I’m 19 and have chest pain, tightness, and a high heart rate?

Chest pain, tightness, and a high heart rate?
I have been to the doctors for this but all of the tests came back fine. I was told i have an arrythmia but that it is no big deal.This has been happening on&off for a year. My chest has sudden sharp pains & my chest feels tight, like it’s difficult to breathe. My heart rate escalates, too. The last couple days, my resting rate was 90-120 bpm. I am not anxious or stressed. I’m a 19 y/o female, otherwise healthy. Not sure if I should get it checked out again, since all of the tests came back fine. What could it be? Thanks!

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Pain in chest with palpable lump, no diagnosis can be made?

I’ve had this pain in my chest, in the center to the right of my heart.I’ve had it for roughly 3 weeks were it caused a pretty severe and sharp, it was getting worse the pain, started to go away, now returned about a week ago, and the pain is more extreme, sharp and severe than ever..It’s roughly 3 inches from dead center of my chest to the right..It doesn’t go much further than that..feeling around my chest, and I have been doing this for about a week, the pain subsided, not to subsiding completely, but the pain going from a 7-8 to 2-3, than it returned to a constant 8-9..Today I felt a bump exactly where the pain is..and pressing on it lightly Im pretty sure I found the source of the pain..Any person would have gone to the hospital, however I haven’t because I had a back infection (Fungal), that was very rare, only 39 people had this infection before, long story short I was in the hospital for 2 years, so I’m not eager to gour back, though this was back in 2003..Many sites I’ve asked pretty much reply they can’t give a diagnosis, obviously not, just asking an opinion to what I’ve stated what it could be, there are other symptoms that started when the pain started..I don’t want to write more because this is already pretty long.

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I have pain in the chest, palpitations and my left hand hurts?

I’m 20 year old female got married a month ago
I had this palpitation and left hand hurt problem from a long time now
Today early morning I couldn’t breathe properly had chest and left hand pain with headache
After a while I was feeling like throwing up but I didn’t I was sweating
Even now when I had breakfast at 11 o clock again I had a little pain in the chest around my heart and I have very bad headache and fatigue

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sharp pains in my chest, arms and legs fall asleep, problems with my digestive track?

I’m 21 and the past 4 years I’ve I strange problems with my breathing I get sharp pains in my chest and if I don’t get enough sleep I feel very weak. I also noticed when I go to the gym I burn out really quick and which ever part I work out gets real shaky and is hard to move. My guess is it has something to do with my blood because I also notice my arms and legs fall asleep very easy. I’m also having problems with my digestive track, Food isn’t moving through my stomach.

I have tachycardia, heart accelerates, stress, anxiety, am I having a heart attack?

Good Morning. At about three months ago it happened an episode with me, where I went to a party, and at the time making use of lexapro. That day I made use of stimulants and ended up going to the hospital. There my beats were about 180 for a 4 hours period after was lowering. In this period when the rate was high, the doctors did an electrocardiogram, and during the examination could hear my beats giving brief intervals. quickly beat normal and gave brief intervals, type: tum tum tum tum tum pii pii pii tum (pi is the noise of the machine when the heart stopped supposedly). Anyway I was extremely scared at the time, I thought I would die. I received an intra arterial injection, put me oxygen to breathe better, gave me two tablets and intramuscular injection in gluteo. I was discharged the same day, and out of the hospital groggy, barely able to walk, switching legs. Upon arriving home my throat swelled up so much that I could not breathe through the mouth, it tampava the passage of air and I choked me in it. Soon the throat returned to its normal size. I always had a very active life and a very good physical conditioning, and soon after the episode came back to play sports and go to the gym. But a few days here I feel my heart strange, sometimes I have tachycardia, sometimes it seems he’s one stronger beat, and I felt pain in the outer bone in the center of the chest to move and inspire background. Sometimes also I think q my heart accelerates and decelerates in a very short time, seconds issue. In these last two months I have experienced moments of much stress and anxiety due to the end of a dating long. So I do not know what can be. I’m sorry text size, but needed to explain all the symptoms I’m feeling. Anyway, Mr. think I may have some sequel to what happened to me that day in the hospital? I have contracted an arrhythmia? I do not know for sure what happened because the doctors did not tell me. But sometimes I think I started to have a heart attack. Thank you in advance.

