I had a surgical abortion, I have concerns about my future fertility?

I have concerns about my future fertility and hope you can shed some light on my concerns. I am 20 years old and when I was 14 had a surgical abortion when I was just over 11 weeks gone. I have concerns that I may have scar tissue in the uterus due to minimal periods but lately different period pains. After having the abortion I had an implant put in and after that had a second implant which I have recently had removed about 1 month ago. Of course my body is still adjusting but something tells me something isn’t right. My period came exactly 1 week after the removal of my implant and lasted about 5 days which was fairly light. And exactly when my next period was due, it came on time but again very light. Please could you help me understand what may be wrong due to previous operation and having light periods. Thank you.

I have been taking synthroid for at least 10 years, now want to get pregnant?

I’m a 31 year old female who has been taking synthroid for at least 10 years and who also wishes to get pregnant in the coming months. I stopped birth control in December. Had a normal period in January and February. In February my synthroid dose was changed from 50 mcg to 25 mcg grams because it tested below normal range. I have not had a period in over 60 days. Could my synthroid change have stopped my periods? Will going back on the old dosage bring them back? Time is of the essence in this matter. Recent lab works shows my TSH levels back within normal range.

What are the best times to become pregnant?

Hello, I am asking for a friend and have this info 3rd. hand. A lady had her menstrual cycle about March 1st.
then has sex bout March 14th. and about March 30th starts bleeding bad. She goes to Doctor who tells her she is pregnant. Is this a possibility or another problem?
Also what are the best times here to become pregnant?
I am doing this for a lady friend for her son.
Can you help?

I really want to start having children but don’t want to rely on birth control to regulate my cycle?

Hi, I’m 21 years old with extreme irregular periods. I really want to start having children but don’t want to rely on birth control to regulate my cycle. Are there any natural ways you recommend or is going back on the pill my only option. I’ve been off of any type of birth control for 2 years now before I was on the depo shot for 2 years. Please help

Me and my wife have been trying to have a child for two years?

Hello please help me and my wife. Me and my wife have been trying to have a child for two years. She eats healthy. Exercises daily most of the time. But her periods are irregular and for the past three days she’s been having symptoms of pregnancy but two tests came back negative one took today and one took last Tuesday. She’s 4 weeks late period (we think) her last period was last month 19-26. Idk if her hcg are just too low or what. But 99% of the time of her period or about two days before she gets breast pain. But she hasn’t got breast pain. She has weird feeling stomach. Some pain in the pelvic area. Dizzy sometimes. Better sense of smell. But still no positive.

My fallopian tubes are blocked do you recommend I freeze my eggs?

HI I am a Female 6 days away from 33. 6 years ago I had an atopic pregnancy. Tried for years to get pregnant again only to find out that both of my fallopian tubes are blocked. The doctor told me my best bet is to just have them removed. Then do in vitro. I am not married and work two jobs. I am worried that I’m getting too old and time is slipping away. Do you recommend freezing my eggs. For when I’m ready to go along with the surgery?

Our fertility doctor suggests an Ultrasound, Abdominal Vessels procedure, need second doctor opinion?

Hi, We’ve been having problem getting pregnant and have been seeing a fertility doctor. Every time my wife was around ovulation time she would go to the doctor and receive a intra-vaginal ultrasound. When we received the claim it listed, among others, an expensive procedure called “Ultrasound, Abdominal Vessels”. Is this a necessary exam to establish whether she was ovulating? What is this exam normally used for?

I had a semen analysis, need second doctor opinion and more advice?

31 male. No medication. I had a vasectomy 2 years ago and it took roughly 6 months of semen analysis saying 1 or rnms. My urologist had me bring a sample and said I’m sterile. He used a microscope. I wanted a clear lab result so at a year I went and received 2 clear samples!! After the lab spilled 2 of them in transit. I thought about the issues and had 1 more test done last month to make sure and the result was sperm present. So again my urologist had me bring a sample in and he said without a doubt I’m sterile. I asked why the lab said there were sperm and he said sometimes they don’t know what they are looking at. It was quest diagnostics. Now I’m unsure. Can a lab be wrong? Or trust my dr.

In response to my previous question ( http://questiondoctors.com/i-had-a-semen-analysis-not-convinced-lab-analyzed-it-correctly/) of different dr and lab results from vasectomy. It says few sperm observed 1-5hpf from an uncentrifuged specimen.

Sample was qns for concentration

I have been prescribed euthyrox and dostinex for infertility, need second opinion?

I am a 36yr old female. I have recently begun procedures to investigate infertility. My free TW levels are 1.24. My TSH levels are 4.42 and my prolactin levels are 36.72. I have been prescribed euthyrox and dostinex. Can you tell me if this is appropriate medication? I am on no other medication, have regular periods and have no medical complaints. Unfortunately, the medical care provided but the state is generally accepted as poor in the country where I live and I would love a second opinion before I start perhaps unnecessary drugs.

