I have been experiencing skipped beats at night time when falling asleep?

I am a 27 year old female, about 5 stone over weight. Since march this year I have been experiencing skipped beats at night time when falling asleep, sometimes my arms and legs twitch with it, several times till I nodd off. I have this odd pressure in my chest that comes and goes, with a back ache and tight neck. Chest pressure seems to reappear when I eat certain foods or have a beer….I had a 48 hour heart monitor 3 months ago because of the palpitations. I have an irregular pulse that comes and goes and a slightly long qt as stated by my gp, however after seeing the cardiologist after my heart monitor his write up said that my heart was normal? Normal variant ect…I belch alot and sometimes have to make myself sick as feel like my food just sits there for hours on end, this also makes my chest pressure worse when I make myself sick. I have absolutely terrified myself at night now as am petrified to go to sleep as the skipped beats always start up. The anxiety only came along after the palpitations presented themselves to note. Any person would suffer some anxiety when the heart is involved. What is wrong with me? My GP said that I have a hernia but it was never picked up on my endoscopy few weeks back? How would he know that if it was never seen on the endoscopy? What’s causing my chest pressure all day and skipped beats at night? I have indeterminate colitis, asthma. I’m on mesalazine. Steroid inhalers (palpitations were there before I started on this medication) omeprazole.

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Pressure like pain in my chest, feels like someone is standing on it. Flares up when I take painkillers?

18 years old, Pressure like pain in my chest, feels like someone is standing on it. Flares up when I take painkillers. Small amount of relief when I lie down and stretch on the ground. Smoke an average amount daily. Not on any other drugs/ do not drink.

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Symptoms are similar to angina , tests all OK, doctors are stumped could it be Coronary Microvascular Disease?

I am 20 years old, Male. I am athletic. My symptoms are similar to angina (chest tightens, dizziness, heart throbbing) My heart rate is abnormally high during physical exertion, (209 bpm)

These symptoms started 3 months ago in the summer. It has progressively gotten worse.

I have done blood work, echo-cardiogram, ECG, Stress test.

Results of blood work: Nothing abnormal
Results of Echo-cardiogram: No plaque buildup, Nothing abnormal
Results of ECG: No arrhythmia detected, Nothing abnormal
Results of Stress test: Heart rate quickly spiked to 209 bpm despite fitness level. Symptoms of chest pain started at 190 bpm. No arrhythmia detected.

Doctors are stumped as to why I have these symptoms. Need advice on what to do next. (What possibilities can it be? What tests should I take next?)

These tests, to my knowledge, have ruled out pretty much everything common. Could it be Coronary Microvascular Disease?

Its been 3 months since all this started, I can’t work, I can’t exercise. I just want my life back.

I have had no medical problems until this, I do not take medications, I do not have known allergies.

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I’m 25 yr old, had heart attack, heart rate at rest 85-90, chest pain, is it caused by energy drinks?

I had a heart attack almost a year ago, I am 25yts old, female, 125lbs, and I’m 5’7. Lately I can not get my heart rate down. I have a Fitbit watch and my resting heart rate is between 85-90. Is this something I should be concerned about? I have been experiencing chest pain, but I find the issue is caused by drinking energy drinks.

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Lumps on breasts, thoracic spine and shoulder blades sore, Could I have breast cancer?

30yr old mother of two, presenting with high fsh,no period since june, other menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats etc. Suffer hypermobility pain which is heightened. I know lumpy breasts are related to hormonal chamges but I am 5ft 1in, 46kg, very slim, 34inch bust with an AA cup size,minimal breast tissue.but the last 2months have been progressively more lumpy, all types of sizes and some hard,some rubbery,some bumpy,some tender,some feels like large clusters of small lumps stuck in a ball of tissue. My thoracic spine and shoulder blades have become very sore and tender. Could I have breast cancer

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I’ve had swollen lymph nodes on the back of my neck, vomiting, and fever?

I am an 19 year old male. About a month ago I was sick throwing up and a fever for about a week & I lost about 10 lbs. I’m feeling good now, I went and got blood work done two weeks ago and my cholesterol and liver enzymes are high, and for the past week I’ve had swollen lymph nodes on the back of my neck. They don’t hurt or anything but in not sure what’s going on. Is it HIV, or cancer or something?

I had a “cannabis episode” that really scared me, dizziness, neurological symptoms, cardiac pain?

