I have PCOS and a retroverted uterus what is the likelihood of having a child?

I’m 22, and I have PCOS and a retroverted uterus, and as a result of that, I don’t often get my periods, if ever. My gynecologist put me on birth control to control the cysts and bring back my periods, and that worked, but it caused 2 pulmonary emboli to form. Now I can’t take any type of hormonal birth control, and so my periods have gone away again. My question is, what is the likelihood that I won’t ever be able to have children?

My son is experiencing stinging when urinating, not UTI, please advise?

My 7 year old son has been experiencing mild stinging when urinating. I have taken him to the doctor several time over the last 6 months for this issue. they have tested him for a UTI each time and it has always been negative, even the culture they sent out. This is the only symptom he has had. The doctor has diagnosed him with urethritis each time and told me to have him drink more water. Tonight after using the bathroom he started crying and said the tip hurt really bad, but the pain resided after a moment. I plan on taking him back to the doctor tomorrow, but in the meantime I am just trying to get some ideas of what else could be causing this. Does urethritis typically last for 6+ months? It seems unusual to me.

My vaginal area is swollen and cold/fever like symptoms and facial pain?

female, 24 , no specific medical history….2 querries for you……..problem 1- it started suddenly with no warning i woke up to me private areas are swollen like someone punched me there and then also number sensitive (the type of sensation you feel when you go to the dentist and the anesthetic you and your lip and mouth goes numb that type of itchy numb tissue pain/feeling) feels like im allergic to myself and i had to have a baking soda bath to cool it down (my sister hormone issues where her doctor advised her to sit in baking soda baths if this thing happend) this sensitivity has calmed down but flares up sometimes, my body fluids seem to make it worse (is am not sexually active at all) so i dont know what it could be i think when i was a teem i had a mini hormone imbalance but i dont think its that i have tried thrush and feminine creams for down there but they make no difference i tend to be ‘mosit’ down there normally so i cant tell whats normal i have tried baby powder to dry it all out which does help slightly for limited time periods , i have not changed the washing powder or shower gel i usually use… problem 2- also since then getting cold/fever like symptoms with migraines over the last 5 days snotty nose but when i blow my nose sometimes there is red and green bits instead of the normal yellow or clear snot the left side of my face has been hurting for 5 days as if someone punch me in the jaw i dont know if this is a cold something else or a tooth issue and ice packs and heat do not help my face pain dont know if i need to go to doctor pharmacy or dentist about my face

I just suffered intense and unbearable period cramps, a massive lump fell out?

I am a 22 year old female.
I have just suffered the most intense and unbearable period cramps. The pain was something I have never felt in my life, and I have never been pregnant, but what was going through my mind was this is what a child birth contraction would be like. I felt like I needed to vomit, however I had just woken up so I had not eaten in many hours. I was sweating and felt very hot. I almost thought of calling an ambulance, or going to the emergency room, it was very, very painful. I am on the contraceptive pill, and I have not had my period since the start of November, as I purposely skipped my period. So now its January and I decide to get my period and I had not started bleeding yet, then I woke up to these intense cramps and it just kept getting worse. It probably lasted at least 40mins, then slowly calmed down. Once this happened, I was walking around my house and from the hole where your period comes out, I felt this massive lump fall out, into my underwear. I ran to the bathroom to find this massive. . like mass, full of blood and like white mass. I toke photos of it, but I flushed it. As it is the weekend my doctors have closed and I don’t know what to do! It was so large! I have never seen anything like this, I don’t think it’s normal at all! The size of it and the pain I felt, was horrible.
I don’t think this could be a miscarriage.
Could you please help me, what do you think this is?

I have been on my menstrual cycle for over a month, now found out I am pregnant?

I have been on my menstrual cycle for over a month closer to 2 months. I found out I’m pregnant less then a week ago… I bleeding heavy and have abdominal cramps and started getting headaches. (…) I’ve smoked meth 6 months ago and drank GHB around same time. I’ve been an addict for 10 years and I’m 32yo. I’m afraid it could be cancer or a cyst and the pregnancy test is not accurate. Please advise?

I suffer in page in front of vagina, painkillers don’t ease the pain?

I am a 27 year old normally healthy female. In the bit between my anus and vagina it felt like something was pushing out. It was intense pressure. Then my lower back started to hurt. It has been hurting without any respite for 4 days now. The pressure doesn’t feel as bad in my bottom but it’s still there. I am also experiencing shooting pains in the front of my vagina.
The pain in the back has got worse and had been keeping me awake at night.
it is mostly on the left side however the shooting pains in my vagina feel like they are on the left. (they only happen now and again, but i am sure they are getting more frequent) I have been lying in bed for 4 days, painkillers don’t seem to ease the pain.