I had a semen analysis, not convinced lab analyzed it correctly?

31 male. No medication. I had a vasectomy 2 years ago and it took roughly 6 months of semen analysis saying 1 or rnms. My urologist had me bring a sample and said I’m sterile. He used a microscope. I wanted a clear lab result so at a year I went and received 2 clear samples!! After the lab spilled 2 of them in transit. I thought about the issues and had 1 more test done last month to make sure and the result was sperm present. So again my urologist had me bring a sample in and he said without a doubt I’m sterile. I asked why the lab said there were sperm and he said sometimes they don’t know what they are looking at. It was quest diagnostics. Now I’m unsure. Can a lab be wrong? Or trust my dr.

We’re trying to have a baby, here are semen test results?

Hello Doctor, My name is (…) and my age is 28, I’m married for past 4 months, me and my wife were trying to have a baby, but in these four months nothing have happened. with a doubt in my mind i had gone to test my semen. My semen analysis report says: Colour – Opaque Grey ; Reaction – Alkaline ; Total Sperm Count – 1.8 million/ml ; Agglutination – Not Present ; Actively Motile – 40% ; sluggish motile – 20% ; non motile – 40% ; normal forms – 45% ; abnormal forms – 55% ; pus cells 8-10/hpf ; RBCs – 0-1/hpf ; epithelial cells 1-3/hpf ; fructose – positive.

Kindly advise me whether my sperm count is ok to conceive a baby OR i should go for treatment straight away OR shall i try out for some time. If you say to try out for some other time means kindly advise for how much time should i try before going to doctor.

Trying to get pregnant taking taking siphene tablets and folvite

I’m 24 years old & married.trying to get pregnant.i had an ovarian cyst formed by reverse flow of menses blood.3 months before had a laparoscopy.after 1 month rest we tried for pregnancy .taking siphene tablets and folvite.not conceive d but it’s still spotting few days before normal periods.so tensed,
How can i get pregnant fast,?.is there chances to reappear this cyst?

I am a 26 year old married female and i am trying to conceive a baby since 2 years now but failed, need advice?

I am a 26 year old married female and i am trying to conceive a baby since 2 years now but failed. the doctor prescribed me a fertility window blood test. i had irregular periods problem for 3 months in the start of this year. now i am menstruating normally but my period is a little scanty towards the end. I received the fertility window tests whose values are as follows:
1. PROLACTIN: 857.51 mIU/L (reference range specified: non pregnant females: 110.2-569.4)
2. TSH: 0.89 µIU/mL (reference range: 0.35-494 µIU/mL)
3. LH: 1.65 mIU/mL (reference range: 2.39-6.60 mIU/mL
4. Progesterone: 0.3 ng/mL (reference range: <0.1-0.3 ng/mL) 5. FSH: 3.27 mIU/mL (reference range: 3.03-8.08 mIU/mL FORMER MEDICATION: i had been taking Promulut N and Progyluton to regulate my menstruation cycle as well. now currently i am not taking any dosage. Please tell me what medicines should i take???
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Trying to conceive but no success, need solution?

We are married for approx 4.5 years and trying to conceive since then but no success. We started treatment for same around 1 year ago. My sperm count are 15 mill/ml. My wife’s AMH level is 0.68 ng/ml and FSH is 13.35 mIu/ml We tried two failed IUIs. Due to my low sperm count and her low AMH levels our doctor is suggesting for OD IVF for successful IVF. I do not want to go with donor egg IVF at this stage. I see it as a last resort only. What option do we have? Can we do IVF with my wife’s egg? I did some research on internet and found AMH test is relatively new and it only predicts about overian reserve not about the egg quality. Even, women having 0.1 AMH have conceived naturally. I found if she takes following contents for 3 months her egg quality and hormone levels can be improved. DHEA, 25mg thrice a day. CoQ 10, 100 mg daily Folic Acid 1mg/day Greens: wheat grass 2 shots/day, or, spirulina 3000mg/day Omega-3 2000mg/day Vitamin D 1000 IU/day Can you please prescribe for above contents and also for improving my sperm count? I plan to do AMH test again after taking medicines for 3 months. Regards

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I’ve been trying to conceive about a year now, if I take fertility pills will they help?

I am 24 years old. I’ve been trying to conceive about a year now and i have been trying ever since. I went to doctors to find out if my ovaries and uterus is ok and they all turn out to fine. i would like to know what is the reason for me not becoming pregnant if everything is fine. if i take fertility pills pills will they help me to conceive? or do i have to do a HSG test?

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