Hi! I’m a 41 year old woman, non-smoking and generally in good health. In the past couple months I have started waking up at night coughing up fluid and feeling like “drowning “. Before Christmas last year I had a 3 weeks period during which I had daily heart palpitations. I didn’t think much of it since I sometimes get palpitations if stressed out. However now having these nightly coughing fits, started thinking those may be related. I read online, that fluids collecting in lungs could possibly have to do with heart.
I have had a couple of colds this winter and got antibiotics for sinus infection which healed fine. I also have seasonal allergies which I take Claritin occasionally.
I appreciate your answers and recommendations. Thanks.
Hi I’m a 57 year old male non smoking in previously good general health. In late jan 2017 I experienced a nstemi HA I had two stents fitted and was informed my HA was mild with mininal damage my EF was 45. I felt good for about a week but then began experiencing chest pain again I returned to the ER and was taken to the Cath lab and was informed all was good. About two weeks later I again returned to the ER with chest pain I was given an echo stress test which I passed with no problems. My EF was 60. I was told my ongoing chest pain is not cardiac related. Since then I have still been experiencing on going chest pain with no answers. I have previously been diagnosed with ptsd and anxiety disorder which has led me to the ER several times in previous years with chest pain.
I know I can’t keep going back to the ER with chest pain but it’s hard to know the pain is now daily.
I have been given nitro to take but it doesn’t seem to do anything to help me with pain. The only thing that’s seems to help is Ativan but I know you can’t take this everyday. I guess I’m just asking for a second opinion. My GP is not to concerned as he believes my ongoing pain is anxiety related.
Hi, I am a 25 year old male. I have been very fatigued for about a week and having numbness in my left arm and chest pain and shortness of breath. About three days ago I felt like I was going to pass out. I had time to go to a urgent care today and they advised going to the ER. The ER did a EKG and said they think I had a minor heart attack/myocardial infarction. My chest X-ray and cardiac enzymes were normal so they said I am stable now and can return to normal activity but to follow up with a cardiologist. Is this correct or is the EKG just affected by being nervous about being in the ER
Hi, I am 38 male. No medical history. I went to ER in Dec. end after dehydration from excessive drinking. ECG & blood sugar were normal. Heart beat was 102 standing & 72 sitting. BP was 145-85. I was told to get hypertension monitored by my GP. I got scared I might have damaged heart with excessive drinking. Straight away I cut down drinking & was nervous about the whole thing. After 2 days I went to GP, BP was 165-90. Got ECG & blood test for heart muscles done at that very moment. Both results were ok except high heart beat of 110. GP advised it to be anxiety nd come back in 2 weeks for BP check. She gave few diazepam to use only if anxiety gets extreme. I went on veggies & water overdrive nd BP slowly started coming down. After 2 weeks it was 125-85 & pulse between 60 to 82 resting. GP told no need for hypertension medicine. FOR NEXT 4-5 weeks I was measuring BP weekly at friend’s place nd it was always around 125-85. However, I was still feeling dizzy & not sure if I got a healthy heart. Went to another GP yesterday & heart beat went 110 & BP 145-85. GP assured heart is fine as ECGs haven’t picked any issue. He presc. 25mg b-blocker twice a day for a month to control palpitations & BP. That was a big relief for me that heart is ok. Within hour heart beat was 60. Wasn’t sure if I should start medicine. Went to chemist half heartedly later in the evening & heart beat went 96. Bought medicine, put it in box nd said will think about it later. Heart beat back to 72. Today it’s been max 76 resting nd 86 while working. Now, I am not sure should I start medicine or actually monitor my BP daily at home for one more week and take those results to GP. What if BP & palpitations were just white coat syndrome?
I was having mild chest pains..So thought of taking some rest would relief that pain so I went to sleep..I was in a dream but suddenly I felt like electric shock like feeling which became sharp on my left chest like shooting pain and slowly relieved after few seconds what could that be?? Is that a heart attack ?? That happened Nly once ..I had my ecgs,2D echo scanning,stress test which all came out as normal ..Just a slight ST elevation (V4) in ECG where doctors said that it’s normal for young age
I am having frequent left chest pain Jst like a finger pushing through which lasts for a second or 2 seconds these are from 2 months recently my arm is also having pain ..I met cardiologists they took my echo,stress test,ECG which all came normal ….BT all my ecgs are saying slight ST elevation (V4) BT doctors said that is normal cause all ecgs are having same reading ..Is this right ?? I am 21 years male
I have a question. Lately I have a very funny feeling in my chest almost like a soft shock. It feels as if I walk to hard (as if I jumped). Even when I sit down to hard, I will get the strange feeling. I did have a disck fusion about 6 years ago between the T2 and T3. I do have an ulcer and take medication for it.
It started about a few weeks ago with a strange pain in my left arm. Deep inside my arm, not the bone the flesh. I took Arcoxia for 7 days, it did help a little bit, but for the last week I get this strange feeling as well. It sound so stupid but I now walk slowly, sit down slowly to avoid getting the feeling. It’s not sore. I’m always to scared that its something with my heart – dont have heart problems as far as I know. I’m 51 years old (female). My tyriod were removed 26 years ago. Do take euthyrox 0.1mg. I did loose a lot of weight unintentially the last 2 years, but I am at a reasonable weight for my height. Last time I tested my thyriod it was very unactive, although I am skinny.
I’m a 43 year old female. Has acid reflux but been getting chest pains for years .but these pains I’m have now are like pressure in middle upper chest got a ekg .and doc said they seen some in my p wave. So sent me home wit appointment to my doc.the next day they did 3 ekgs and they all said borderline. What does that means? He didn’t seem worried but he set up appointment wit heart doc so confused . Did I have heart attack? Mean while I’m still having chest pain .By the way have a history of anxiety . And have been super super stressed
31, female. I woke up this morning with pain higher up on the left side of my chest and in my left armpit. My armpit only really hurts when I extend my arm out straight ahead of me or to the side and it’s only slightly painful. The area on my chest hurts when pressed on or when I move or lift my arm. Id’ say the spot is about an inch or less down from my clavicle and also another spot close to my armpit has a similar feeling. It doesn’t hurt when breathing, eating or drinking. Only with movement of my arm or when pressure is applied. Wondering what could be causing this?
My doctor prescribed me a single does of Azythromicin.
I am horrified about the possible heart stopping side effect it can cause.
Three years ago I had acute Myocarditis. This year I had a full check on my heart including ekg, bubble test, ultra sound, blood tests, etc and everything came back as normal.
Is it safe for me to take a Z pack?
I cant take Cipro or floroquinolones and Doxy isnt working for my current infection.
Should I be worried?
26male 175 lbs 6’5
35 year old Female
A year ago: Woke up with my upper left arm in pain. (where the deltoid and the bicep meet) At first, it felt similar to the feeling of a body part “falling asleep”. The pain progressed rapidly. On a scale of one to ten I experienced a ten. The pain was so deep, as if I was being tortured from inside my arm, that I could not use my whole left arm. Shooting down to my fingers. I immediately took ibuprofen about 1500 milligrams. Once the pills took the pain away I was exhausted from the pain and my arm was sore. No trauma or surgeries. All I can think of is I do sleep with my arm raised above my head. But I never had problems sleeping that way before. 6 months later it was happening again. Same arm same spot. Although the second time I immediately took ibuprofen. Almost a year later after the second incident I experienced it again. Except the pain was now affecting the right upper arm. Same pain same spot. Opposite arm. This third time was about a week ago.