patient 55yrs old,shortness of breath on exertion for last 2months,nd shortness of breath on lying along wd cough nd frothy sputum,no edema,allergy,cough,had appendicitis 30yrs ago admitted to hospital for ami relieved by sublingual tablets no history hp ,dm,rf ex smoker 20-30yrs,his father died due to stroke nd mom alive,along wd it no cyanosis, jaundice,no ostler nodes no heberdens nodes or splinter hemorrhage heart exam:heart s1: diminished wd intensity s2:normal nd s3 audible at apex respiratory normal gitnormal nd cnsnormal diagnosis plus dd nd investigation
Having trouble breathing and have two holes in my chest
I have 2 holes in the left side of my chest and 4 gashes on my upper left torso, also have a few gashes on my left shoulder, and my ribs are broken on the left side as well. Every time I take a breath, a weird blowing sound, along with frothy blood comes out of the holes in my chest, making it hard for me to breathe. The holes are in my upper left chest area and near my left nipple. They both blow bloody bubbles out in spurts each time I breathe. The holes are about the size of a half dollar coin and make blowing sounds each time I breathe. I called for an ambulance and the EMTs cut my shirt off completely and are saying I need to go to the hospital. They said I need to have oxygen and might have a “punctured left lung” and a “sucking chest wound.” What do these terms mean and why was my shirt cut off? What will the EMT’s and doctors do to treat my condition, and after I leave the hospital, what can I do for self care at home? Male
I developed breathing difficulties approx 2 years ago, which have worsened daily since. I am consistently told by the doctor that I am hyper ventilating due to anxiety …. I only wish this were the case but it isn’t.
I originally felt like something wasn’t moving properly when I breathed in and out, so doc ordered chest xray which came back clear. No wheezing or any symptom like that, just that i couldn’t breathe deeply any more. Problems have persisted, getting worse with worsening pantness, shortness of breath at all times and worsening feeling of suffocation especially when lying down. I’m breathing about 40 breaths every 30 secs now, constantly like this and am exhausted with it and scared at the increasing shallowness and choking feeling. Very bad feeling of choking all the time and gurgling noises in throat now, very shallow breaths n and out. Can still swallow but feels very odd and uncomfortable. Have also had a diaphragm test as i had read this can cause respiratory issues like this, this was also clear. Have now such a shallow breath in and out and permanent choking feeling, wretching sometimes which is so difficult even as so little air. The huge problem i have is that i haven’t been taken seriously about what is happening and has continued to happen, worsening., and am now at a complete crisis point and still not believed…after my partner died, i got put on medication for anxiety, this worsened on medications which i reacted badly to and I have ended up with a diagnosis of bi-polar. I stopped the meds sometime ago because of physical side effects like twitches and high cholesterol, fatty lipids on eyes from it and other pretty bad side effects…but obviously still have the diagnosis of bi polar which has prevented being taken seriously on this. It has been horrific trying to persuade people something is wrong and worsening to be constantly told its it my head…, i wish it were this easy! I have been complaining of the worsening feeling of some kind of paralysis a long time, and am consistently told by the doctor that i am hyper ventilating due to anxiety. I only wish this were the case. I ve been back to the doctor again this week, told i am hyperventilating and need medication to treat the anxiety, and that my swallowing is fine because I can take a sip of water and swallow that. Also my oxygen saturation level is ok. AM very scared as feel throat could close very soon, my breathing is very weak, very short and shallow and am waking up choking…Getting to sleep is very difficult as the breathing is so shallow and just panting so fast…Im now despairing because if i go to urgent care, Ive been told they will say the same thing… this has been said to me more than once in the past three months, but nothing is improving just worsening. (…) Just to add to this, i couldn’t do sprirometry test recently as have such shallow breath, and they said i wasn’t doing it properly due to anxiety. (…) It took a year faster chest xray to ask for diaphragm test too, despite me continually saying it was worsening both to my gp and psychiatrist. Just cant believe what is happening and nowhere to turn. I would take medication if this were anxiety, but it isn’t and is so so uncomfortable and frightening now…. and i just wonder what if anything can I do. I have a feeling i will choke to death whenever i lie down now and am feeling its pretty urgent. I just get told it isn’t getting worse, because i first mentioned it two years ago, and am unable and powerless to prove otherwise. Can someone please advise on what I can do now. Fearing for my life now and don’t know how. Age: 44 Gender: Female
My 50 year brother did a chest X-ray that came back with the following result: Moderately Enlarged Cardiac Size with CTR =0.57. Unfolded Aortic Arch. Increased Hilar Bronchia Markings. No Obvious Bone Fracture Or Dislocation. No obvious Effusion. Impression: Cardiomypathy (HHD) with Associated Chest Infection. Please what does this mean and what do we do next. Thanks s lot for caring and for your anticipated answer.
Hi I’m feeling discomfort in chest since the past few days especially when I’m lying down to sleep. I think there is also shortness of breath but I am not sure. I had chest pain for which I did ECG and chest x ray which turned out to be normal. But still m feeling discomfort in chest when I ly down. What can be the possible reason?whay test should I do?
