I’ve been getting a shooting pain from my heart area to my neck behind the ear across my shoulder and into my arm upto the elbow sometimes feels like it originates from under the shoulder blade aswell.its like the pain travels through veins as there direct in a line sort of usually quick and sharp takes my breath away but there is a lingering ache in shoulder arm and neck which is more uncomfy then anything else. Thanks In advance for any help. I have been diagnosed with anxiety
My husband had a 24 hour holter that showed one 7 beat episode of VTach and some PVC’s. Echo came back normal as did blood work. He is doing a 2 part nuclear stress test. Last week he did the first part and it came back with some PVC’s while on the treadmill. Dr. said he did 115% of what they expect people to do which sounded like a good thing to me! My husband is still getting a lot of PVC’s everyday and although they only saw the one run of VTach, he is worried about the VTach turning into VFib and him dropping dead. Should he be worried?
Daughter extremely fit competitive swimmer recently feels heart slows down and feels dizzy then panics and heart races too fast this happens even on rest days
A few days ago when i was drinking, i got this burning pain in my chest. I went to bed and it was still there the next day and in the evening I started to panic so i went to a and e. They checked my blood pressure and the electricity through my heart. I was sent away with some lansoprazole and told to take it daily and they said my heart and lungs feel fine. Today and yesterday, ive been getting pain in my chest rather than a burning feeling and I’ve felt it in my arm as well. Ive also felt dizzy during the day and tired after waking up. Should i be getting worried?
When you are trying to rest on the couch and watch tv and heart starts racing … And keeps going from 131 to 146. Is that dangerous? What number is too high when resting!
I tried mdma 2 days ago and I had a very bad stroke at the time I thought it was a panix attack so I didn’t go to the ER. I couldn’t think or talk right, my eyes wouldn’t focus, I forgot everything in a matter of seconds, my face went numb, my arms were numb and tingling and u couldn’t walk right. I am only 18 and know nothing when it comes to strokes and I’m also not a junkie so i don’t know if it was the molly or me. Anyway it’s been 2 days and I have memory loss sometimes, I can walk but it feels weird and I feel pressure in my chest and head. Should I go see a doctor or let this pass?
My mother is 58 years old with type 2 diabetes (untreated), congestive heart failure, and has 3 staghorn kidney stones that are each approximately the size of a quarter. She won’t go to the doctor anymore and has been self-medicating for pain. Is there anything that can be done to help with the pain and associated issues without inflaming the heart failure?
Hi dear doctor i have chest pain after eating any food, for 5 years i have tried many anti acids nothing helped me I have done ecg and it is clear i think that after eating the circulation decreases in my chest area and causes pain and after 2-3 hours pain decreases but it is not gone, pain killers helps me on that time but not cure my disease?
23 years old, have had chest pain for about a year now, starting to have skipped beats and fluttering everynow and then as well, been to 2 heart docs. and have had monitors, ekgs, stress test, echos and all have been normal, am scared to death that i have blockage or something but no one is even listening to me anymore because all doctors tell me I’m perfectly fine, please help i cant live like this!!!
For the past week now my heart has been pounding really non stop. I can’t even sleep with it like this. I have been getting like little short pains in (my left side) of my chest, arm, leg and foot. I’m also have been feeling my arm and leg get more tingling feeling in them. Also I’ve been getting dizzy whenever I’m up or even laying down. I’m terrified. This doesn’t feel normal. I had Kawasaki disease (don’t know how to spell it) when I was little (around five) and I had to have a lab made plasma for that but they did save me and said I should be ok.
I don’t know if this has to do with what’s going on or not.
