My mother has Acute Lymphocytes Leukemia – may have had a leukemiod reaction?

My mother has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytes Leukemia in the B cell in August (we got her a bone marrow biopsy) and the blood film was detecting 65% blasts in her white blood cells . She didn’t take any treatments but cortisone since then. and when we got her CBC last week, it was all in the normal range.

Her white blood count was 7, though it was 52 when we first checked her CBC. And the blasts went from 65% to 20%.
We did a Philadelphia chromosome gene test and it was negative.
And I’d like to add that she don’t have any physical symptoms or tiredness! Is it possible that she had a leukemiod reaction?!

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Lump on neck spine, family died from cancer, can this be cancer?

Hello. I have recently discovered a lump on the neck spine of my wife. It is located at the place, where the spine connects with the scull. The lump itself is hard (bony), immovable (it feels attached to the spine), and a little painful when pushed. My wife is 20 year old, generally healthy (exept of the stye on the right eye). The thing that worried me a lot, is that she had a bad cancer history in her family- her grandfather and grabdmother died from cancer. Can this lump be a cancer?

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I just had an MRI to check breast implant do I need to worry about cancer?

I just had an MRI to check breast implant.
It reads: ”
Right breast silicone implant demostrates a prepectoral silicone implant withoust definite signs of rupture.
There is a prominent radial fold along the interior central aspect. There is a surrounding T@ bright fluid collection which suppresses on water suppresed images.There are 2 areas of focal bulge with possible herniation, of the superior lateral and the superior central aspects of the implant”
There is a focal bulge along the superior lateral aspect measuring 2 cm,containing T2 bright water signal fluid.
Superiorly, the implant and surrounding fluid bulges posteriorly and there may be disruption of the fibrosis capsule.”

Now, last week I had a mammogram and they said that cancerwise everything was all right.
But with this MRI, do I need to worry about cancer?

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Question: I had CT Scan for throat cancer – can I trust results

Lately with my throat i have been having constant throat clearing and a chronic cough going on for maybe two months now. I have to keep clearing my throat to prevent hoarseness of voice. I had concerns about throat cancer because i use chewing tobacco so was referred to an ENT for further evaluation. The ENT performed a visual inspection of throat, nose and ears (didn’t use a scope or anything), an ultrasound of my thyroid and CT scan of my neck. On the CT scan he noted that that everything appeared normal (statements like spaces of oral floor and neck are clear and well defined, the pharynx and larynx show normal boundaries and normal wall thickness). The only thing that stood out was “there are multiple reactive enlarged lymphadenopathy seen bilaterally, normal neck CT scan otherwise”. Impression of thyroid ultrasound was “essentially normally study”. I can feel one of the enlarged Lymph nodes on the right side of my neck with is non painful and can be pushed it to the point where it can no longer be felt. I keep seeing online that a tube should be passed down the throat for observation. My question is can i trust the results of the CT scan and thyroid ultrasound to have detected some kind of throat cancer or lymphoma and put this fear behind me? I’m 24 years old.

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Question: My mother diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma, now I have mark on breast?

Should i be concered my mother age 57 recently diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma. Mastectomy stage 1 grade 3. I noticed this mark on my Rt breast over a week ago started as a red flat dot then a few days (and got worse). Worried about IBC. However i have never had eczema before. I do recall a period of two days my nipple was sore and crusty yellow for a few days and cleared up however no issues since. Must be a local skin irritation right. this isn’t usual presentation for IBC is it? Probably just my mom hx and location that has me thinking.

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Question: Do my test results show I have cancer?

i have had a bunch of tests done and i would like your opinion on some thing i have cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2, i have 3 lesions cervix they are high grade squamous intraepiththelial, i have amenorrhea, abnormal cytoloy findings, i have a 12.80 neutrophil count blood,10.6 lymohocytees as percent of blood leukocytes, 83.8 neutophilas as a percent of blood leukocytes, 15.27 leukocyte count blood, 14.9 red blood cell distribution width,37.5 hematocrit blood, 3.1 albumin serum, +1 urate crystals, amorphous, semiquantative, and a 253 alkaline phosphate serum I am worried about cancer and was wondering if these are the factors for it or if i may already have it

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Question: I have … Hyperthyroidism or graves disease, multinodular goitre, cancer?

I would just like to know whether or not I could rule out graves disease as a cause of my hyperthyroidism. Or could I rule out toxic multinodular goitre or cancer?
I was diagnosed with mild hyperthyroidism in November 2015 t4=31, tsh=0.02 Before anti thyroid drug treatment I had a negative test for anti-TPO antibodies.
After anti-thyroid drug treatment (July 2016), My blood test showed I was now euthyroid. At the same time, I had a tshr antibody test, which was within range.
Now on 5mg carbimazole daily
I have a swollen lymph node in my breast which I noticed in December 2015 and is still there
I would just like to know whether or not I could rule out graves disease as a cause of my hyperthyroidism. Or could I rule out toxic multinodular goitre or cancer?