I’m fused at l5-s1 over a year ago and having new l5-s1 dermatome neuropathy?

I’m fused at l5-s1 over a year ago and having new l5-s1 dermatome neuropathy.. Last xray the hardware was fine. No injury. Woke up with a numb foot and leg and ER advised it’s the l5-s1 nerve dermatome. I have no disc there as it was removed. What could cause the new symptoms to appear literally over night?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I had my gallbladder out a month ago. Laparoscopy?

I had my gallbladder out a month ago. Laparoscopy.

My incision by my belly button hurts. It’s constant and burning. It feels like it’s underneath the skin slightly to the left. It’s becoming sharper and sneezing, coughing, laughing, stretching all hurt.

the pain woke me up from sleep 2 times. the incision itself looks fine but I’m having a lot of pain.im not sure if I need to have it checked out or if it’s normal


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I was diagnosed with endometriosis via laparoscopy?

I was diagnosed with endometriosis via laparoscopy March 2016. Had an endometrioma on left ovary as well as “endometriosis everywhere”. Opted for Mirena IUD to control, but had it removed one year later due to side effects being greater than the pain.
My question is, at what point do I request another surgery? The pain is quickly becoming severe (wakes me up in the middle of the night, taking too much ibuprofen to control the pain….up to 4000mg a day) but after two ultrasounds, the visual evidence does not support another surgery. The pain only occurs during my cycle, but it is circling back to point that I have to schedule around it.
I have tried the pill in the past, but I do not do well on it, to say the least. And my “doctor” (NP) tells me that if I do not take hormonal assistance, there is nothing else to be done.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis via laparoscopy March 2016

Had a vasectomy done, very painful, was it done properly?

47, Male-
Went in for vasectomy, during procedure;
Right testicle went perfect & painless.
Left testicle procedure was extremely painful.
Afterward left side was very bloody & Left testicle is very swollen.
Went back in 4 days later; Dr says- no infection- most likely a hematoma but will clear up in time.
Why was my procedure so painful?
Should get ultrasound?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

Brother had thyroidectomy, please advise?

Please find the attachment for my brother case , he did thyroidectomy two weeks ago.
Please kindly let me know
1- His pathology report and how is ( cauterized, they mention in the hospital it is capsulized ) would impact his chance for treatment
2- what is the possible treatment ?
3-What are the chances that his cancer will recur?
4- What is the chance of distance Metastasis?
5- is he Low risk cancer or high risk cancer?
6- what the next step RAI doasge 30 with WBS or only ultra sound on the neck with blood test?
Thanks in advance and best regards

I have a sebaceous cyst on my face that I want to remove, please advise?

Hello I am a 27 year old female and my physician says I have a sebaceous cyst. I was prescribed topical corticosteroidIt and fucidic acid. After treatment, almost all of the redness subsided and the cyst came down to the size of a dot under my skin on my face. It is now small but not pretty to look at. What can I do to remove it. Please advise?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I have shoulder pain after Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (acdf) surgery?

shoulder pain after surgery

may 24th 2016 i had an acdf surgery the treat pain and numbness in my right shoulder arm and hand after the surgery i started feeling the same symptoms in my left shoulder arm and hand i started complaining about it while still in the hospital recovering from the acdf the doctor said it was normal now 1 year later the symptoms have not got better any type of manual labor makes it worse something a simple as turning a steering wheel with my left arm makes it worse is it normal to still have these symptoms 1 year after acdf thanks

I had Humerus fracture surgery, now need another?

Humerous fracture

I was humerus middle shaft fracture in 15th June 2017. next day surgery my right humerus for fixation of plate and screw. But after 3 month plate was not holding properly and plate was all most outside the bone but healing not properly. So I change the doctor and place. Doctor advise removal of plate and extensible higher or large plate or bone grafting. In April 27th again surgery but this time doctor fix of rod Nail syntheses. But present time pain in my right hand and not proper healing. Please intimate me what I can do

I am having trouble breathing and have two holes in my chest?

Having trouble breathing and have two holes in my chest

I have 2 holes in the left side of my chest and 4 gashes on my upper left torso, also have a few gashes on my left shoulder, and my ribs are broken on the left side as well. Every time I take a breath, a weird blowing sound, along with frothy blood comes out of the holes in my chest, making it hard for me to breathe. The holes are in my upper left chest area and near my left nipple. They both blow bloody bubbles out in spurts each time I breathe. The holes are about the size of a half dollar coin and make blowing sounds each time I breathe. I called for an ambulance and the EMTs cut my shirt off completely and are saying I need to go to the hospital. They said I need to have oxygen and might have a “punctured left lung” and a “sucking chest wound.” What do these terms mean and why was my shirt cut off? What will the EMT’s and doctors do to treat my condition, and after I leave the hospital, what can I do for self care at home? Male

Bone Tuberculosis (TB) Diagnosis cannot be confirmed, do we opt for surgery or TB medication?