Hi I just need some reassurance as yesterday I had a bit of an “episode” that really scared me. I’m female and 25 years old. I have diagnoses ulcerative colitis though not on medication.
Please note that I had smoked cannibis prior to this (I smoke most weekends so am not unfamiliar with this substance but could obviously be the trigger/cause). After smoking I was walking to dinner, felt light headed and a bit dizzy, this then escalated to heart palpitations far worse than I’ve ever experienced. I’ve had anxiety before but this was much stronger, I was almost waiting for the arm pain that comes with heart attack, this lasted roughly 5 minutes, I sat down to try and control it and the dizziness got worse and neurological symptoms began which really scared me, I lost the ability to read/comprehend, I couldn’t form sentences nothing was making sense, I got very emotional and started hysterically crying and couldn’t stop, the whole episode probably lasted about 15-20 minutes though I wasn’t in a state to accurately assess time. There was some cardiac pain that lasted after the episode finished.

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I suffer with panic and anxiety disorder, chest pains for 4 years?

I’m 20 yr old male and suffer with panic and anxiety disorder.. i’ve been experience chest pains for 4 years, for the last week it has been worse I don’t know why, it’s making me have major panic attacks. My jaw gets pain, I get sharp shooting in my left shoulder, I go numb in the arm.. everything that happens to me is all heart attack symptoms, iv had my lungs, and heart checked in the last year, it’s all perfect. The pain has been really scaring me. It could just be very server anxiety, but does that mean the pain has to be so hectic and all the symptoms have to be like heart attacks? It’s driving me crazy…

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Hi my dad has a fever, lower left quadrant pain, he is tired and no appetite?

Hi my dad has a fever of 100.8 and he is having lower left quadrant pain and has swelling on the same side and his left arm is also swollen he is having pain urinating and he is tired alot and he don’t do nothing I barely touch his side to give him a hug and he pulls away cause he is in alot of pain. I would like to know if you could help me and let me know what I should do for my dad please his appetite is going down hill and he can’t even finish a cup of coffee.

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I’m extremely exhausted, I have bone pain in my legs. Fast heart beat?

I an 41 yr old female. I have low iron 4, hemoglobin 92,and b12 low and my storage cells are depleted. I’m extremely exhausted it’s been 3 months and numbers not going up. I have bone pain in my legs. Fast heart beat 100 Bpm. Did stress test flow is good. Did colonoscopy and gastroscopy found hernia in esophagus and set 4 biopsy away waiting for answers. Can’t work can’t do physical activity too drained. Cold hand and feet and cold to bone. Face goes white when very exhausted change color.

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My dad has an abnormal ECG?

Hi , my dad(age64) have done his echo today and i have pasted the finding also my dad has an abnormal ECG from childhood
1.coronary artery disease
2.mild mr,mild tr,mild ar
3.normal PA pressure and normal dimension
4.RWMA present
5.reduced LV systolic function and LVEF 45%
Pls advice what does the result signifies and the treatment

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I have pain in chest, my doctor thinks it is inflammation but I am not sure?


I’ve been having pain in the left side of my chest for about 2 years now. I’ve seen my doctor multiple times, but she doesn’t really know what it could be other than some kind of inflammation. My doctor prescribed ibuprofen which I took for a month or 2, and it did get rid of the pain. A couple months later and the pain is back. I start taking ibuprofen again, but this time it didn’t help. About 2 months ago, I started consuming more Omega-3 fats from fish oil supplements and salmon, and again, it helped at first, but now it seems to not help as much even though I’ve gone from 1 tablet a day to 3. I’m getting worried again that there’s something wrong with my heart, but my doctor seems to think it’s nothing serious. She sent me to get an X-ray a while ago, but nothing came up. Exercise also seems to help temporarily with the pain. What could this pain possibly be?

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I suffer fromswollen lymph nodes, joint pain, ringing in my ears is it Rheumatic Heart Disease?

I had a sore throat along with swollen lymph nodes in the week the end of march/beginning of april that lasted approximately a week. I never went to the doctor partly because of a lack of fever and it seemed tolerable. The end of April and extending into May I experienced some joint pain, never took any medication for it, as it was manageable. It wasn’t swollen, red or tender simply painful. I also experienced heart fluttering for a few seconds one morning the beginning of May. I for a few weeks in may had general achiness upon waking that generally disappeared shortly thereafter. I also had neck stiffness/kink that lasted approximately a week and half. I went to the doctor the beginning of June and had a routine physical exam with complete blood profile, urine profile and an ekg. All results came back normal. The middle of June I began having ringing in my ears. I have experienced some pain in my wrists and elbows primarily on the bones/tendon points through july/august/september. I also started to experience floaters in my vision the middle of september. I went back in to the doctor at the end of september. My physical resulted in a BP or 140/82. They ran a complete blood and urine profile, all results were normal. They also ran a rheumatoid profile – ana was negative, sedimentation rate of near 0, CRP of 2, ASO of 443. I am very concerned about Rheumatic Fever and possible Rheumatic Heart Disease. Should I be?

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