, 2017, I received a urethral bulking procedure with the Coaptite injectable implant. That evening I could only drip pee, but not empty my bladder fully. I was screaming in pain overnight and the next morning my husband took me to the hospital where they drained 2 liters off the bladder. I was sent home and told that I would completely recover. Since then I have suffered from severe urgency, stinging, burning, frequency, pelvic pain and some incontinence. I have seen a urogynecologist, a gynecologist, a urologist, a pain specialist, an acupuncturist, and now I am seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist and receiving weekly treatments of percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, PTNS. Over these 3 months, my condition has worsened, not improved. None of the doctors I have consulted understand why this happened to me, and do not know how to treat it. At 66, I am/was an elite athlete, extremely active, babysitting grandchildren, and had lots of energy. Today, I spend most of my time in bed due to the extreme discomfort of the pelvic floor pain and the severe urgency. I am taking myrbetriq for the pain, but do not think that it is helping and taking several antidepressants. I wonder what more can be done to alleviate these symptoms, if not get rid of them completely. I do not understand what could be causing these horrific sensations.