I did get my heart to slow a little bit last night but then woke up with it pounding where I thought it would pound out of my chest or something
My mom thinks its all in my head. Its not. This is very terrifying for me ):
Hope someone can help
Hello I am currently undiagnosed and am needing some advice/ possible diagnosis on my health. It started 9 years ago when I was admitted to ICU with Pericarditis, Pleural Effusion, Cardiac Tamponade. My symptoms only started about a week before admission- extreme fatigue, Spardiac episodes of SOB, low grade Temp. I ended up having pericardial window, > 500cc drained from around my heart. I was in the hospital for about 3 weeks and was told by the different specialists that they didn’t have a diagnosis- didn’t know what caused it. I was told my labs were ok except my CXR showed a large granuloma in my lung. Again they don’t know why I had a granuloma and they said that it was nothing to worry about. Well one physician said he would “bet” I had Lupus. A few weeks after being discharged I had episode of chest pain and shortness of breath. Again I was told everything came back normal. I had 2 more episodes of the same symptoms with same answers except this time they were going to try Ibuprofen and Colchicine. I stayed on the medication for about 3 months and my symptoms seemed to go away. I was discharged from cardiology and medication changed to PRN. I only had a few episodes of chest pain and shortness of breath for 7 years. Then about a year ago I started experiencing joint issues- ankle, feet, and hand and wrist. I had difficult time walking, and nodule appeared on thumb joint- X-rays showed no fractures and was finally referred to a Rheumatologist. I was at appointment and my feet and hands were bright red- looked like I had burned, and felt that way too. They had no idea what was wrong either- I have had Raynauds episodes in the past but my hands would always be cold and blue and when I got them warmed up – they still felt cold. I had never felt like my hands and feet were on fire, swollen. Labs were done and the only a normal level was my ACE test. My burned hands/ feet symptoms continued regularly everyday. When I went back for F/U appt. Rheumatologist still didn’t know what was wrong but did say she “thought” I had Sjogrens ( can’t spell-sorry) but I thought a high ACE could indicate Sarcoidosis? She did do a repeat CXR and granuloma was still present and large with no changes- I was put on plaquenil bid. I had some lab work about a month ago- only abnormal was a high RBC – and still no diagnosis. I almost gave up that day trying to figure out what was going on with me- but now I’m starting to have sporadic episodes of shortness of breath. I honestly don’t know where to turn to or what to do anymore. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Symptoms detail:
I have passed out 8 times since November of last year. I also have had an unexplained weight loss of 20lbs. I was in the hospital for 2 nights this week, they did an ECHO a stress test, an electrolyte workup, and a urinary analysis. I have also had an MRI, countless EKGs, an EEG, and had a ZIO patch. All have come back negative. I have seen a neurologist and a cardiologist. I have continued working with my therapist but she doesn’t think that these are related to psychological problems. It’s frustrating because this has significantly impacted my functioning as I lost a scholarship and can’t attend school without it.
Directly after the stress test I fainted. They were able to get my blood pressure which was normal and my heart rate, a bit accelerated but returning to normal. It was rather easy for me to get my pulse up to 199. I feel like it’s almost TOO easy to get my heart rate to accelerate… when I stand up my pulse will race to 120-130. The nurse made a note that I had stiff muscles during the faint which lasted 4 minutes. This time, when I passed out I was aware of everything happening around me but was too weak/unable to respond. I had a headache directly after coming too, which was sensitive to sound and light.
On Monday I passed out twice and felt VERY fatigued. Upon regaining consciousness the second time I felt as if an elephant was sitting in the middle of my chest, 7/10 and taking deep breaths exacerbated the problem . I typically feel a bit disorientated and as if the room is spinning but not in any pain after I pass out. My left leg felt tingly and 10ish minutes after passing out as the paramedics evaluated me my left shoulder felt like I had pulled it, and was in pain 8.75/10. The chest pain dulled out and was no longer noticeable 10 hours later when I was admitted to the hospital. also upon arousing my vision remained cloudy and dark, as well as being sensitive to light.
The night after I pass out I typically experience lower back pain and pain in the right side of the neck, but this might be related to the stress of fainting.
