Chest pain, weakness on the left side, and my throat feeling tight on the left side?

29 year old male. Original symptoms were chest pain, weakness on the left side, and my throat feeling tight on the left side. Had several ekg’s, blood tests for hear attack, electrolytes, and thyroid. All cane back normal. For the past 2 weeks my hearthroat still pounds, and I still have the left side pain, but even more so o have servere head pain. The basecond of my skull and back of my neck hurt, my jaw hurts, I have severe pain on the top of my head, behind my eyes and my nose and in my cheeks. I am dizzy and get nauseous, and my muscles always feel weak. I am waiting to see my pcp, I was told to relax so I took a 12 day vacation and it’s getting worse. I don’t know what to do.
I have tried Tylenol, ibuprofen. Aspirin, flonase, and nothing has helped. I have been applying heat to the back of my head and neck to try and ease the pain. The only thing that makes a difference is pushing down on the top of my skull gives me minor relief for a short period of time. No fever, but I get hot and cold spells, the pressure gets worse through the day and has destrogen my quality of life. Im afraid to work, to exercise, to do anything. I of course look up symptoms online and make myself more anxious. But I’m really trying not to
I have a history of brain cancer and heart disease and clots in my family, so that fear is there, but this pain has slowly been growing worse day after day with no relief and I don’t understand it. My pulse feels fine everywhere I check it, and my mucus is Normal colored and my nose is not stuffy. Is there anything I should request from my pcp?

Have terrible heart palpitations Also I sweat constantly

32 year old female. I take zytomil 10mg a day for depression.

Have terrible heart palpitations since last year june 2015. I take purbloka 10mg 3 x a day.(only if they bug me and mostly take it during the night). Question is why does my heart race so much after eating, drinking, walking short distances like 1km, deep breathing etc. I do know that excess worry and stress cause this too.

Also i sweat constantly. I was on high blood pressure tablets amilorectic 5mg tablets but have stopped as they dont help with the sweating and every time i check my bp its normal. Havent taken pills since last year September.

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EKG says there was “moderate right axis deviation.” “normal sinus rhythm with marked sinus arrythmia.” ?

24 Female White. 5’7″, 160lb. Currently on 80mg Latuda and 20mg Trintillex daily. I smoke everyday (I know.) and have caffeine everyday. I have depression and I had hyperthyroidism. (Had a partial thyroidectomy about two months ago for a hot nodule, labs are almost normal.)

I just read my EKG and the cardiologist said there was “moderate right axis deviation.” Also “normal sinus rhythm with marked sinus arrythmia.”
There was also a lot of artifact though. Could it have been a false positive because of the crappy quality of the EKG?

I have had 3 other EKGs done in the last year and a half. All are normal sinus rhythm with sinus arrythmia.

I have had palpitations since January. They happen every day for 5 seconds to 1 minute. Most episodes last about 30 seconds. Episodes occur at least 5x a day. I get frequent chest pain. It’s mostly left sided. Very mild. About a 3/10. Pain occurs several times throughout the day and lasts about 5 seconds. My resting heart rate is about 80bpm. I have had high blood pressure (140/90) for about 3 weeks now.

I am supposed to get ECT treatments done in January and Im worried I wont be medically cleared until I get a workup. I work at the hospital where I get my labs done so I read the EKG before my PCP looked at it. What does a right axis deviation even mean? Is my heart fucked up or is this another weird anomaly that is just a product of normal variation? Do I need to see a cardiologist? Thank you!

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left shoulder blade has had a stabbing pain, arm is numbing and left hand no feeling

Male, 53, heavy drinker and smoker. My brother’s left shoulder blade has had a stabbing pain for two weeks. Radiates down left arm, very painful getting worse every day. Has no insurance, has not been to a doctor in many years. Today his arm is numbing and left hand no feeling. Need to find some way to get him to a doctor because he will not go. Perhaps if I knew what it could be it would help get him there.

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I’ve been getting ectopics whenever I do anything that raises my heart level, need your advice?

