Diagnosed and treated for Hyospadus, experiencing severe pain and difficulty urinating?

my 37 yr old son in law is laid off, un-insured, and NO income. At birth he was diagnosed and treated surgically throughout years with conditon – Hypospadius. Recently and currently he is experiencing severe pain and difficulty urinating. We have no money, I am retired on Social Security but it breaks my heart to see him in this pain. Is there anything we can do to help him at this time. He is trying to find work with Medical Insurance, but at this time negative.

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Hip replaced with radiation, now my bones are weak?

44 female…i had a car wreck in october 2011… They replaced my hip and put radiation in it to kill the bone. Can that be causing my otber bones to become brittle and break easily? Id never had a broken bone until that wreck and now it seems i can barely trip and my bones snap…i have no insurance so I’ve broken 5 bones in a year.

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I have a constant pressure on my bladder?

Hi I’m 21 years old, I have a constant pressure on my bladder all the time where it feels like I need to pee but I don’t. The only time it actually feels okay is when my bladder is actually full when I drink a lot of water. I’ve been waking up in the early mornings like 6am having a lot of pee when I didn’t drink very much and my boyfriend has been having the same issue- where he wakes up around 6 and peeing a lot when he didn’t even drink anything the night before. I have no infection and have had many tests but all are normal. It’s been months now.

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diagnosed with endometrioma in both ovaries do I also have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

I am 29 yr old female last year diagnosed with endometrioma in both ovaries (5cm and 3.5cm).Recently i got my other test done reports are(Day2 of cycle)
Prolaktin serum:8.5
My Amh levels are bit high now i want to know do i suffer from pcos along with endometriosis or these amh levels are fine.Now i want to start my family what are my chances of conception?Should i go for laproscopy?

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I have postpartum depression/psychosis, is this a hormonal imbalance I can cure?

I have a six months old did a c-section and 3 days after coming from the hospital, i felt stressed, sad. I was not treated good in the labour room and after I had the baby.
While pushing I heard like something cracked in my lower back. Then I had suicidal thoughts, wanted to hurt other people and the baby. I was just overwhelmed. I have postpartum depression/psychosis. I have been going to several doctors and I have been on these medications: Valium 5mg, risperdone, epilim quetiapine amitriptyline, flouoxitine, stimuloton. These are both antidepressants and antipsychotics and none of them worked. I think my brain is chemically imbalanced and it might be from my hormones. They were not tested. They have said why I am suffering from it is because I was not ready for the child and blah blah blah. Btw I think it is more than that. I think I might be suffering from hormonal imbalance. Cause a lot of ppl has gone through more stress than me and they were not diagnosed with this.
> If it is a hormonal imbalance, by curing it, can it cure depression
> What do u think?

I was diagnosed with a prolapse uterus, my cervix has risen back?

I was diagnosed with a prolapse uterus 2nd degree where my cervix comes down to the opening of my vagina after giving birth to my 2nd child.
This particular month I noticed my cervix has risen back into my vagina which is me concerned
Which is something that has never happened
Typically my cervix hangs low I can feel it when I touch my vagina
This particular month my cervix has risen back into my vagina
I’m concerned as to why this happened
Any suggestion

Pain in testicles, lower abdomen, rectum, is it fatty liver?

pain in testicles. pain in lower abdomen. some pain in rectum. loss of sensation during sex. some urgency during urination. ongoing problem for two or more years. went to urologist and he had me on ciprofloxacin for three months. seemed to help a little bit. had ultrasounds of testicles and liver. the doctor did say i might have a fatty liver problem. no signs of testicular cancer or prostate cancer. could it be cancer somewhere else in my body? PLEASE HELP. i only have crappy state provided insurance and i have a hard time even finding a urologist near me that will take my insurance.

age 32 years
height 5′ 8″
weight 185

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I had a miscarriage, could I have lost only one of the twin babies?

