My little boy has stomach pain, done countless tests, spent a fortune, I’m at a loss, need advice?

My little boy will be 2 in January and hes always had huge problems with stomach pain and wind. I have taken him to the doctors so many times and had countless tests done. Hes had a general blood test, allergy tests, poo samples taken and physical examinations of his tummy and an abdominal scan. All results are normal. Every night I sit for 3 hours cradling my little boy because he is in such serious pain he has now started to shout tummy when the pain is coming. I have kept a food diary for the last two months and not been able to pin point a certain food that upsets his tummy. He is on Movicol for constipation and this is working fine and he poos regularly. It might be useful to mention that when the pain comes on he also coughs and clutches his throat, his voice is horse all the time and everyone comments on how deep his voice is for a baby. I have trawled the internet for the last 6 months looking for answers. I have spent a small fortune on various medicines to help with wind and tried natural remedies such as peppermint. Im at a loss now I’m on the edge he screams for hours and hours and my GP has told me I cannot take him back again as they have completed all intial investigations and found nothing. Is it possible he is suffering with GERD? I’ve read about this online and his symptoms are so similar. Please can anyone give me any advice.

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My 6 y/o has been complaining for the last 6 months Tummy ache/pain of the abdomen (around the navel area)/slightly swollen abdomen/discomfort when eating (will only eat a few bites)?

My question is for my child:
Age: 6
Sex: F
History: No previous conditions or hospitalization
Meds: None
Symptoms: Tummy ache/pain of the abdomen (around the navel area)/slightly swollen abdomen/discomfort when eating (will only eat a few bites)/lasts about 15-60 minutes at times, sometimes longer
It usually starts in the mornings, but limited to that time. After a lay down/nap & a cup of black tea seems to relieve it to an extent. She has been complaining for the last 6 months with the pains which started off once or twice every few weeks, but has increased to a few times a week in the last 3 weeks. Once the pain is gone, she instantly runs out of bed & out side to play, which she loves to do. Her diet varies, so i can not make a connection to food, aside from a daily intake of Weetbix/Kornflakes/Fresh milk/Bananas/Tea, those are the only daily foods, which she has always eaten/drank.

My 10yr old son has patches on his back and stomach. It may be ring worms?

My 10yr old son has patches on his back and stomach. It may be ring worms, not sure. He has had ring worm before on his leg that looked similar. The patches are dry and sometimes it itches. His barber noticed 2 patches after he gave him a hair cut. What do you think? Attaching a photo


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My 4 month old boy is having seizures, is Eptoin (Phenytoin) the right treatment?

Hello doctor,
My son 4month old having weight 8.3 kg. Is this over weight according to age.
My son had a seizure 3 times in 15 days.
On 15th Eve he had 3rd seizure of approx. 1 min. On 16th day morning he had 4th seizure of 1 and half min. After that we took away to doctor ,he asked for blood test in which calcium was little bit more. Then they asked for EEG and at that time another seizure took place of same duration. Then they admitted for a day for observation.but only 3-5 second of seizure took place. Then they discharge and told us to give 3 and half ml of eptoin twice a day for 15 days now.

Details of seizure – eyes went up, strengthens the body, strengthens hands and legs straight, body shakes.

Does their any serious problem. Is this eptoin syrup OK for my son

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14 year old, has Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), bipolar?

I am 14, and have no medical history. So here’s the thing, i have symptoms of anxiety, depression and i have alot of mood swings. i can never stay focused and sometimes blank out. I cant ever study well be cause nothing sticks and i need the teacher to repeat what she says so i get it. I will get headaches for no apparent reason and i have trouble sleep, yet im tired everyday. When I search up the what it could be i get a lot of different diseases and disorder. like GAD, bipolar, etc. Ive had these symptoms for a while now.

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My baby has ESR result of 50 ( lab limit is 29-30) and hemoglobin level of 10.5, is it a problem?

my baby daughter is 2yr and 7 months and was bad cold and cough was three weeks then she had breathing difficulties.then doctor given drop for nose ,then it came relief ,and doctor asked to do FBC and ESR test then the doctor highlighted that ESR level is high report result is 50 ( required limit is 29-30) and also himoglobin level was 10.5 doctor I am in confused mind what is this issue and do we need to repeat same test after one month kindly advise me .

Thanking you

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10 year old has cyst on ovary, any alternative to surgery?

Several days ago my cousin felt abdominal pain. After undergoing several tests, doctors discovered a cyst on her ovary. FYI my cousin is only 10 years old. The doctor recommend that she should undergo for surgery because his cyst is already has 10 cm diameter.
I would like to ask is there any side effects after cyst removal surgery(such as infertility or other side effect)?
Is there other alternatives to remove the cysts beside surgery?

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My son who is 20 months old does not communicate?

Hi, my son who is 20 months old does not communicate(No pointing etc) however he is potty trained(needs diaper only in night). He knows A-Z, can recognize A-Z and a-z knows 1-20. knows more than 20 animals knows sounds of animals and can tell few colors, knows lots of fruits and vegetables he is very smart otherwise but when it comes to communicate he don’t do anything. if he needs water he keep looking at it and than I have to give it. I’m really tensed if there is any issue with him or its just his nature please advice me what should I do?

I have back pain for 2 years now and I’m out of breathe, but my parents say I’m OK?

Hello my name is (…) and i’m 17 years old and a female. I have been having back pain for I think 2 years now and i’ve not been too a doctor because my parents said it’s just growing pain and this year my back pain has gotten worse and i’m out of breathe really easily especially when I climb up the stairs and my legs always have a numbness either when I sit down for too long. My back pain is the worst if I sit or stand up for too long or if I bend down to pick up something and when I go to bed it’s hard for me to go to bed because it’s hard for me to breathe cause of the pain in my back is so bad and so I can’t sleep on my back and only on my side. Could you please tell me what I have?

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My son has a fever of 101.8-100.8, what should I do?

My son has a fever, He is 2 years old. His temperature is 101.8-100.8. I took his temp from under his arm. All I want to know is if I need to take my son to a doctor in the morning.I gave him a bath when I realized he had a fever. when he got out he had the shakes and was cold instantly. The bath water was warm not to hot. I gave him Tylenol at 9:00 pm and then again at 1:00 am. But when I went to give him his second dose it did not feel like the fever was going down.

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My son has eye discharge, so sticky cannot open his eyes?

Hi doctor, my 6 yr old son always has sleep in his eyes in the morning. Sometimes it is too sticky that he cannot open his eyes. He is a swimmer and swims twice a week. He also watches you tube in his phone most of the time. He sleeps 8pm and wakes up 530am for school. This doesnt come with fever and after bathing it goes away.

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