Bom dia. A uns 3 meses atras aconteceu um episodio comigo, no qual fui a uma festa, e na epoca fazendo uso do lexapro. Nesse dia fiz uso de estimulantes e acabei indo parar no hospital. Lá meus batimentos ficaram cerca de 180 por um periodo de 4 horase depois foi abaixando. Nesse periodo em que os batimentos estavam elevados, a medica fez um eletrocardiograma, e durante o exame pude ouvir meus batimentos dando breves intervalos. Batiam rapidamente normal e davam breves intervalos, tipo: tum tum tum pii tum tum pii tum pii(pi é o barulho da maquina quando o coracao supostamente parava). Enfim fiquei extremamente assustado na hora, pensei que iria morrer. Recebi uma injeçao intra arterial, me colocaram oxigenio para respirar melhor, me deram dois comprimidos e uma injecao intra muscular no gluteo. Recebi alta no mesmo dia, e sai do hospital grogue, mal conseguindo andar, trocando as pernas. Ao chegar em casa minha garganta inchou muito de tal forma que eu nao conseguia respirar pela boca, ela tampava a passagem de ar e eu me engasgava nela. Logo a garganta voltou ao seu tamanho normal. Sempre tive uma vida muito ativa e um condicionamento fisico muito bom, e logo apos o episodio voltei a praticar esportes e frequentar a academia. Porém de uns dias para cá estou sentindo meu coraçao estranho, as vezes tenho taquicardia, as vezes parece que ele da uma só batida mais forte, e tenho sentido dor no osso externo bem no centro do peito, ao movimentar e inspirar fundo. As vezes tambem acho q meu coraçao se acelera e desacelera em um curtissimo espaco de tempo, questao de segundos. Nesses ultimos dois meses tenho passado por momentos de muito estresse e ansiedade devido ao termino de um namoro de muito tempo. Portanto nao sei o que pode ser. Me desculpe o tamanho do texto, mas precisava explicar todos os sintomas que estou sentindo. Enfim, o sr acha que eu posso ter alguma sequela do que aconteceu comigo naquele dia no hospital? Posso ter contraido uma arritmia? Eu nem sei ao certo o que aconteceu pois a medica nao me falou. Mas as vezes acho que comecei a infartar. Obrigado desde já.

I’m 17 years old, have a hard time breathing, chest hurts and painful migraines?

Hi my name is (…) and i am 17 years old. I’ve been having these episodes where I have a hard time breathing and my chest hurts, I also get very painful migraines . Then sometimes I have tunnel vision and i have to grab on to something weather i’m standing or sitting so i don’t fall over. Usually they only last for 10-15 seconds but recently the last time it happened it lasted about 5 minuets and my friend had to help me sit down at school. Also i haven’t been able to sleep because I jump in my sleep and it makes me up or I just can’t fall asleep and it takes a lot of out me because I have long days at school. lastly my appetite has just disappeared. I have hardly been eating because food makes me feel sick or nauseous. I’m not stressed because things are going well for me so i don’t think it’s stress. If anyone could give me an answer/diagnosis or a way to help my symptoms i will be so grateful.

My ECG is abnormal, what is wrong with me?


I will conduct a complete MCU, including ECG, for intake new employment.
It was said that my ECG result was not normal, it stated that I have RBBB.
I did another ECG in the next week and the result was LPFB.
I also did Echo and the result was normal.
FYI, I have no family history of heart problem, low cholesterol.
Why does my ECGs were abnormal? Is there any chance that I pass MCU?


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I have an enlarged heart, had stabbing pain in left chest, what do you think?

I’m currently under going a breathing problem since January I’ve had ct scan and breathing test. I saw my consultant last week and he said something about enlarge heart. Earlier this afternoon I had stabbing pain in my left chest that lasted about a minute and now left me bruised and more breathless. What do you think?

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I am having a vibration like effect in my upper left chest area – I am quite worried

Hi. I am 26 year old male. And since 5-6 days I am having a vibration like effect in my upper left chest area. It occurs on random timings and lasts for sometime or even couple of hours. First I thought this is due to acidity but isn’t. I also have minor cough. Current heart rate – 76-80 BPM I want to know due to what this is occurring and the solution to this. I am quite worried about it. And also this is not gastritis.

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I have a pacemaker, now get a light and floating feeling in my heart?

My background: 7 years ago I found out that when I pass out my heart completely stops, so I was fitted with a pacemaker. Since it was fitted I sometimes get a strong fluttering feeling in my heart, which I’ve had checked out and is nothing to worry about. However, in the last few weeks I’ve been getting a different sort of feeling in my heart. It’s very hard to describe, but I guess it feels like my heart’s very light and floating. It only lasts for 1 heart beat or so though. It’s been happening quite often in the last few weeks. Any ideas please? Thank you.

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I am on medication for heart disease now have blotches under my skin

Doctor: I am on medication for heart disease and have noticed red blotches appearing under my skin on my arms just above the wrists. These blotches vary in size and frequency but it seems they are much larger after I exercise. The medication I am on are beta blockers, blood thinners and a couple more that I have no clue what they do as I am located in China and am on chines made meds. The blotches appear to be blood located under the skin. It actually looks like a bruise however, nothing has happened to cause any bruising. I have shown the blotches to a couple of Chinese Doctors, but they tell me one is a children’s pediatrician and the other specializes in womens problems..soooooo I require some advice….sincerely

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