Case Summary:
Ethnic background: Pacific Islander
Current medications:
flintstones complete 1 time daily for multi-vitamin
levothyroxine 50mcg 1 time daily for Hypothrodism
Sertraline 200mg 1 time daily for depression / anxiety
thorne 5-MTHF 1 mg 1 time daily
Body systems affected:
Whole body (Primary Body Area Affected)
Eyes or vision
Head or neck
Heart or cardiovascular
Current medications:
flintstones complete 1 time daily for multi-vitamin
levothyroxine 50mcg 1 time daily for Hypothrodism
Sertraline 200mg 1 time daily for depression / anxiety
thorne 5-MTHF 1 mg 1 time daily
Problems with specific body parts or systems:
Whole body (Primary Body Area Affected)
Eyes or vision
blurred vision after coming too
tunnel vision 3 seconds before passing out
light sensitivity
occasionally see double
Head or neck
my right side of the neck hurts night after passing out
light and sound sensitivity after coming to
chest pain worsened by deep breathing
Heart or cardiovascular
easy to raise heart rate
spinning room
Personal medical history:
I was born with congenital hypotonia. I am diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome. I also have hypothyroidism. This was my first time being hospitalized.
I had a turbinate reduction surgery in may 2016. And when i was little ear tubes were placed in 2000.
i have an allergy to latex and had a bad reaction to steroids.
Family medical history:
My family is relatively healthy with 2 of my great-grandmothers living past 90, all of my grandparents and their siblings are still living. my grandfather has some heart problems but I am unaware of what it is exactly. no sudden or cardiac related deaths.
Personal lifestyle:
I used to be a student at the University of Portland but lost my scholarship due to this illness. I had attended a very prestigious and rigorous high school and never had any problems, even while taking classes for college credit (VIA. the AP program). I never smoked or drank alcohol. There is absolutely no chance that I am pregnant as I abstain from sex. I am as innocent as they come with no bad habits. I exercise regularly on the treadmill walking a mile every day for 15 minutes and walk all over campus, but would definitely not call myself athletic. I eat a normal diet, though will not be the first to admit that I could eat better, with the occasional doughnut, ice cream and cupcake thrown in.
Diagnostic or imaging test abnormalities:
Innumerable tests have been performed without any abnormalities being found. Had countless EKGs without any abnormalities, standard blood and urine workup with nothing, every time I went to the ER (7 times now). Wore a Zio patch for 2 weeks and did not experience an episode during that time. Have had an ECHO and stress test done, with nothing abnormal being found (aside from fainting directly after the stress test was performed). Had an EEG done and 2 MRIs one with contrast for the blood vessels.
Secondary or partial diagnoses:
Personal struggle:
I have lost my scholarship because I went to the ER every week for 3 weeks. I can’t attend my school without it and until I feel confident in a solution to the problem, I don’t feel like I can productively return to my studies. Without my return to school insight, I have lost numerous friendships and my first boyfriend. I used to be a strong believer in God but with all that is happening I truly doubt that he would do this to someone who has been nothing but faithful to him.
Hello, I am 26 years old and I am experiencing chest discomfort. First and foremost, I am very aware of my own heartbeat. I can feel it thumping in my chest. Occasionally, I feel a sharp pain in the left part of my breast bone, and some burning pain in my left arm. I am not having a hard time breathing, however, sometimes when I take a deep breathe, I feel a sharp pain as well. Sometimes this pain radiates to my back. Sometimes, I will feel air move so I will make myself belch in order to relieve some pressure. I have been feeling like this the past few nights and I am wondering if I should be concerned. During the day, though I am still aware of my heart palpitating, I do not experience discomfort. It is mostly in the evenings when I am resting. Is there cause for concern?
Have pretty bad pain in my thoracic, neck too but thoracic is very bad. The pain goes through to my chest and this is on the left side. Have done stress test and EKG to rule out heart. Have done xrays AND MRIs and each area, lumbar, thoracic and cervical. I’m a 54 year old male and these images show not much more than degeneration of about a 60 year old. I also have some tingling on my left side and under my left armpit. Just had facets injections at T5-T7 with zero results. 12 years ago I had a herniated disk in low back, had epidural and has been relatively ok in low back. Occasional minor pain but nothing major. ALOT of pain in my thoracic near shoulder blade….worse when sitting or trying to reach up or behind my back. I’ve been to 3 different ortho doctors and all are somewhat baffled.
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