I’ve been having this right side pain for some time now my stomach is hurting as well?

Im (…), 36 i been having this right side pain for some time now but 2 day’s ago my stomach was hurting as well , i went to the er and they did a ultrasound and a x-ray to see why i was having this pain..the doctor said she seen that i had stool not to much and not to little, plus a stone that is enlarged up there , so drink a lot of water and take stool softener..the pain got bad went to a different er..C-T scan and a ultrasound..no stone was seen and c-t was normal smh but i still have the right side pain in the back of rib cage..i had 2 hernia repair and my appendix remove year’s ago

I’m a 44 year old woman with very swollen stomach has been like this for 4 months?

I’m a 44 year old woman with very swollen stomach has been like this for 4 months
I’ve had Endoscopy / colonoscopy / X-ray and ct scan and every blood test known to man the only thing that has shown up is a small cyst on my ovary but been told it’s too small to be causing the swelling I get pelvic pain and dizziness with a few fainting spells
My gp has told me they can’t find anything wrong and thinks my stomach muscles have stretched I went from a size 10 to now wearing maternity clothes

My husband has been coughing up phlegm with bright red blood?

My husband has not been sick or had any virus, but Thursday he was couging in the morning and coughed up phlegm with bright red blood about 6 times a day. 2 times it was just streaked red, but the other times it was about 1tsp. Sinced that first event, he has coughed up phlegm and blood (bright red and an clump about 1 1/2 inch across–not streaked. The sputum an phlegm does look bubbly). He did have gastric sleeve surgery well 2 years ago and has been doing well with it, although he does sometimes have reflux. Would irritation or ulceration in esophagus cause coughing up blood? What other things could cause this?

Two years ago I was diagnosed with Colon cancer?

I’m 54 years old. Female. Two years ago I was diagnosed with Colon cancer. I’ve since had surgery. I’ve had chemotherapy and radiation. The last CT scan showed no sign of cancer. My problem now is that I have so much gas. I take 125mg of semithicone when it getsd bad and sometimes that doesn’t help. Could there be another underlying condition that I don’t know about or is this common after a bowel resection?

I take Prilosec 20mgs (OTC) and have taken this daily for over 10 yrs straight?

I am Age 55 & female. I take Prilosec 20mgs (OTC) and have taken this daily for over 10 yrs straight (maybe longer). I am recently bothered by the findings regarding taking this drug long term and its warnings that indicate osteoporosis, liver disease and dementia. I have taken this med as a daily treatment for heartburn and can not go a day without it or I will definitely suffer with heartburn.

What should I be taking in place of this? Please don’t say Tums ( that would be a joke). Also, my doctor always asked me what medicines I take every time I have appointment, which is every 6 months ( since I also take Zocor 10mg for elevated cholesterol ). Why if there are such findings would my doctor not be concerned about this?

I have multiple diseases like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, fybromyalgia?

Hi, my name is (…), I am 50 years old. I have multiple diseases like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, fybromyalgia, excema, anxiety, depression, gerd, bone density and gastroporiesis. I take meds for everything. My question is about the gastroporiesis, my Dr has done multiple testings and all come out to be I’m constipated. I can be over 7 days without having a bowel movement. I end up taking all the meds the Dr has prescribed. linzess, amitiza, dolcolax, miralax, metamucil, lactulose and stool softeners. Nothing works and when it does i have diarrhea all day and painful. Please help, I don’t know what else to do.

For the past months I am experiencing pain on my upper abdomen?

Good day, I would like to ask about stomach issues. For the past months I am experiencing pain on my upper abdomen which happens to occur at the same time in the afternoon until the evening. I feel bloated and burps every now and then. It made me very uncomfortable especially when I am at work. I tried several home remedies which includes ginger tea,horseradish etc. to alleviate the pain but still it would come back. Sometimes forcing myself to vomit helps a lot for it reduces the pain until the morning. My question is as to what condition am I suffering to? And what is the best way I can do to counter such pains. Thank you.

For 2-3 years I have had blood in my stools?

Hello I am a 17 year old female. For 2-3 years I have had blood in my stool. I have also, from time to time, had maroon-colored or white discharge come out. I’ve also had oil in my stool. I know this is not normal but I’m scared to tell my parents and to have to go to the doctor. May you please help me determine what is wrong with my colon.

I have had a pain in my lower left quadrant of my stomach?

I am female 47. Have had hysterectomy. I have RR MS. I have had a pain in my lower left quadrant of my stomach. It started about 6-9 months ago. It never really bothered me too much before. I have so many weird unexplained pain due to my MS I ignore most things and they go away. This one is different. It is getting worse. It wakes me up at night. I feel it all the time now. I do have IBS. I know the differences with a flare up or being constipated. I exercise and am 5’6″ and 135 lbs. I don’t smoke and don’t drink alcohol. My GP put in for me to see gastro for a colonoscopy but it will be forever before i see one. What should I do?

I’m swollen through the stomach neck and face. I have no energy like I used to?

Before u say it I know I should have already went to the doctor but I’m not really doctor type.

Im 21 yr old male I own a hay brokerage company and a 2300 head cattle operation also have several semis on the road so I have a ass load of stress.

Heart problems is a big problem on fathers side few people have had cancer on mothers side. I have high blood pressure. 240 is the heaviest I’ve ever been at 6ft tall. And I weigh 216 now and I look bigger than I’ve ever looked I’m swollen through the stomach neck and face. I have no energy like I used too I’m the type of guy that works 20 hours a day and sleeps 3or 4 hours and it don’t affect me not me to work 10 or 12 and be tired like I have the last 4 months I’ve had diarrhea and throwing up off and on for about 3 weeks nothing taste good and everything I eat kills me. And this week I’ve broken out in big whelps look like huge boils that are dry. Just wondering if any suggestions to what it could be and how worried I should be and what kind of doctor I should see I do not have a family doctor

I have been eating approx 1/2 of what I used to eat, however my stomach is even bigger?

I am 59.. weight 280. For 2 weeks I have been eating approx 1/2 of what I used to eat, however my stomach is even more extended than normal and appears to grow daily. My legs and feet are extremely swollen. I recently changed jobs so I am currently without insurance or I would go to doctor. Also I have a red rash from feet to chins. Any thoughts?