Hi there, some background info: 26 year old male 195cm tall 132kg smoker (attempting to quit). These are obviously not great, and it’s not like I’m not aware of it.
I had SupraVentricular Tachycardia as a kid, had 3 ablations at age 15 and thought that was the end of it. It came back in 2011 but hasn’t happened since, rather strange. Had a heart echo, ekg, the works, everything seemed normal except rate. However, I still get ectopics, the docs told me they’re fine, not to worry. So I didn’t. In 2013 I was diagnosed with asthma so I began taking ventolin to control my asthma (I’ve only recently been given a preventative after years of asking for one).
I’ve had a few trips to the hospital over the years due to strange heart sensations only to be told that my heart rate was high but other than that I’m okay and they sent me home each time (i’m a fairly anxious person most of the time so a lot of it will have been that.). Resting heart rate is high 80’s, during the day it’s in the 90’s at least though.
So I’ve been getting ectopics whenever I do anything that raises my heart level, usually when I’m exhausted and can’t go on anymore, rarely have I had them in the recovery phase but it has happened. It’s usually just one or two here and there but it is EVERY time I do anything over-exerting. 6 months ago I had quadrigeminy for 3 minutes after some fun with the lady in the bedroom. Rang an ambulance to try to catch it on the ekg, as soon as I calmed down, they stopped so they didn’t catch it. Went to the docs about it and he suggested a 24 hour holter monitor, didn’t catch anything but sinus tachycardia(still haven’t solved that one, probably my weight and smoking which i’m working on).
When talking with the cardiologist about the PVC’s during and after exercise, I was expecting him to tell me they’re nothing to worry about as they always have been. But he seemed concerned, he didn’t have a good bedside manner and wouldn’t really explain anything to me. He just booked me for a stress test which I have next week (not looking forward to purposefully triggering them.), a week long heart monitor and another heart echo.
After going home I did my own research which has shaken me up a little. What I’ve found from googling (Not great to do, I know but I needed something to go on) is that ectopics during exercise and especially in the recovery phase can indicate heart or cardiovascular disease. Obviously this terrifies me. I did used to get them during exercise back in 2011 around the time of my last echo and that came back clean but it was pretty rare, I was in a lot better shape than I am now though.
I just really want to stop worrying about this. It’s driving me mental. I’m 26, I don’t want a death sentence.
Any advice you can give me would be muchly appreciated. I’m scared to death and just want it all over with. Waiting for all of these tests is hell, I wish they could all be done with yesterday.

I am concerned about my aortic valve and pulmonary valve peak gradient, need second opinion?

40yo female born with a congenital heart defect. Had a Ross Procedure in 2000 to replace a bicuspid aortic valve with my own pulmonary valve. In 2007 the surgery had failed and I had a pulmonary valve replacement, tricuspid repair and a right ventricle patch. I experience shortness of breath upon exercising and when laying down. My ECHO, according to my cardiologist, says everything is fine and my shortness of breath has been diagnosed to be allergies. I do have a concern about the my aortic valve peak gradient and my pulmonic valve’s peak gradient. My ECHO in 2014 showed that my aortic valves peak gradient was 12.3mmHg, peak velocity was 1.8m/s and mean gradient was 7.8mmHg. Last month my aortic valve’s peak gradient was 5mmHg, peak velocity was 1.1m/s and mean gradient is 2mmHg. My pulmonic valve’s peak gradient in 2014 was 33.6mmHg, peak velocity was 2.9m/s, and mean gradient was 19.7mmHg. This year my peak gradient is 26mmHg, peak velocity 2.5m/s, and mean gradient 13mmHg.

My cardiologist says everything looks great, but come of those numbers have changed a lot. Why are they not concerned with some of those numbers? Also, my EF was 61-65% in 2015 and is now 50-55%. Did the numbers improve or get worse?

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Diagnosed with a heart fibro-elastoma , 50-50 chances it is cancer, how to take this thing forward?

My mother was diagnosed with a fibro-elastoma (1.5cmx 2cm) in PML of heart about an year ago. It was an accidental discovery during the clearance for surgical removal of a lipoma in left underarm. She had no symptoms except for prolonged mild fever which has stopped since the last 3 months. Recently a growth in the tumor (about 0.5cm) was reported through echo. The doctor advised Cardiac MRI.
The Cardiac MRI gave a different picture.