I suffer with asthma, the last few hours I have a been getting a shooting pain in my left side when I breathe. I also keep catching my breath and finding it hard to breathe. I have been taking my inhaler regularly and when I feel I really need it but it hasn’t helped, do I need to visit a hospital or doctor?
I am a 33 year old female. I cough up blood but have had a CT scan and bronchoscopy that all came back normal except for a cavitary lesion that was 2 cm. The doctor is watching it, and coughing up blood has decreased. However, Friday afternoon, the right side of my chest started hurting when I breathed in deeply or coughed. It’s still hurting, and is worse when I lay down on my back, breath in or out deeply, cough or sniff, and hold my right arm above my head. It hurts worse on the side of my chest under my arm and when I press on my ribs at all, front or side. I don’t know if it’s related, so I called my regular doctor’s office who told me to call my pulmonologist. When I called the Pulmonologist’s office, the staff called back and told me to go to the ER. I really don’t want to go to the ER, as I’m not sure it’s related and don’t want to pay the high copay for nothing, but I do want to know what to do about the chest pain. Is it related to the cavity? Is going to the ER really necessary?
Hi! I’m a 41 year old woman, non-smoking and generally in good health. In the past couple months I have started waking up at night coughing up fluid and feeling like “drowning “. Before Christmas last year I had a 3 weeks period during which I had daily heart palpitations. I didn’t think much of it since I sometimes get palpitations if stressed out. However now having these nightly coughing fits, started thinking those may be related. I read online, that fluids collecting in lungs could possibly have to do with heart.
I have had a couple of colds this winter and got antibiotics for sinus infection which healed fine. I also have seasonal allergies which I take Claritin occasionally.
I appreciate your answers and recommendations. Thanks.
My husband has not been sick or had any virus, but Thursday he was couging in the morning and coughed up phlegm with bright red blood about 6 times a day. 2 times it was just streaked red, but the other times it was about 1tsp. Sinced that first event, he has coughed up phlegm and blood (bright red and an clump about 1 1/2 inch across–not streaked. The sputum an phlegm does look bubbly). He did have gastric sleeve surgery well 2 years ago and has been doing well with it, although he does sometimes have reflux. Would irritation or ulceration in esophagus cause coughing up blood? What other things could cause this?
Husband is 46, diabetic 20+ yrs, dr gave nat-oseltamivir 75mg n tyl 500 mg on Wed for flu. Plus flu symptoms, he’s having a hard time breathing especially lying down. He woke me up 5 am this morn, he said he was sitting up and “idk, I fell over”. He fell to the floor. Flu can be treated at home but at what point do i take him to the hospital?
Hi am suffering from staph aureus and have used so many antibiotics but to no avail pls how do I get cured from this deadly infection before it causes more damage
I have a strange reaction and is always same day..Sunday night only! I start feeling strange with chest tightness and shortness of breath and sometimes wheezing(in my throat not in lungs). Is getting worst when lying down. Heart rate is 65-70, frequency of breathing is 12/min. Sometime the symptoms takes 2-3 hours and sometime the whole night. But in the morning everything is backs to normal. It is annoying. The onIy different thing on Sunday is everybody is having a hot bath… I don’t get it. I use to swim at the pool and again everything is ok. Due to my job I have access to check often my SPO2 and blood pressure and everything is normal. I am 44, male, 185 cm and 74kg.
My bathroom is clean with no mould. I have cleaned my walls with vinegar…just in case….but nothing changed.
I have seen my GP where he used the stethoscope to listen my lungs and he said it is everything ok. I asked for a chest x-ray but he said I don’t need x-ray.
My physical condition is excellent, I can run or climbing stairs and I have no problems.
I appreciate any advice.
Many thanks
I’m a 19 year old female i have been having health problems for a few years and been to many doctor non of which helped me i have problem breathing and its progressing now i have chest pain most of the day and tachycardia my heart rate lately have been ranging from 90 to over 100 I’m on medication B1 antagonist buy doesn’t seem to be helping i have mitral valve prolapse my hand toes and lips turn blue occasionally chest experts say that I’m perfectly health from any chest problems and think no the problem may be with my cardiovascular system i have high c reactive protein levels and high sedimentation rate my blood test is normal but at a 4 month interval lymphocytes were the highest in normal range now the lowest and monocytes were lowest noe the highest almost out of range i have slight erythrocytic hypochromic anemia
The CT Scan Pulmonary Angio reads “small thrombus in distal right pulmonary artery at its bifurcation as described above minimally comprising the lumen”. My question is should i start taking Xarelto (Rivaroxaban) as prescribed by the doctor or should ask doctor to prescribe more safe drug considering the side effect profile of the drug?
My son is 5 years old. He has a history of azthma. Today he was rushed to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing. They said he has croup. My question is if it is ok to give cough medication to him. The night before our hospital trip I visited a local Medical Center and was told he had a cold and to give him cough meds. Could this have made him worse.
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