After giving birth I have pain during intercourse, had first degree tear during birth?

Hi I gave birth 8 months ago and I have since had pain during intercourse. The pain is felt deep inside not where I would have any scar tissue and I also get a tightening/cramping sensation that is painful on occasion in and around the vagina after sex.
I had a first degree tear with no stitches required and I am a first time mum with no complications during birth and a normal vaginal delivery.
I am in a long term relationship and we are both clear of any STIs.

My bladder feels full and burns, urethra itches, tests all OK?

Last year I had unprotected sex and a few weeks later my testicles became sore. I went to the doctor and told my girlfriend and we both got put on anti biotics (they said it was probably chlamydia) The urgent care center lost my urine sample so I never got a confirmation on what i had. They gave me doxycylcine and the symptoms went away… for about 8 weeks. The urge to urinate frequently never really went away.

Then I began feeling a burning sensation in my bladder like a pocket of something stinging was in there. I went to another doctor they gave me a white blood cell test told me i didnt have an infection and sent me on my way.

months progress – THe burning sensation in my bladder comes back off and on – now with minor itching of my urethera and minor stinging. No discharge (ever)

Convinced I have something I go back to another doctor and they give me the same white blood cell test – they conclude I do not have an infection and send me on my way.

Now one year later I still have the same symptoms – slight burning in bladder (on and off) stinging when I pee (on and off) and the frequent urge to urinate. Except now, my kidneys have started to throb and sting. (left side then right side, sometimes my bad but the pain isnt consistant)

SO, i went to another doctor requested a full std test and urine test.

Neg to chlamydia, gonnorea, vaginosis, and even Myco Plasma Gennitallium.

The doctor looked at my kidneys from an ultra sound and said they look normal.

My doctor calls me and says there is nothing wrong with me. Fine.

WHY does my bladder feel full when it isnt, I have itching in my urethra and sometimes stinging when I pee, burning sensation in my bladder, and my kidneys still hurt on and off during the week. I now also get head aches constantly and some minor nausia (this never happened)

Could all of these doctors be missing something? Could I have a fungal infection? I promise I am not crazy and the symptoms I am feeling are real but no one is taking me seriously because the objective results on all of the tests.

I felt pain around the skin on my vagina. Well, today I have a lump quarter sized or larger?

I’m a 24 year old female with no past medical history. I’m only on the Nexplanon birth control rod implant in my arm.

A few days ago, I felt pain around the skin on my vagina. I felt and there was a penny sized lump that was hard as a rock. I figured it might just be a bad zit and I would give it a chance to come to a head. Well, today the lump is quarter sized or larger and it still hasn’t come to a head. The lump is very hard and very very painful. It feels like I can almost “roll” the lump under my skin. I can barley walk, sit or stand because of the pain. Should I go to the ER? Urgent Care is closed and I don’t have a family doctor right now. The pain is becoming unbearable.

Have vaginal discharge and pain, gynecologist doesn’t believe staph infection, what do I do next?

Tested negative twice for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Have vaginal discharge and pain. My urethra feels swollen and I can pee frequently although I can also hold on to my urine. I have had cipro, azithromycin, doxycycline, metronidazle and levoflaxin in the past two months. No improvements. Waiting for smear results but swab showed lots of pus cells and was shown to be moderate staph. My gyne didn’t seem convinced this was causing the issue. I’m at a loss about what to do next.

My left side testicle is hurting and pissing blood?

I’m 55 yrs old male with no insurance but no medical history.
A week ago I had severe flu symptoms and same time experiencing this problem.
My left side testicle is hurting and pissing blood…My sperm is very bloodish and half of the testiclr is hard…
What’s possibly wrong and who should I go to see..?
I never had sex with anyone but my wife….

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Do I have any risk in getting pregnant immediately after a miscarriage?

Hello doctor,

I am 31 years old. I would like to know if there is any risk in getting pregnant immediately after a miscarriage (second pregnancy with no previous history of miscarriage or complications). My pregnany was blighted ovum and naturally miscarried at 14 weeks with gestation of 7 weeks on ultrasound on 12 weeks check up.

Thank you.

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I’m 33 weeks pregnant and I’m in a lot of pain?

I’m 33 weeks pregnant, 27 yrs old, I have got tietze syndrome and currently suffering from siactia, SPG and Braxton Hicks. I’m in a lot of pain with my ribs this past week and was wondering if it would be best to have my baby earlier and by C-section.
I’m barely coping with the pain, I’m on crutches for my SGP but they are making my tietze syndrome worsen.
I’m trying to get as much bed rest as possible and taking 30mg of codine as needed but it’s starting to not work as well as it did.
Please help as I’m in pain 24/7 and just want this to be over.
Thank you

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