I had a cystoscopy for a prostatic enlargement, please advise?

I am 65 year old. I referred to the clinic for pain while urinating. I saw a drop of blood later. The urologist required a cystoscopy. The final diagnosis read “Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified 188.9”. The doctor asserts me that i have no problems with the exception of a prostatic enlargement and gave me medicine for that.
I am worried about the final diagnosis.
Can you explain this to me with some plain English?

I didn’t really have a period this month, could this be a sign and symptom of hiv?

My period was very spotty this month/I didn’t really have one and my period has always been regular. Could this be a sign and symptom of hiv (I’m not pregnant). I just got a yearly TB test at the hospital I work at and I never saw the LVN draw up the medicine into the syringe to inject in me. So now I’m wondering if she used a dirty needle. Three weeks after my TB test I broke out with a cold sore. I don’t know if it’s just wrong ytiming I mean I usually get cold sores maybe 1-3 times a year since I was a child. I didn’t think anything of the cold sore until my period got all goofed up. Please help! Thanks!

Medications: None

I am 21, do I need a Pap smear test?

Lately I have been having weird discharge and I’m worried. At first my discharge changed to being heavy and watery with a weird odor then just dry and uncomfortable meaning I stopped having a discharge. Now it heavy once again with the same odor. I did go to a doctor yesterday and was offered a Pap smear exam but because of my fears and backed out. Initially I believed I had a yeast infection so that’s what I told the doctor and because I didn’t want to do the Pap smear he just decided to give me a one dose medication for a yeast infection. However today I’m not so sure I made the right decision. I have noticed a change in my discharge since taking the pill, however when I went to the bathroom and wiped a noticed a brown streak in my discharge. I immediately start to panic and reading up on YouTube only increased my fears. I am honestly worried sick.. to the point of breaking down. I need some advice before i approach my sister. P.S My period started 14 days ago (last for 7 days). Also, noticed that I barely ever get aroused and when I do I don’t get “wet”. 21 year old virgin. I would have mentioned a lot of these things to my doctor but he was so fast paced, somewhat in a hurry that I forgot. Help me.


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I have been taking Lo Loestrin Fe for about 5 months now, is my body rejecting it?

Hi. I am 25 years old and have been taking Lo Loestrin Fe for about 5 months now. Before that I had a total of 3 Nexplanons over the course of 8 years and got it removed due to bad side effects. My OB told me my body was probably just rejecting it due to the fact I had so many and wanted to put me on the pill for awhile. I have had semi-normal periods for the past 3 months or so. I took an entire pack of pills and then had an event coming up and wanted to skip my period so started my next pack and took 8 pills. I stopped the pack thinking it was time to have a period. I had unprotected sex 4 times right around the time I was supposed to be ovulating. I take my pill every day around the same time for the most part. I have now been of the pill waiting for my period to start for one week now and nothing. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative, it was one of the cheap tests though that do not give results before a missed period. Because I have skipped my period I am not sure when my expected period is supposed to start. I have a 7 year old daughter so I have been pregnant before. I am having some strange side effects though. Besides no bleeding I have had headaches on and off multiple times a day, a little bit of confusion, and diarrhea multiple times a day. My basal body temp usually falls somewhere around 97.6% and my temperature has been elevated to about 98.7% for the past 4 days now. I have had some lower back pain and neck tension but nothing severe. I also feel extremely bloated. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. Not sure if I should wait a little bit longer and take another pregnancy test or if maybe this is due to a hormonal imbalance since I was trying to manipulate my period. (never doing that again). I know normally any time I accidently miss a pill or I stop taking the pill I start feeling crampy and at least start spotting if not bleeding and like I said, none of that and its been a week. Thank you!



Medications: Lo Loestrin Fe


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I had a baby 8 weeks ago, my belly has been cramping up badly what shall I do?

I had a baby 8 weeks ago normal delivery, I was bleeding for 6 weeks and stop as normal I had my 6 weeks check up and started on the pill loestrin 20 started this on 30/08/17 and started bleeding day nine into my pill and my bleeding has got really heavy that I’m going through super tampons every hour on to my pad, and this morning my clot was big over a size of a 50p My belly has been cramping up badly as well what shall I do?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I just had a ultrasound and found that I have a uterin fibroid, need Second opinion – Gynecology?