I had a miscarriage about two months ago I was plus minus 4weeks and the doctor I had seen when I started bleeding was a gp (it was my first time going to have as I was new in the area, I had only taken a digital pregnancy test and was yet to have an ultrasound done) he did an ultrasound and said I lost the ban y of I bleed more than 7dsys I should come back. I stopped on the 7th day but during this time when I bled I had passed lots of blood cloths and something that looked like a fetus. I only had sexual intercourse once after the miscarriage and my partner had “pulled out” I had my period a week after that. I have been getting slight morning sickness and feeling nauseous from certain foods and hardly eating. Could I be pregnant again? Could I have been pregnant with twins and the gp did not notice in the scan? I have taken a test and it says positive.

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I am self medicating myself with thyronorm 75 mcg, I don’t want to lose my baby this time?

Hi am 32 years, 6 weeks pregnant. TSH 6.61. Last pregnancy ended in 9 weeks because of blighted ovum, no heart beat and TSH reached 9.11. Never been on thyroid tablets. But took it during 2 weeks of last pregnancy but it was stopped after because the TSH value came down to 3.1. I am self medicating myself with thyronorm 75 mcg because i am unable to get any GP appointment as i dont want to loose the baby this time.

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I have pain, discomfort, almost non-stop frequent urination, my life has become miserable?

I’m at my wits end. My quality of life has become miserable. Pain, discomfort, almost non-stop frequent urination, that also triggers the urge to defecate regularly, ultra sensitivity in my penis , especially the head, blood and matter that come often after the normal urine flow, and a great degree of difficulty to sleep from the accompanying symptoms – even sitting can trigger the urge to urinate. I can get a short term relief from a hot bath, but that seems to be losing its effect as time goes by. I live with a urinal always close at hand and when I use the toilet my stream is erratic and unpredictable.

The second urologist I’ve seen since July, has treated it with meds and did a green light laser trimming of the prostate, to rule out that it was not a prostate blockage, and the colonoscopy shows my bladder holds such little fluid, but does always empty. It just got worse and he then looked at it as a bladder irritation, and did two other courses of meds including Vesicare and it just got worse.The colonoscopy showed my bladder holds virtually no urine – less than one fifth a normal male. I also was treated for yeast twice in this period. The first urologist I saw back in April this year had a CAT scan that revealed a large kidney stone and only wanted to treat that, so it made no sense and hence I saw the second doctor who also concurred with me. Also, defecating has become strained and accompanies irritation to the penis, and I see blood and bloody matter in the urine, like clots or something and I’ve addressed this matter, but the doctor still sluffs it off as from the laser surgery which was done almost five months back, and is now more frequently occurring.

After many visits and med treatments this urologist agreed we should try an InterStim trial, and I was prepped to do that Dec. 5th, but because they did a phone pre-op rather than at the hospital they overlooked that I was a candidate for MRSA and VRE. They confirmed no VRE at the time, but since they’d swabbed my nostrils already they postponed the surgery till I came back to get checked for that, and it was positive , so surgery was postponed. That aggravation caused me to write a detailed letter to the management of the urology clinic, and after conferring with her we agreed to try another urologist at their clinic, who I’ve seen once now.

To put it mildly , since my first visit with this this urologist in July the urination frequency, has increased and is always uncomfortable to pee, and and the stream is eradicate. I live with varying degrees of pain and discomfort , from mild to breathtaking, and I am a constant captive of the bathroom and a urinal by my bedside . The doctor informed me the prostate surgery trimming went well, but has ruled that out as the basis of my problem. My quality of life now is zilch.

Don’t get me wrong, because I believe the doctor has acted quite professionally. He’s been quite aware that my primary concern is the lack of quality of life I’m now experiencing, and he acted conservatively, trying every pharmacy treatment available, unfortunately none doing the job. Which led him to the next option of the InterStim trial.
One thing that I think the doctor failed was not paying as much attention as I possibly felt needed to be addressed is the severity of pain and frequency which has only gotten worse over the time in his care. Every urination is uncomfortable and I’ve told him that when I really push hard to empty my my bladder is when I get serious nerve and pain aggravation that largely emanates as stings in my penis and privates, and almost always there is some blood and matter that follows. The pain becomes harder and harder to subside as the days go by. Also, I see many of these refuse-like bloody looking pieces along with this, and r occurrence that many times it causes a response to have to defecate. My sleep has been seriously disrupted, and I get up and down and pee into a bedside urinal throughout the night, not to mention the day as well. I can pee as many as 3-4-5, even more, times per hour. One visit I directly asked the doctor if it might be some kind of bladder cancer and at first he said I don’t think so, then matter of factly stated it wasn’t, but as far as I know there has been no testing to verify this. It scares me to see more blood and refuse now than even shortly after the laser surgery of the prostate, although he more or less wrote this off to the healing from that prostate trimming.

To have heard I still carried MRSA was another emotional setback being I barely survived a septic shock in 2013 that had me hospitalized for months and shut my kidneys down. I was on dialysis at the hospital and a year on home peritoneal dialysis at home, but fortunately my kidneys recovered enough to be taken off and am considered chronic renal rather than end stage renal.

So my question is how would you proceed from here given this information. Thank you.

Bleeding from anus, blood in urine, pain in lower back

i am 51 years of age reason for contacting you is i am pretty worried because i am bleeding from my anus i have to put toilet paper or something there as it seeps out and when i go to the toilet there is a lot of blood in the toilet there are clots in it to the color of it looks like beetroot and i have been passing blood in my urine but it is not as dark as what i have coming from my bowels ,i have had pain in my lower back around my kidneys i know i don’t have a urine infection as i don’t need to wee all the time ,i have been getting jolts of sharp pain on my appendix side of my abdominal area i but i had my appendix out along time ago .about six to eight months ago i was passing blood but it started happening again about 4 maybe 5 days ago i don’t have any pain whilst using my bowels or when i am passing urine i have been feeling very tired and lethargic i have not felt sick like vomiting or anything like that i have been getting a lot of head aches i know its not piles there are no lumps or anything like that at the entrance of my anus when i get the sharp pain on my lower right hand side its a real sudden sharp jolting grabbing pain i haven’t seen a doctor for a very longtime its been years and years till a week or two ago as i hurt my right hand pretty badly its on the mend now though i am not on any medications my only allergy is to horses

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I was born with bladder Extrophy, how to reduce kidney pain and get better?

Hello! i was born with bladder Extrophy.i have Bladder Reflax too. it’s about 2 mounths that i use “Visi care” pills.its about 10 days that i have urine infection and my urine is bloody. for my infection i used ofloxacine antibiotic about 3 days but i used siprofloxacine about 7 days. at first siprofloxacine and then ofloxacine. My Urine test shows that this bacteria called e.coli is resistant against all antibiotics(8 type of them) but doctors said that if you use ofloxacine or siprofloxacine you will be better soon. i have too much pain in my kidney. it’s higher in left kidney! i have about 1.5 degree fever but it’s going down with Refrigerant pills like astaminophen 325. i dont have urine control and i always using Diapers. i’m about 16 years old and about 43kg. My Fill bladder volume is about 80cc and empty bladder is’nt too much(about 5cc urine).
1. Are there ways for my urine control?
2. what can i do to getting better soon?
3. how can i reduce my kidney pain?
Thank you!


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I haven’t had a period for 4 months?

I am 23 years old. I haven’t had a period since August 28, 2016. Since then I have had sore breast, nausea, slight cramping, a thick white discharge, increased sense of smell, weight gain, and recently little flutters in my stomach. I’ve taken over 10 HPT and one blood test, all negative. I normally have a six pack but now my stomach is hard and in the shape of a small basketball. I’m getting concerned and want to know if low or no hcg levels is possible and if I’m pregnant or what else could be wrong.

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I am thinking to have Varicocele surgery, would it help ?

Hi Dr,

I am (…) located in Pakistan.

Age: 33

I have a 3rd level vericocele in my left testicle, I got married 2 and half years ago but not able to get my wife pregnant.

I did Semen tests:
1 – Ist test : Count : 15mil (A grade Sepm:0)
2 – Second Test: 5 mil (A grade Sepm:0)
3 – Third Test: 3 mil (A grade Sepm:0)

My Testosterone and FSH was normal. Didn’t remember the other factors.

Last month, I went for IVF and my wife got pregnant, Wife 1st and second test (BHCG) was great, but unfortunately her BCHG level decrease and then she miscarriaged.

Now, I am thinking to fix my Varicocele, So is it worth full to fix it. will it increase the sperm count or Motility ? Do i need to do that ?