I have numerous small stones, is removing gallbladder necessary?

Hello, please advise:
1) if removal of gallbladder (which has numerous small stones between 2-5 mm and 4-5 stones with the sizes of 8-16 mm) may cause a cancer of duodenum, or small intestine or any intestine in the future?

2) would you recommend removing gallbladder with such stones (described above) or keeping such gallbladder?

3) would keeping such gallbladder (as described above) cause cancer?

Thank you.

Age: 45
Medications: none

Suffering from umbilical hernia that is reducible, should I be alarmed?

I have small (about the width of two fingers) umbilical hernia that is reducible. I have no pain and seem to be passing stool and urine fine. I know the need to get repaired and am in the process of figuring that out. However I do feel an sensation of fluid coming out of the area where the hernia is. I do touch the spot a lot to make sure the hernia is not pushing out. I assume this can be a sensation of blood rushing to one area? Should i be alarmed if I have no other symptoms?

Age: 26
Medications: amitryptline

My MRI seems to indicate a PONS abnormality, is the case or is MRI showing UBOs ?

I had an mri in September. I have ms btw. And my Neuro thinks I’m a hypochondriac because he never explains my radiology report or has ever Let me see an mri. I didn’t see my report till well after these symptoms started over a month ago- facial numbness in the right side like novacaine or glove sensation, From two inches into the scalp down to the bottom lip and not quite to the ear, right side mouth numbness, tongue, teeth, throat, nose, eye- can’t look extreme right because eyes Will move uncontrollably, ear fullness, hear myself talk, popping noise, face jerky movement, feeling of something touching The side of my eye socket(bone)at all times, no taste, can’t swallow, weight loss, memory loss, slurred speech, double vision, spontaneous crying, low bp, cold all the time. My pain mgmt even called my neuro on my behalf. I finally have an apt next week and my MRI was 9/6. My friend is a Neuro Trauma Nurse and said my report shows the abnormality on my pons may have just been a ubo Unidentified Bright Objects but these symptoms suggest otherwise. What do you think? Am I crazy? Like I said, the symptoms came before I saw the report let alone knew what a pons was.

Age: 37
Medications: Rebif
General Information: I have ms

I have had traces of blood in my urine, but blood tests are ok?

Hi i have had traces of blood in my urine when doctors do the dip test they say every time there is blood.but when they send it of it comes back as normal and i am in so much pain with left side of my back going into my tummy i cant even stand can this be connected as really worried and have 3 kids to look after

Age: 30
Medications: Neflex and codine

I have a ankle fracture, do I need surgery?

I have a ankle fracture,Doctor is asking me to undergo a surgery in which they will fix a screw in bone. But I don’t want that , Can the same problem be healed with proper rest and plaster?
I am afraid of surgery and don’t wanna undergo the same.
If it can heal by applying plaster and proper rest then what precautions should I follow for it?

Medications: None

I have had elevated liver enzymes, is there a problem with my liver?

Starting 2014, I have had elevated liver enzymes (right after I delivered my baby) which resolved on their own in a few months. Now I again in 2017 (afte delivering my second baby), same thing is happening. All ultrasounds are normal. But now my ANA is positive yet liver enzymes are normal again (except ALP by 1-2 points – this is what has gone up the most in the past years up to 80 points). Hepatologist doesn’t think it’s the liver and is sending me to a rheumatologist. I do have Hashmitos and hypothyroidism since 2012. Please give your advice on that this is.
Medications: Levothyroxine

Can bruising on the chest be caused from a tubation on an anemic person after surgery?

Can bruising on the chest be caused from a tubation on an animic person this appeared after surgery to repair a broken bone under the left eye tbe bruising was not there before but appeared afterwards im just trying to figure out if this is from the tubation and is it common for this to happen?
Medications: None

Considering my symptoms and tests, do I still have IGT (Impaired glucose tolerance)?

I am 52,male,with p r of china origin, now residing in Australia. I am in normal weight with the bMI 21.I have got mild elevated total fat, and mild fatty liver, but very good blood pressure of 75 and 130.I have got one uncle in my mother side died of severe diabetes complications for type 2 with obesity.I have done three ogtt tests because of in normal fasting glusto around 5.6.the results are as follows: fasting gluesco,between 5.4-5.8,latest 5.4,one hour after 75 gram loading, very high about 12-13,latest 12.9.two hours,8.5 to 10.4,latest 8.5.insulin testing, fasting 7 miu,1 hour,80,2 hours,153.fasting c-petite is 3.04 to 4.2,with latest 3.04.the two antibody,gad,IA2 are all negative, and 4 hba1 c are 5.6 to 5.8 with latest 5.8.For over three months, I have got the following symptoms, related,1,very strong thirsty, day and night, drinking a lot of water.2,passing urine very quickly, around one hour and less than half an hour after drinking some coffee and tea, twice at night ,with large amount.3,very easy to feel hungry, and having a lot of food4,feel very tired, easily fall asleep ,especially in the quiet place.my main questions are as follows, according to the test results and symptoms,any insulin resistance?2,i wonder if I am still diagnosed IGT and IFG ,because two hours less than 11.1,or diagnosed as type 2 diabetes because 1 hour continuous over 11.1 with additional symptoms? 3,according to present situation, any treatment necessary and what can be available. Hopefully can get the answers to all these questions before seeing the specialist. Thanks a lot.
Medications: None

This is an ultrasound of my baby’s spine. How does the spine look to you?