The size is about 2.5 to 3 cm (about 0.5cm growth in an year)
The tumor is not attached to any valve, instead it’s on the inner side of heart chamber (no damage to the heart wall)
The radiologist says its giving a very high contrast which means its vascular
They say it could be connected to the lipoma in her underarm(the lipoma was diagnosed through biopsy an year ago)
They say there is a 50-50 chance that the heart tumor is cancerous, and to confirm a biopsy will be done of the tumor which requires open heart surgery
We need your advise on how to take this thing forward. The tumor has been there for about 1.5 hear without a growth like that of cancer and my mother is normal without any symptoms except for Diabetes, high blood pressure and plus she is over weight .

Your help in this regard will be highly appreciated

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Having heart valve replacement surgery, concerned about risk factors and other treatment options?

Someone I know is going to require heart valve replacement surgery. He has some concerns. He as random head aches and his scared it may happen during surgery and cause damage. He was wondering could that be a risk factor and force the doctor to use other treatment options?

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Currently I have the pain in the chest and constantly hear the high pitched sound in my right ear?

Hello I am 21 male. I recently have had some heart related issues. I went to 2 cardiologist and they did not help me so I hope you can at least give me some more information. Let me explain in more details.

Currently I have the pain in the chest and constantly hear the high pitched sound in my right ear, it intensifies when I lay to sleep, and sometimes it even awakens me during the night it becomes really high pitched. Sometimes my arm goes numb when I place it in certain position, it feels like the blood vessels was blocked as soon as I move the arm it goes back to normal.

I used to have bronchitis as young. Also I smoked for 6 months period, very bad decision of mine but cant do anything about it retroactively. Sometimes I took some stimulants I also hope that did not destroy my heart. At the moment I fear that I have some sort of combination of heart and lung disease.

The doctors I went to did some tests including EKG etc. and said there was nothing wrong. What should I do?

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I was recently diagnosed with innapropriate sinus tachycardia, worried heart rate will go too low?

Im a 21 year old male. I was recently diagnosed with innapropriate sinus tachycardia. My first question is, is this really a good diagnoses for me? My resting heart rate is very normal. Around 60 high 50s. It’s only with exertion that my tachycardia comes into play and something as simple as taking a shower gets me up to 150bpm. From what I’ve read people with IST have my symptoms, ASWELL as a resting heart rate usually >100. After my diagnoses day before yesterday I was put on the beta blocker atenolol. My concern with this is its lowering my heart rate with exertion and at rest. Now my resting heart rate is high in the 40s. The reason this concerns me is my second question. I am also prescribed the benzodiazapine klonopin for anxiety. This also lowers my heart rate. I haven’t taken it due to fear of too low of a heart rate. Is it safe to take with a pulse already so low from the beta blocker alone? A bp in the 40s then a nocturnal dip could spell disaster potentially. Thanks.

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I have Retro Peritoneal Fibrosis with an Aortic Aneurysm?

Am 75 years old. Have been treated for “Retro Peritoneal Fibrosis with an Aortic Aneurysm” for more than 12 years. After many drug attempts, I am now on Methadose, Morphine, Warfarin, Plendil, etc.
Am male, non-smoker. Nothing on the web is relevant, or even’s all quoting 2007 report(s) as the latest. I understand this is rare, but the pain is a killer… (what meds or treatment do you recommend?)

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I suffer from rheumatic heart valve problem will I need any surgery ?

I am 24 year old male.since 2009 I am suffered from rehumatic heart valve problem (moderate MR,Mild MS mild PAH,infective endocardits) doctor adviced me to take pendits 400 and lanoxin. they monitoring me every two year .I went to hospital last month for normal checking but they didn’t take any echo, only check my pulse rate then they adviced me to stop lanoxin. Will i need any surgery ? How long should i take pendits 400?

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I think my father might need a pacemaker?

I think my father might need a pacemaker. he is 70 years old but not in very good health (my mom, the same age, is in better shape). I believe he has heart failure as his heart rate hovers around 58 and his feet are often swollen. I suggested he cut down one of his heart meds, as I thought it was slowing down his heart too much. Indeed, the doctor cut his atenolol in half at the next visit. But he is still very tired a lot and has what he calls stomache issues but i wonder if they are cardiac related. My question is: When does one treat with a pacemaker? How do I know if my dad would benefit from a pacemaker? Are there guidelines? BP usually around 150/95 but can be 125/85 when he is relaxed. Heart rate usually between 56 and 62. Thank you.

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