My name is (…) from Australia. My nephew – (…), (male) aged 16 year, living in Bangladesh, has been suffering an acute pain in his spine. Doctor in Bangladesh wasn’t able to unambiguously diagnose his disease, however based on some of the medical investigation such as MRI scan and assessing the symptoms they strongly suspect that (my nephew) has been suffering from Bone TB. As the diagnosis was not unequivocal so the prescribed course of the treatment given by the doctors in Bangladesh doesn’t build a solid confidence in us. In that circumstance my sister brought him to Hyderabad, India as India is deemed to be better than Bangladesh in regards to medical science. However, the outcome is almost absolutely identical. In this circumstance we are seriously confused and cannot take our decision, whether we should go for surgery or TB medication. We are even thinking about taking the patient to Bangkok as Bangkok is even better than India.
Please give me a guideline.
Kindest regards,

I broke my collarbone back in 2009, my chest seems to have become a bit deformed since the incident?

Hi there, I broke my collarbone back in 2009 when a girl tackled me onto my side onto ice. I passed out so I’m not entirely sure how I fell, but I know I fell on my shoulder hard and must have hit my head as well. My collarbone broke in 3 spots on my right side. I was 13 at the time so doctors freaked me out a lot, but they still kind of do. Enough for me not to want to visit the doctors regarding this issue a least.

Anyways, my chest seems to have become a bit deformed since the incident. From my collarbone down to between my breast, the centre of my chest protrudes enough that it makes my breasts push downwards and outwards a bit. It’s not painful at all unless I lay on my stomach and have pressure on my chest for too long, but it’s definitely not something I’d like to deal with the rest of my life. I was wondering if anything could maybe be done without surgery, like a posture sling or compression on the chest of some sort… I tried to take a photo but without completely exposing myself, it’s very hard to show what I mean. It’s like a pigeon chest, but what I’ve noticed about pigeon chests is that it seems to be lower and not start by the collarbone, and that it then sinks in as well as protrude, which mine does not.

I had my gallbladder removed in April of 2015, I am still having severe pain?

I am a 46 year old female. I had my gallbladder removed in April of 2015. The doctor said it was not working. I am still having severe pain, that I have to go to the ER. What is going on? Is there a medical term used for this type of condition? I had the scope done in February, and nothing showed up but two polyps and both were benign. I am really getting scared because nothing has been found. The last visit to the ER, they did blood work. Would the blood work have shown if I have cancer or not, or is there a certain test they have to do to check for cancer? Also my blood pressure was up and my heart rate was 138. Please help!

I had a lumbar laminectomy / discectomy on the L5-S1 around 8-9 months ago for some pretty painful sciatica?

I had a lumbar laminectomy / discectomy on the L5-S1 around 8-9 months ago for some pretty painful sciatica shooting down my left leg from my gluteal region. I was doing pretty well until last week, and noticed that I had some sensitivity behind my outer left knee. The sensitivity is not debilitating, but really notable. Could I have possibly re-herniated? or can this be corrected? I have not had any pain yet from my gluteal region nor my lower back.

I have just started my gabapentin treatment again, I also had an occurrence today when I coughed and my upper left gluteal region issued me some sharp pain. Am I experiencing a recurrence of a herniated disc again?

My wife has had an Ilia conduit operation 6 years ago & has a Stoma bag, crystals forming with burning sensation?

My wife has had an Ilia conduit operation 6 years ago & has a Stoma bag. She has a constant urine infection & has had to take antibiotics regularly as she has developed Kidney problems. Her urine is burning her flesh area around the Stoma and is causing crystals to form. She has been told to dab the area with white vinegar. A very painful experience every time, That area hurts all the time but however she has done this and after two weeks, they went. Very upset to see the crystals have returned after just two days. What else can she do to relieve the situation?
Thank you Doctor.

I have injury in right leg, need surgery or is there another option?

i have injury in right leg knee and the report of MRI as follow
MRI report:
The ACL could not be seen near its femoral attachment while the rest of its fibers are seen sagging on the tibial surface with intra substance areas of high signal intensity in all pulse sequences.
Abnormal high SI bone marrow area on T2WIs and STIR images seen at the opposing lateral femoral condyle and lateral aspect of the tibial plateau.
Normal MRI appearance of both menisci, PCL, collateral and patellar articular ligaments as well as the quadriceps and infra patellar tendons.
Mild intra articular joint effusion is noted.
Normal marrow signals of the examined bones and the overlying articular cartilages.
Intact peri-articular musculature with preserved intervening fat planes,

Findings are those of complete tear of ACL with mild knee joint effusion

i would ask if this case need surgery or there is option an medicine treatment.