Second opinion – Gynecology
Hello there – had some strange spotting at week 3 of my pill, which never happened before. I just had a ultrasound and found that I have a uterin fibroid of 3 cm and a cyst of 2 cm on my left ovary. I attach the scans. I have been taking the pill (Qlaira) for about 7 months (after suspending it for one year previously and taking it for two years before that) so the gynaecologist does not feel like continuing the pill is a good idea for now and suggested I stop after I complete this current pack (I have 9 days to go) – even though it might help with the shrinking and absorption of the cyst? She suggested to stop and check in 3/4 months. I was not thinking that clearly earlier with her, but is the suspension necessary because of the fibroid or because the cyst formed NOTWITHSTANDING my taking the pill so it is a “non functional/pathological” one? Is it a good “advice” to stop and check again in 3/4 months? Thanks so much!

Medications: Qlaira


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I was recently diagnosed with strep throat and cellulitis a week ago?

My vaginal entrance is swollen and the area outside of my vagina between the crease and my thigh is sore. I was recently diagnosed with strep throat and cellulitis a week ago and I was given cephalexin and a ointment for my leg. I had sex the other night and the next day I had vaginal pain.

Medications: Cephalexin


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I’ve been having cramps, can I be pregnant?

Hello, I was wondering if a virgin (never been touched or broke the hymen) can get pregnant because I fooled around with my fiance and he ejaculated of my vagina but even though an intercourse never happened I’m just scared that I might get pregnant because I’ve been having cramps and my period is in 8 days so my question is can a virgin get pregnant? Thank you

Age: 25 female
Medications: None


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I’ve had a left kidney stone in the last 2 months removed surgically?

I’ve had a left kidney stone in the last 2 months was removed surgically. But for the last week I’ve been in pain in my right lower near my right kidney, if I press down on my tummy I can feel like a bruising sort of pain, if I push down. Been taking paraceatamol and tramadol for the pain, but doesn’t help that much!

– urinating fine, no discomfort or going more then usually.


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

Is it safe to take the birth control Pill for 2/3 years without taking a break?

Is it safe to take the birth control Pill for 2/3 years without taking a break?

I really hate having my period, and it stresses me out so so much. I wonder if this would help me to not have a period for a few years?

Thank you in advance for your response


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I just had a uretheral dilation?

Hi, I just had a uretheral dilation. This will be my forth dilation from the same doctor. I was under the assumption that he was going to fix the problem properly this time. Last time he cut my urethra and it lasted just over two years before I kept getting bad kidney infections. He said to me there are no other options but to stretch it. I don’t believe him and I think he is just trying to make money off me. I am supposed to go back in three weeks for a follow up but I think I should try another doctor. Are there other solutions for a narrow urethra other than a stretch. Any help would be appreciated.


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

Is it 100% a miscarriage or is there still hope?

On Tuesday last week I had a blood test to confirm pregnancy but hcg levels were 9. I then went to the ER on saturday for heavy bleeding and HCG levels were 9.. Its now tuesday 4 days after the ER visit and im still getting positive pregnancy tests at home.. Bleeding has slowed down so much. Is it 100% a miscarriage or is there still hope?

I took a pregnancy test at home and it came back positive but doctor says there is no sac or anything?

I took a pregnancy test at home and it came back positive. I went to the doctor to get a termination, however the doctor stated he couldn’t find a sac or anything.my test results was pos/neg.. I may be experiencing a chemical pregnancy. My question is since there no sign of a fetus can I take a plan B to make my period come down?


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

I took mifrepristone tablet and 3 Misoprostol tablets orally after 48 hours, am I pregnant?

hi, I missed my periods on 7th July. After 8 days, I did the pregnancy test with a kit and it was positive. I took mifrepristone tablet on 16th July and 3 Misoprostol tablets orally after 48 hours. Just after that I had cramps and I started bleeding. It remained for 4 days and 0n 5th day the bleeding was very less. I want to know whether the abortion is done


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

Girlfriend has crippling period pains that are certainly Endometriosis?

Girlfriend has crippling period pains that are certainly Endometriosis. Recent scan showed Endometrium was 16mm thick. Crippling pains and completely immobile during her period, and sometimes in between. Getting worse month by month. Painful going to the toilet when on her period. Unqualified Cambodian doctor has prescribed Clotrimazole& Tinidazole. I think a progesterone cream is the way to go forward, however it is not advisable to take progesterone and Clomitrazole together and the latter interacts with the former.

I will attach the ultrasound results.


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists