I have cramping and diarrhea for 2 weeks now?

Hello my name is (…) I have been cramping and having diarrhea for the past 2 weeks I took some medicine for the diarrhea and it finally went away the cramping gets worse at night where I can’t even go to sleep it wakes me up my age is 42 the only thing I have is a thyroid medicine and my surgery they took everything out where I won’t be able to have kids or have my period

High blood pressure, intense colds, minor chest pains and feeling light headed, went to ER all ok, what can this be?

About a month in a half ago I recorded my first reading of high blood pressure 148/89 after experiencing minor chest pains and feeling light headed. Two weeks before the first event, I was at the docs for my 2nd intense cold in the span of 2 weeks with no recording of high BP. I went back to the doc 2 weeks later for the same exact feelings and recorded BP around the same reading. I was given an EKG test, blood work, and a 24hr holter monitor. All of the tests came back normal, blood work was excellent. The week after I ended up in urgent care and then the emergency room for feeling the same way but I recorded a BP measure of 164/94. All of the tests came back normal as well, EKG and blood work including a chest x-ray. I did have 2 low readings in the past month which were 142/78 and a 138/76 in the ER. I followed up with my doc and he put me on HBP medication lossartan potassium 50 mg but switched me to Hydrochlorothiazid 25 mg due to feeling the side effects i.e. light headedness/dizziness and headache. I am a 23 year old male, 6’1 185lbs, recent college grad also played a sport while in college. I go to the gym regularly and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables everyday but I don’t train like a college athlete anymore. I don’t smoke or do any drugs nor take supplements. I do drink like I’m still in college but only on the weekends. HBP does run in my family along with diabetes but HBP did not develop in the fam members until later in their lives. Intense anxiety did overcome me after my first HBP reading(so for about a month of straight anxiety everyday) because I simply thought the next time I workout I would drop dead, so I stopped going to the gym until the week of Christmas. I feel great when I workout or go to the park to play the sport that I love. I just want to know what could cause this because it literally feels like it happened overnight and I really do not want to be on medication.

Contraction of the jaw, tightening of the skin, cannot walk and confined to bed?

Female Age 52. She has Scleroderma and takes the following medication:Thyroxine, Folic Acid, Ferrous Sulphate, Nexium and Metotrexate. Symptoms -contraction of the jaw (mouth passage), tightening of the skin all over the body, Joint pains, loss of apetite, cannot walk and confined to Bed, Low Blood Count, passes Blood with feces and urine ( sometimes). Has a sore above the Buttocks which causes severe pain.

I was diagnosed with crohn’s, when anemic I have staph infections?

I am a 42 yr, female. I was diagnosed with crohn’s almost 20 yrs ago. It causes me to be severely anemic and I require iron infusions periodically. When I start to get really anemic, I start getting staph infections in my nose and around my mouth. I have been dealing with it for along time BUT about 6 months ago when I got a staph infection, it took on a life of its own. It has exploded all over my face and will not go away. I have sores all over my face and lips that will not heal. They are extremely painful. I also have a sore on my neck and one on my leg that will not heal. About a week ago I thought I had a splinter on my thumb and when I examined it closure, I realized there were literally thousands of little shards in my fingers and they will not come out with tweezers. They are so painful I cannot touch anything or even brush them against anything. Out of desperation, I covered my fingers with superglue to provide a barrier to keep them from being jostled. Instantly the glue started extracting the shards out of my fingers. I was then able to remove the dried glue and the shards along with it. (Thank God). At the same time, the sore on my neck started hurting really bad and the scab had become dense and thick. When I touched the scab, it came off and I realized the sore was also full of shards of whatever they are. So I covered it with glue and thankfully it had the same result. The glue extracted them and they came out when I removed the hardened glue. Also, the sores on my face have the shards and are weeping tiny clear balls of some serum. If I wipe them off, more come out of my pores or hair follicles. It is the most horrific feeling. I am embarrassed to go out in public, I look horrific. Help!!!!

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Diagnosed with common variable immune deficiency (CVID), recurrent pneumonia and jaundice, what are consequences?

31 years male Diagnosed with CVID Common variable immune deficiency (CVID) in 2014. Gamma transfusion not taking.14 times pneumonia and jaundice 2 times in 3 months duration. What happens to my lungs due to recurrent pneumonia and jaundice to liver? Please clarify. When ever infected with pneumonia and jaundice taking antibiotics. Father’s brother and sister have a history with cancer

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Infected finger becoming numb?

I’m 15 and I’m from Texas. I only take medicine for my allergies with IS Claritin. I let my finger nail get long and I think it grew a little bit into the side of my skin. So when I cut it, I didn’t notice anything on my finger except a sort of hole or separation between my skin and fingernail. I put some antibiotic ointment on it, washed it and put a bandaid on it but every time I touch it or accidentally bump it it hurts like crazy. I took off the bandaids just now and there is a red bump with yellowish clearing stuff coming Out. There is the same yellowish goo on my bandaid. Also my finger is a lot warmer than my other fingers. Just today did my finger start hurting without me touching and is almost completely numb.


I have Herpes simplex virus 2, I may have passed this to my baby boy?

I’m a 26 year old female who was diagnosed with HSV2 in 2009. I gave birth to my son in 2013 and had an outbreak the day after I gave birth to him vaginally. He did not show any signs of infection after birth that we noticed but he currently has a rash on his genital area that concerns me. The shaft of his penis is very red and irritated and he does have a red spot on the head. No raised blisters or lesions. Should I be worried? Did I pass this to my son?

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I have been having bouts of severe stomach pain?