This is an ultrasound of my baby’s spine. The perintologist that l see thinks it ends abruptly. What do you think it could be?

Also the baby is never in a different position during sonograms. This is the picture we always get of the end of her spine and he thinks it’s the best picture we have.

How does the spine look to you? Any advice or further questions you think I️ should ask after her birth.

I suffered a meniscal tear, can I start training again?

My knee got injured 5 months ago, mainly due to weights lifting.
I got an X-Ray done and it didn’t show anything, so after I proceed to get a MRI where it says that it may be a ‘lateral meniscal tear. Minimal knee effusion’.
Should I be careful to go back to training with weights and running? Should I follow some sort of treatment?

Age: 33
Medications: None

I have Atrial fibrillation ( AFib or AF), can a car accident have caused it?

I’m 77 yrs old but had been in great physical shape, very active in sports, biking, & around the house & yard, etc. Then I was injured in a freak accident 8/30/17 when a car crashed into a building where I was a customer, sending me to emergency vascular surgery for compartment syndrome (R. calf.) I spent 4 days in hospital, had 2 surgeries in that period, & am now assigned to Physical Therapy for several mos. About 10 days after the accident, my vascular surgeon referred me to a cardiologist for heartbeat concerns just noticed by him; I’m now diagnosed with A. Fib, on blood thinners for rest of my life, & had a cardioversion in 10/2017. My cardiologist says because I hadn’t had an EKG prior to my accident, he can’t say that the AFib was caused by the accident & the resulting horrific stress (for example, I was told by the ER doc that my leg might be amputated, had to undergo gen. anesthesia, of which I am very leery, & have been forced to spend more time idle in the last 3 mo. than ever in my life – I NEED to be active.)

Prior to my accident, my only health issues were hypertension (well-controlled via meds) & a bum knee; I’d been seeing my primary care doc at least annually.

Do you feel the accident may be implicated in my 9/2017 diagnosis of A Fib?

Age: 77
Medications: warfarin (now!); lisinopril; hydrochlorothiazide

I have had fever for 6 days and an enlarged lymph node on jaw?

Low grade fever for 6 days (99.5-100.5), enlarged painless lymph node on jaw (under ear) extreme fatigue, dull pain in right side of my jaw, pale skin.
Blood tests:
Mono; negative
Epstein barr; negative
Pregnancy: negative
CBC; normal range
I’m a 18y/o woman, 125lbs, 5’9″ft tall, from North America

Medications: Focalin XR 25mg, Taytulla

I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago for endometriosis, have side effects please advise?

I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago for endometriosis ages 27. After the surgery I suffered severe infection which resulted in two further surgeries one to remove scar tissue around my bowels and lower intestine and one to remove my remaining Fallopian tube I also was admitted to hospital and put on IV antibiotics for 7 day periods over a period of 13 months I was admitted 8 times doctors could never control the infection. I recovered for a period of around 6 months then started getting strange stinging electrical shock symptoms around my genital area and my back and head after many test I was diagnosed as delusional and put on medication which after being adjusted many times eased my anxiety but never my symptoms they continued to worsen I now constantly feel like something that feels slimy like small worms are crawling from my genitals or scalp I get a bad burning pain in my right shoulder blade that often extends down my back into my lower back/ buttock I often feel something is crawling or moving up from my bottom round either side of my waists to my belly button. Area this can sometimes produce also a strange smell which other people have smelt. This causes me to feel exhausted extremely bloated to the point I feel my stomach may pop and it becomes very distended I often feel sick and have random hot flushes, concussion a fuzzy feeling and low mood last time I was in the bath the sensation from my genitals was bad so I took a photo and I would like you to look and see if you see the dark worm type looking problem I see and feel

Sertraline and rispiredone

My medication may be too high?

about 4 months ago when updating my records of the mirapexin pramipexole 0.26mg which should have been 2.6mg ( 10 times less than my prescription ) this resulted in 6 days in hospital. I my opinion my medications could now be too high

Mirapexin pramipexole 2.6mg 1 tablet per day ( prescribed 2.6mg given .26mg )
Entacapone 200mg 4 tablets per day
carbidopa and levodopa 25mg/100mg 8 tablets per day
madopar 50mg as required
Blood pressure – my average for the last 3 months 117 / 72
Losartan 100mg 1 per day
Amlodipine 5mg 1 per day
blood sugars – average 6.5
Metformin 500mg 4 tablets per day
gliciazide 80mg 4 tablets per day

Medications:Parkinsons Mirapexin pramipexole 2.6mg 1 tablet per day ( prescribed 2.6mg given .26mg ) Entacapone 200mg 4 tablets per day carbidopa and levodopa 25mg/100mg 8 tablets per day madopar 50mg as required Blood pressure – my average for the last 3 months 117 / 72 Losartan 100mg 1 per day Amlodipine 5mg 1 per day blood sugars – average 6.5 Metformin 500mg 4 tablets per day gliciazide 80mg 4 tablets per day