I am a 31 year old relatively healthy woman. Recently I have been having bouts of severe stomach pain. I am 50% sure it has a lot to do with the excessive amounts of ibuprofen I was taking for a severe toothache that was later pulled.

The pain is in my upper right side of my abdominal. The pain stays there yet if severe enough, effects my right shoulder and back. There are days that I cannot stand up straight, and find myself doubled over in intense pain with nausea. I checked myself into the ER and had a stool test and blood test performed, however the dr informed me that all of the test came back negative and she prescribed Zantac 150 for GERD which does nothing for me.

I am still in constant pain and have not been eating well. Any idea what this could be?

Severe stomach pain in the upper center/right side of my stomach
Shoulder and back pain (when pain is unbearable)
I have not taken any pain meds/NSAID (besides sumatriptan for migraines) in about 3 weeks

Thanks in advance

Diagnosed with helicobacter pylori infection, I now have constipation problems, bile reflux, villious athropy and stomach ulcers

I am a 50 years old woman. I am stressful sometimes because of my job and the daily problems. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with helicobacter pylori infection, I got some medications to cure it. I have now constipation problems and I also have bile reflux, villious athropy and stomach ulcers. I have daily abdominal pain. I have nausea after every lunch, every day, and it lasts until I go to bed at night. What causes this?
I don’t eat fatty and unhealthy foods.
In my country the doctors can’t help me, they don’t know what causes my symptomes and what treatments to use. The medicines/medications they gave to me are not effective. I take Lansul which contains lansoprazole, Metoclopramide and Xanax.
I want to know what causes my symptoms and what is the treatment for it or what kind of medicines should I take.
I’d appreciate if you could help.

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I have been experiencing upper right abdominal pain on a daily basis for 5 months, no solution from doctor?

I am a 28 year old female. I have been experiencing upper right abdominal pain on a daily basis for 5 months. I have normal bowel movements daily, no nausea, no fever, no vomiting, no other symptoms except this side pain. It ranges from a sharp, quick burning pain to a constant dull pain and happens several times throughout the day and doesn’t seem to be connected to food intake. I have had blood work done, an upper abdominal ultrasound, a breath test to see if it’s an ulcer — all came back clear. I was put on Nexium for 14 days, the pain went away on days 12,13, and 14 and I was pain free for about 5 days after and then the pains returned. My doctor wants to put me on daily Nexium without explaining what’s going on and I don’t want this to be a cover up to a real problem or a medicine I have to live on the rest of my life. If helpful, I have gained about 30 lbs over the last 8 months after switching to a desk job – this has made me about 15 lbs overweight. The only medication I take is a daily birth control pill: Lo Loestrin Fe. Any help or insight into this pain would be appreciated.

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We are in the jungles of Equatorial New Guinea and developed open sores and swollen legs?

I am a 25 year old female working in the jungles of Equatorial New Guinea as part of a research team. We had a fellow researcher develop some open sores and his leg swelled up about 4 times the original size. They gave him several antibiotics but nothing is workings. The swelling move into his testicles and he is now urinating blood. He is still conscious and has a good attitude but the doctors in Malabo can’t figure out what it is and he can’t fly by plane. They just medivacked him out to a German hospital today.

I too developed an open wound but I spoke up before it got too bad, as he waited 6 days before saying anything. I have been given an antibiotic and the wound has started getting crusty and seems to be healing after a couple days, but the swelling is not going down. I have attached a couple of pictures. My question is: should I get on a plane and go back to the United States where I could get some better medical help or should I give it a few days to see if it continues to heal. The redness around it doesn’t seem to be going away yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I am tired, legs feel heavy and have disequilibrium, doctors can’t pinpoint problem?

I’m a 38 year old male. No real known health issues other than high cholesterol 239 total. I’m 5’8 172 lbs. I’m not a smoker or drinker. Around August and September I started to feel little more tired and legs felt heavy. I started also to have this disequilibrium or off balance sensation during time of walking. Dr said was alergies so he put me on fluticasone nasal spray. Really didn’t help so next was meclizine and didn’t help either. Well on November 4th I went to ER cause urgent care dr thought maybe I had appendicitis. . Went to ER and did ultra sound of abdomen and blood work. Ultrasound was normal and blood work didn’t show any infection so sent me home and follow up with my dr. I did so in 3 days, sent me to gastroenterologist and did a hida scan. Before the scan, I got 2 rashes, small, one on my back and then on mid stomach. My Dr said it was shingles. I was in bed for 2 weeks cause I felt so bad with no energy. Not really any pain. Went to see another dr cause I was so exhausted and tired..no energy. He looked at my rashes and said it wasn’t shingles.. did more blood work.. tested be for HIV etc.. came bk and i tested positive for HSV1 virus of 13.54..I am still very exhausted and tired and seem to not be able to get any energy. Went bk to dr, another dr, did more blood work, tested for lyme disease, rocky mtn spotted fever, b12, all came bk negative. I had a EBV AB VCA OF 179.0. And AN EBV NUCLEAR ANTIGEN AB 443. I’m still weak, exhausted, depressed and worried. Just really no answers..tested for hepatitis and all negative. Please help.. anxiety is out to roof.

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My foot is swollen Only at the front of the foot, not at the ankle. It is now very painful, difficulty walking?

I have a problem with my foot. I had pain with it all the week but I thought it was nothing, but since 3days it s swollen. Only at the front of the foot, not at the ankle. It is now very painful and i have very difficulties to walk.
I am a french student of 22, studying in the uni of Hertfordshire, and I don’t know exactly where to go to see a doctor, can you help me please?

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